His early game is way too strong for you to compete with him on a 1v1, once he's level 6 it only gets worse since now he can dive you and even if you got ignite he will still heal a lot of health because of the new items.
His current build is also really strong against GP since he can pretty much oneshot you whilst absorbing all of your damage.
I would recommend taking fleet and TP and just focusing on scaling.
Avoid getting hit by his poke and Q's sweetspots as well as his W.
Abuse his downtime in the early game to trade with him.
If you want a better chance of killing him in lane, take the grasp setup with ignite.
Pretty even matchup, you can bully her early because of her lack of range, long cooldowns and the fact that your barrels are pretty easy to hit in her shroud since they cover most of it's AOE.
The problem here is when she reaches 6 and gets a few components, she'll start dealing a lot of burst damage which might be difficult for you to handle as an immobile champion with no CC.
Take the standard setup most of the time since you can poke her a lot early to gain a gold advantage but if you wanna make her suffer take the Grasp setup with ignite and poke the F out of her.
Impossible matchup.
Don't even bother placing barrels in this lane since he'll always break them first because of his double auto attacks.
You can't trade with him because he gains a shield and deals hybrid damage which means your armor items won't be so effective.
You can't push into him because the lane is very long and he can chase you down.
If he pressures you under turret he might dive you with E or roam around the map and snowball the game.
And it only gets worse since he scales hard and revives his teammates.
A solid ban if you want to win.
The key to winning this matchup is dodging the W's sweetspot and using your passive to deal damage to her through her passive shield.
Always keep a barrel near yourself and try to time her if she comes in with E.
Always use passive resets so you can melt her health bar in 1v1s.
She becomes really difficult to duel against once she gets Trinity Force and Ravenous Hydra.
Keep an eye for ganks, specially once she reaches level 6.
Both Grasp and the Standard setup are good in this matchup, it's more about your personal preference.
Toxic matchup, she wins poke and long exchanges.
Your best bet is trying to bait her for a gank but this champ is just *** to play against since she'll become quite tanky once she gets liandry's and other items she might build such as ROA and Archangel's.
Take the heavy poke setup with doran's shield and buy a cull.
Try to just survive and get a gold advantage by farming with your Q.
Pretty easy matchup, just dodge his Q and you win.
You can bully him early and even if he stacks health you can melt him because of your passive and penetration on barrels.
Just be aware that he has gank setup and infinite sustain in lane.
Once he reaches level 6 he has kill pressure so try to get some sustain to remain healthy to prevent him from executing you with his ult.
Can be a very hard matchup against a really good Darius or if you're learning GP.
But once you understand the range and kiting of GP, Darius becomes much more manageable.
Try to always stay away of his Q's sweetspot and don't do extended trades with him unless you have ignite or passive resets to melt him with true damage.
Just harass him from afar and try to bait his E, if you're out of his E (or in case he misses E) you can try to trade with him.
Once he reaches level 6 he can kill you easily if you mess up so try to be more patient.
Once you get some core items you just delete him if he gets in melee range against you.
Dr. Mundo
Pretty much a free lane.
Just take a scaling setup with cull and farm, you'll outscale him anyway and you'll become a big threat in teamfights.
Just kite him, don't go for long exchanges after he's level 6 unless you know how to utilize your passive resets to the fullest.
And try to always trade with him in the middle of your own wave to lower his E damage.
You can't poke her because Gwen is immune, you can't beat her in melee range because she has a lot of attack speed, auto resets and ridiculous dps with her abilities.
You can't build against her because she deals %health true damage.
This matchup is pretty much impossible to win unless the Gwen player sucks at Gwen.
Probably the biggest threat of any tank champion for GP.
His early game is quite strong because of his low cooldowns and low mana costs.
Once he reaches level 6 he has a lot of kill pressure specially if you get caught against a wall.
Just keep in mind that you can always take first strike and cull to scale on top of him since he is a tank.
