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He has DOT, pulls, natural healing, an execution ult, and in general can combo you more than you can combo him. Should be one of your top 3 bans up top if you go Naut Top.
With Renek's update to include a Fury Shield Buster, he is dangerous since he takes one of Naut's biggest advantages out of play. Ban either him or Darius as top 3.
The final of the top 3 bans for top. Not as extreme as Darius and Renek, but his ability to isolate you in duels and steal your stats makes him frustrating to gank around. Lower level threat however, since you can bully him pre 6 or if his ult is down.
Pretty annoying given his damage and Skarl basically giving him two health bars. Don't see him much in Elo, but if he is on the upswing. Consider giving him a ban or ask a teammate to.
Somewhat dangerous since he can just disengage and proc Conq if he is going for damage. Make sure to keep the pressure on him, and disengage if he gets Conq up for his sustain. Do this enough and you'll be able to whittle him down to death.
Dangerous because of her burst, but good positioning and proper timing of shielding and grasp means if you can get your Bami and Catalyst items, you'll be able to beat her handily.
His W and natural health regen can make him a threat. But his passive has a natural disadvantage to thornmail builds. Flash or side step the true damage of his W, taunt out his stun, and you can handle the champ
It's Illaoi. Either you'll beat her to death, or she'll tentacle you and your whole team because they want to fight her as 5 when her ult is up. Tease out her ult, get bramble for grievous wounds, and your cc should be able to out damage her.
Easy to gank, but his natural sustain and output make him dangerous if he gets rolling. For sure build ninja and bramble early on to counter him, and make sure you are ahead in farm or lane before he gets to 9 and maxes his W
Without his ult sustain, Aatrox is a pain but manageable. Avoid his CC chains and set up ganks for your team and your should be able to deny his farm.
Akali is poke heavy, but the combination of her nerks, Bami's cinder and your E mean she can't hide from you. Just don't get cocky, and build grievous wounds if she rushes Hextech Blade.
Has a lot of cc, and a dangerous ult. But most times his ult is being used on minions to build his HP. Once his ult is down and you have the engage on him, you can hit him hard before he gets his mid/late game tank king status.
Dr. Mundo
Dangerous when his ult is up, but if you get him to pop it, you can use your natural shields, your own sustain and damage and his use of health to fuel his abilities to hit him
Jarvan IV
He has a shield but it relies on groups to maximize the damage. Get Bami's, keep vision on map, and bully him often. If he ults you, that's his mistake; he's trapped in there with you, not the other way around. Build bramble to make his life extra miserable.
He has to get in close to get his big boi form on you, and he is squishy if you get a hold of him in mini Gnar form. Play safe, avoid mini Gnar's hp busting moves, and you should win.
Dangerous if he snowballs, but you can just E him to death, avoid his stun, then proc a W and Grasp combo to whittle him down.
If he gets to late game he is done, but early game Naut can freeze lane and cc him to death. Set up a lot of ganks and teach Susan that no, not every dog has its day.
Kai builds natural passive off of hard cc, and 60% of Naut's kit including his passive are hard cc. Useful in later fights when you're grouping up.
Ashe slows them and you catch them. The combo is one meant to be, and few enemies can escape you.
If Naut is the king of CC, Leona is probably the queen. If you have one as a support, consider joining up earlier in mid game if you are ahead. The enemy team won't get a word in.
A tie or close second for Leona in terms of CC harassment. You are a melee champ so you proc her e passive, and her ability to stun with her leap or ult make you two a good pair.
Naut can set up a nice annie stun or ult so she can max her combos out. Consider roaming if you are far ahead if she is mid to get a nice few hits in.
Zac has what Naut doesn't; the ability to get around terrain. Set up some nice ganks for Zac and your natural CC combos will do wonders.
Use your CC to setup Ekko's stun and let him get Combo's off. If his ult is up you can both tank tower shots for dives, making your duo a frustrating one for enemies trying to hide
WW has good gank potential if you set him up, but it really comes down the jungler's ability to position themselves.
Really just comes down the yas. Your ult and Q of course can naturally setup his ult, but not all Yas players are made equally and many don't seem to take advantage of this.
Kai builds natural passive off of hard cc, and 60% of Naut's kit including his passive are hard cc. Useful in later fights when you're grouping up.
Ashe slows them and you catch them. The combo is one meant to be, and few enemies can escape you.
If Naut is the king of CC, Leona is probably the queen. If you have one as a support, consider joining up earlier in mid game if you are ahead. The enemy team won't get a word in.
A tie or close second for Leona in terms of CC harassment. You are a melee champ so you proc her e passive, and her ability to stun with her leap or ult make you two a good pair.
Naut can set up a nice annie stun or ult so she can max her combos out. Consider roaming if you are far ahead if she is mid to get a nice few hits in.
Zac has what Naut doesn't; the ability to get around terrain. Set up some nice ganks for Zac and your natural CC combos will do wonders.
Use your CC to setup Ekko's stun and let him get Combo's off. If his ult is up you can both tank tower shots for dives, making your duo a frustrating one for enemies trying to hide
WW has good gank potential if you set him up, but it really comes down the jungler's ability to position themselves.
Really just comes down the yas. Your ult and Q of course can naturally setup his ult, but not all Yas players are made equally and many don't seem to take advantage of this.
Hello all! Welcome to my first real attempt at making a League guide. I have played Naut as a support and he is pretty much what broke me out into Gold from Elo hell. It has been a painful and slow, but relatively upward trajectory from there.
Most people see him as a strong CC support, but his untapped damage potential with the recent item changes and natural runes at his disposal make him a strong tank to go top. And by taking him top you'll be able to build some of those sweeter items with more gold, now that supports are hurting for gold by mid to late game with the new support item changes this season.
Why Naut? Because Why Naut!
Naut is a tank, not a natural bruiser like Darius or Renekton. His strength lies in whittling enemies down while they do little to no damage to him in the exchanges. When he get's rolling, he has a lot of innate damage in his kit to frustrate or outright destroy enemies, depending on how matches are going. I've had many a time where an enemy AD carry or squishy mage thought they had me, only to get ult combo'd and ignited to death, leaving me to walk away with a double kill and a lot of gold.
He is also the king of puns! If you aren't making Nauty jokes during the game, you're naut taking advantage of his full kit!
Why Those Runes
To go into more depth about why I chose certain runes over others, the idea is simple. Find little ways that build up to big ways to sustain Naut in fights. Item changes to things like Death's Dance and Sunfire Cape open a lot of doors that I don't think are being utilized to their greatest potential.
I'll put the numbers out there. The combination of grasp, hunger runes, the catalyst line, and death's dance/wit's end (if the game gets to late enough to build both) usually nets me anywhere between 5000-20000 self healing. You heal off bambi and thornmail as well.
Alone these items and runes wouldn't do much healing for Naut. But with 15-30% healing for AOE and direct damage, grasp and wit's end, plus the shred reduction from Death's Dance, you'll find that you'll survive a lot of fights that would leave most tanks dead in the rift.
Suggestion and Changes
As this is my first solid attempt at building an in depth guide, I'm always looking for constructive feedback! This guide is by no means set in stone, and I expect changes as items and champions change. I'm always toying around with which runes might be better on him for damage, tanky builds, or items.
Just Be Patient
One big mistake that I make still is not managing lane right. Naut needs time to get his one or two items before he really shines in lane to get that "enemy slayed" announcement and leave the other team wondering how their Garen is going 0/5 against a Naut. Manage your time, set up ganks or counter ganks with your jungle, and use your big man on the rift status to protect your squishy "carries" while your carry them to victory!
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