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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Concussive Blows (PASSIVE)
Braum Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
a harder match up because of how often and easily she can stun your lane, and she can match your poke
As you Know he is a very tanky support and is the Manliest of Men
Flat Armor Marks
Scaling Health Seals
Flat MR Glyphs
Flat Armor Quints
Take All defensive runes because that is all Braum does well with,
I've Seen spell pen marks but they aren't worth it honestly, they don't do enough later.
Take Scaling Health because early is not particularly dangerous so it is better to aim for a stronger late game
Scaling Health Seals
Flat MR Glyphs
Flat Armor Quints
Take All defensive runes because that is all Braum does well with,
I've Seen spell pen marks but they aren't worth it honestly, they don't do enough later.
Take Scaling Health because early is not particularly dangerous so it is better to aim for a stronger late game
Relic Shield, and yellow trink always, and hp pots. yellow trinket is required until you have a sight stone
First b
either try to buy Sight stone or Targons on first back, Targons will help greatly if you lane is getting poked down as it provides a little sustain. once SS is bought buy a sweeper
Mid Game
Make sure you have at least teir one boots at this point, I get Equinox at this point for the extra ward charge however this can be delayed for more defensive stats instead. Typically Frozen heart is my first rush, that or Locket.
Late Game
build full tank, personally I suggest only building Righteous Glory if your team is having great difficulties engaging on the enemy, as your r and/or q should be plenty to engage
Relic Shield, and yellow trink always, and hp pots. yellow trinket is required until you have a sight stone
First b
either try to buy Sight stone or Targons on first back, Targons will help greatly if you lane is getting poked down as it provides a little sustain. once SS is bought buy a sweeper
Mid Game
Make sure you have at least teir one boots at this point, I get Equinox at this point for the extra ward charge however this can be delayed for more defensive stats instead. Typically Frozen heart is my first rush, that or Locket.
Late Game
build full tank, personally I suggest only building Righteous Glory if your team is having great difficulties engaging on the enemy, as your r and/or q should be plenty to engage

Early Game:
try to ward 2 and 3 during laning with stealth wards, if you buy a pink, ward 5 with priority and 6 if the midlaner wards 5
ward 3 for the Dragon, and ward 1 and 2 to see anyone coming to steal
during pushes:
break from the map, ward around the lane in locations that see a large amount of traffic and quickly rejoin your team
Facing a Seige:
Ward the bush at 8 and the tri at 7
Ward 1, 5, then 6 and 9 if you are top side 2 and 10 if you are bottom side
In Team Fights you can have two possible jobs, 1 engage, and 2 peel.
It is not worth it to dive for a carry as Braum as he has little damage.
Braums Engage is strong because of his ulti and his slow and stun on his q
Braum Excels at Peeling, this is because he has his ulti for knock up and slow, his e is able to zone ranged champions very well and his q is good for peel because adcs will reflexively AA things attacking them.
It is not worth it to dive for a carry as Braum as he has little damage.
Braums Engage is strong because of his ulti and his slow and stun on his q
Braum Excels at Peeling, this is because he has his ulti for knock up and slow, his e is able to zone ranged champions very well and his q is good for peel because adcs will reflexively AA things attacking them.
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