Try to burst him when he uses his ult since he'll lose most of his health and resistances.
Make a good use of your passive's true damage in lane.
Unplayable, just dodge.
Back in the day this used to be an easy lane since you could just punish her hard but since GP's early game has been nerfed hard you can't really punish her anymore and she scales much better than you.
Once she's strong you can't even appear on her screen because she just murders you.
Your best bet is going for a lethality build and trying to snowball the game as quickly as possible to prevent her from reaching her powerspikes.
Easiest lane for GP.
Start cull and go first strike, farm a lot and become a powerhouse.
Ult him when he tries to execute so you get free gold.
Pretty much a free lane.
Just take a scaling setup with cull and farm, you'll outscale him anyway and you'll become a big threat in teamfights.
Pretty much a free lane.
Just take a scaling setup with cull and farm, you'll outscale him anyway and you'll become a big threat in teamfights.
Pretty much a free lane.
Just take a scaling setup with cull and farm, you'll outscale him anyway and you'll become a big threat in teamfights.
Pretty much a free lane.
Just take a scaling setup with cull and farm, you'll outscale him anyway and you'll become a big threat in teamfights.
Pretty much a free lane.
Just take a scaling setup with cull and farm, you'll outscale him anyway and you'll become a big threat in teamfights.
You can win if you're a good GP but Renekton tends to give people a lot of problems.
He is a strong lane bully with tons of early damage and infinite sustain, he has a lot of dive potential once he's level 6 and with the new items and changes the champion has suffered in the last years he doesn't fall off as hard as he used to.
Just try to time his engage with your kegs and make good use of your passive procs, ignite and grasp can be good in this matchup if you want to try killing him in lane.
Be aware of ganks because he has good setup.
Remember that his W will still stun you and deal damage even if you flash.
This matchup is even worse if he goes for PTA and BORK
A good Rengar is a pain in the *** to deal with.
Your kegs serve as free hops for him most of the time unless you got very good timing.
His trades are very strong because his Q damage is ridiculous even in the early game and he has infinite sustain with his W (you can't burst him down either).
He can dive you or roam around with R and he has ways of chasing you down or setting up ganks with his E.
Just take a passive setup with fleet or first strike, tp or exhaust and buy an early cull.
Try to freeze the wave near your turret so he can't make good use of the lane bushes and try to call for ganks if he's being too aggressive.
You can never trade with him in lane since he just wins.
If you get hit by his Q at level 1 you just die.
Never go for long exchanges against him since he always wins those.
Once he has ult it's pretty much doomed, he can just run you down with ease.
I would take first strike and TP or Exhaust and just try to outscale him.
Probably one of the biggest counters to GP ever.
His laning phase is extremelly strong since he has high base damage, low cooldowns and no mana costs.
His low cooldown shields make your poke pretty much useless.
Take the heavy poke setup with doran's shield and try to go for early MR.
Ahoy pirates, im ThelpixG and welcome to my GP guide.
I am a brazilian Gangplank OTP and my peak was Masters by playing mostly GP Mid.
I've been playing GP since season 9 and im here to share my knowledge.
OK, but Why Should i play GP?
In case you're still wondering if you should give Gangplank a try or not.
Here are some Pros and Cons
+High AOE Damage Output +Amazing Scaling +Can Cleanse CC +Global Ult +Flexible Itemization +Fun to Play +Amazing waveclear +Can comeback if behind +Makes more gold than any other champion in the game
-One of the hardest champions to learn & master -Many bad matchups -Squishy -Has no escape tools -Totally reliant on his to deal damage -Vulnerable in the early game -No hard CC abilities -Long cooldown on his
Inspiration Tree:
First Strike is arguably the best keystone for Gangplank nowadays. It's very similar to the removed keystone but the main difference is that First Strike doesn't grant you consumables but amplifies your damage output which is always great for a damage oriented champion like GP.
You should always try to take first strike whenever possible but the best situations to use it are against champions you can reliably proc it.
First Strike is very effective against champions like Sion, Nasus, K'Sante since you're most likely always going to proc it against them but First Strike can be taken into bruiser matchups such as Renekton, Riven, Jax and many more!
Making it probably the most consistent keystone for Gangplank in most situations.
Another somewhat viable keystone in the inspiration tree for Gangplank is which can be taken for extra flexibility on your playstyle since it allows you to change the way you play based on what summoners you have.
Magical Footwear is one of my favourite runes for Gangplank since it allows me to save 300gold which allows me to reach my powerspikes sich as ,or faster. And to make it even better the offer you even more movement speed than traditional .
Triple Tonic Absolutely bonkers rune for Gangplank this should be taken whenever possible since it allows you to scale much faster due to the extra skill point and gold it provides.
Future's Market is a great rune for a champion like Gangplank since it allows the player to obtain his powerspikes such as sooner, and since GP's offers him bonus gold income, this means that GP can get away with the gold lost from future's market.
Biscuit Delivery is amazing for sustaining yourself through a tough matchup. It also grants you bonus mana permanently for each biscuit you consume and/or sell.
Minion Dematerializer is great for Gangplank in the midlane since it allows you to do what i call the Demat's Trick which consists of using all 3 demats on caster minions and purchasing a , and and the combination of these factors allows GP to oneshot the backwave very soon in the game which helps alot with matching the waveclear of midlane mages such as Viktor, Syndra, Orianna and Malzahar preventing them to shove the wave in and pressure you under turret 24/7.
Cosmic Insight nowadays is the only viable option for GP since got heavily nerfed and doesn't help Gangplank much. reduces your items and summonners cooldowns which allows you to have your , , or sooner which might save you from trouble.
Most people let this go unnoticed but also allow for faster procs which means more DPS.
Resolve Tree:
Grasp of the Undying Is the only viable keystone for Gangplank in the tree. Even after the patch 11.17 changes ( now counts as a ranged auto attack) is still a viable choice in some matchups like Fiora and Camille. Allows Gangplank to be much more threatening during laning phase, specially if he goes and items like and . It allows GP to match some strong early game champions like Aatrox better by making Gangplank much more oppressive and having better trade potential during the early levels.
Demolish Is the only viable rune from the first row of tree. It allows Gangplank to punish turrets more effectively, making his split-pushing much better and also allowing him to punish the enemy turret during laning phase and get turret plates which allow you to accelerate your power spikes even more.
Bone Plating Is a must pick against matchups like Renekton and Riven since it lowers the damage of 3 attacks and/or abilities from those champions. This keystone allows Gangplank to have more survivability against champions with strong all-ins.
Second Wind Is a great option against ranged champions like Lucian or champions with damage over time such as Teemo since it offers you additional sustain every time you take damage, which in combination with allows you to sustain yourself even through the toughest of lanes.
Conditioning Is not usually taken but can be very effective against hybrid damage dealers such as Jax and Gnar or in case you're gonna be facing an opponent in the sidelane who deals the opposite damage type of your lane opponent later on in the game.
Overgrowth Should be your main option 90% of the time from the third row of tree. Overgrowth offers Gangplank a lot of bonus health just from farming minions, and since GP is a champion who wants to farm alot this essentially means that later on you'll be pretty beefy from that extra health the rune gave you.
Revitalize Can be taken occasionally if your team has healers and shielders such as Soraka and Ivern (specially if you're against an ap champion because that will allow you to itemize to amplify even more the healing and shielding you receive).
Domination Tree:
Taste of Blood Offers you more lane sustain whilst trading damage with your lane opponent which might help Gangplank win more trades in lane.
Try to time taste of blood's cooldown with your so you get the most out of it.
Cheap Shot Offers Gangplank a little bit more damage on his and . It's not that great but hey, damage is damage so it does have some value.
Eyeball Collection Is amazing for a champion like Gangplank since GP has very high ad rations on his abilities (, and all have 100% ad ratios which basically means any point of ad matters). And since GP has a global ult, this means he can easily get stacks of eyeballs from kill participations from his ultimate.
Treasure Hunter Allows Gangplank to snowball even harder and reach his powerspikes even faster if he's able to get any kind of kill participations in lane from solokills or around the map from his . This rune in combination with and allows for the most gold income possible.
Ultimate Hunter Offers you cooldown reduction on your which is one of the highest cooldowns in the game. The combination of and allows for very short ultimate cooldown which means you'll probably have ultimate up 24/7.
Sorcery Tree:
Arcane Comet I have been taking this keystone for years (since season 9) and in my opinion it is amazing.
It's very similar to the removed mastery since it basically allows you to deal an extra burst of AOE damage on your abilities.
The best situation to use this keystone is as midlane Gangplank against mages such as Lux, Veigar and Aurelion Sol. With this keystone you should aim to begin your trades by hitting the enemy with since the slow from Powder Keg will pretty much guarantee that comet hits.
Since comet has quite a decent base damage and a somewhat decent ad ratio it scales pretty well with crit and lethality builds.
Nullifying Orb Functions similarly to since it grants you a small shield against magic damage once you take damage whilst under a certain amount of health. It's great against mages in the midlane such as Veigar and Syndra since it might give you extra time to fight back or leave the exchange.
Manaflow Band Is quite interesting for Gangplank since GP is a very mana hungry champion in laning phase specially if you're using your Q to harass the opponent.
Which makes this rune effective in setups that include other runes such as , and . It's also a great rune if you want to build since the bonus mana from the rune will convert into extra AD.
Nimbus Cloak A great rune for Gangplank against champions such as Tryndamere and Darius allied with summoners such as and since it allows you to space them and kite them during the exchange.
Transcendence Offers you free ability haste which lowers the cooldowns of all your abilities, which makes it great for a champion like Gangplank who is entirely dependant on his abilities to deal any meaningful damage to his opponents. It also partially refunds cooldowns whenever you participate in a kill which might allow for more kills in teamfights.
Absolute Focus Great for crit builds or just builds with lifesteal items such as since it offers free AD when at 70% health or higher which is good for Gangplank because of his high ad ratios.
Scorch Amazing rune for Gangplank when combined with Keystones such as or since it allows you to bully your opponent in lane even harder due to the extra damage you deal with your 's poke.
Gathering Storm In my opinion one of the best runes for Gangplank since games started to become a little bit longer (and most likely will be longer in the next season) due to recent changes. This means this rune now has much more value than before.
It shines in games where your team comp is more focused around scaling and it basically offers you free AD which is amazing for GP because of his high ad ratios.
Depending on how long the game lasts it might give you more AD than a full item.
Precision Tree:
Fleet Footwork Is actually pretty good for Gangplank. Offers you extra mobility and sustain in lane which helps alot in very difficult matchups such as Rumble or Quinn, or in the midlane against mages such as Syndra and Azir.
Fleet is generally taken alongside and .
Take Fleet whenever you're in a very bad matchup where you need more room to breathe.
Presence of Mind Probably the best option from the first row of runes from the tree for Gangplank since it offers very easy and effective mana sustain that can help a lot during the early game.
But once you get it's no longer needed.
Legend Alacrity It's pretty amazing for Gangplank most people underestimate how strong attack speed is on GP. It allows you to perform much smoother and faster combos with and allows for much easier passive resets and makes it harder for opponents to out-time you on your barrels.
Cut Down Best option from the third row most of the time. It offers you a lot of damage against any opponents who like itemizing health items or just champions who have a lot of health such as Sion, Cho'Gath and Kled.
Cut down should be taken against any tank matchups and is very effective against champions who will most likely itemize more health items than you.
Last Stand Very effective in tough matchups where you'll most likely going to be low on health frequently such as Azir, Akshan and Quinn.
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