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Recommended Items
Runes: Short trades
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
Don't, just don't. If the enemy picks this top you might as well dodge.There is no beating him. Mini will poke you down mega will finish you. If you don't have a choice either switch lanes with mid or build tank.
Cc bot with a passive that makes you do more damage. Mord and leona can 2v5 if they are ahead.
Cc bot with a passive that makes you do more damage. Mord and leona can 2v5 if they are ahead.
Keystone rune1- Phase rush:

Keystone rune2- Summon Aery:

1a)Nimbus Cloak:

1b)Nullifying orb:


3a)Gathering Storm:



Legend: Tenacity:

1a)Shield Bash:


Second Wind:


Shards heavily depend on matchups.
Doran's Shield

Rylai's Crystal Scepter

Hextech Gunblade


Sterak's Gage

Boots of Speed

Boots depend on both ally and enemy team comp.
Boots of Swiftness

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

Mercury's Treads

Rabadon's Deathcap

Seeker's Armguard


The changes to this item have finally give morde one of the things he lacks, grevious wound aplications. It now gives magic pen and health so it is a recommended item.

Iron Man
Mordekaiser shields himself for 25% of the damage dealt by his abilities, halved to 12.5% against enemy minion and capped at 25% maximum health.
After a 1.5 seconds delay, Iron Man's shield decays at a rate of 1.5% base health per second down to a minimum of 「 6.25% maximum health 」.
This is what makes Mordekaiser what he is. It gives him great survivability and makes it almost impossible to burst him down with just one champion.
Q Mace of Spades

ACTIVE: Mordekaisers next three basic attacks deal bonus magic damage. The third hit is the damage of the previous two combined.
This is Mordekaisers hardest hitting ability. It has insanely high scaling for both ap and ad and the ad scaling rises with the ability level. A general strategy in lane is to use the first two hits on minions and the third hit on the enemy. This ability is the main reason why

W Harvesters of Sorrow

PASSIVE: Mordekaiser gains bonus experience when killing a minion near allies equal to 50% of the experience he lost due to them being there, which totals at 82.6 / 71.73 / 66.3 / 63.04 / 60.87% of the minion's experience bounty.
ACTIVE - FIRST CAST: Mordekaiser targets an allied champion or minion and for the next 4 seconds they gain 75 bonus movement speed while moving towards each other, which lingers for 1.5 seconds. When near enough to each other, each deal magic damage in an area of effect around themselves every second for the duration (melee and caster minions have a smaller AoE). Harvester of Sorrow ends if Mordekaiser or his ally dies.
For the next 4 seconds, Mordekaiser can reactivate Harvester of Sorrow to end its primary effects and trigger a secondary effect, which triggers automatically at the end of the duration. If activated while no allies are nearby, Mordekaiser will highlight an area around him and can reactivate the ability as normal. The first ally to come in range will automatically gain the effect, too.
Harvester of Sorrow 2
ACTIVE - SECOND CAST: Mordekaiser constricts the area, dealing magic damage to all enemies near himself and his ally as well as healing himself and his ally for the same amount, from up to 2 enemies hit in their respective areas. Healing is reduced to 25% when harvesting minions.
This ability is very useful it helps keep you alive and the heal is surprisingly powerful letting you survive unfavorable fights easier and it makes ganking you harder. It also works as a gap closer and you can use it on a minion to get to lane faster. A good way to use it is to throw it on your initiator, it will let you follow up easier and it will heal him as weal with the second activation. Max this ability first for the lane sustain.
E Siphon of Destruction

ACTIVE: Mordekaiser deals magic damage to all enemies in a cone in the target direction.
For each enemy champion hit, Mordekaiser generates a bonus percentage of Iron Man shield.
BONUS SHIELD: 15 / 17.5 / 20 / 22.5 / 25%
This Ability is your only ranged ability its is good for wave clear and harass. The damage is OK and the % shield gain is nice. You usually max this ability last because the % shield gain is best in team fights later in the games. The only exception is if you are lanning against poke champions in which case you should prioritise this ability to poke them back and shield from their poke.
R Children of the Grave

PASSIVE - DRAGON FORCE: Mordekaiser's basic attacks and abilities Curse the Dragon Dragon for 10 seconds.
ACTIVE: Mordekaiser blasts the target enemy champion, dealing magic damage as well as Cursing them for the next 10 seconds. Cursed champions take magic damage every second, with Mordekaiser healing for 100% of the damage dealt by the initial blast and the Curse.
CURSE: If Mordekaiser's team scores a takedown on a Cursed enemy, he temporarily enslaves their soul as a controllable ghost. Enslaving the Dragon Dragon will kill Mordekaiser's current ghost and prevent him from summoning a new one while it survives.
GHOST DURATION: 45 / 60 / 75
SECOND ACTIVE: While a ghost is active, Children of the Grave can be used to move them to the target location.
Champion ghosts gain 100% of Mordekaiser's bonus AD as bonus AD and 15% of Mordekaiser's maximum health as bonus health, and while Mordekaiser has a champion enslaved he gains 25% of their bonus health as bonus health and 30% of their AP as bonus AP. Dragon ghosts gain bonus range and modified movement speed.
BONUS ATTACK RANGE: 0 / 75 / 150
This ult is incredibly powerful and can single handedly decide team fights. Use it on auto attack champions, keep in mind that the ghost keeps all on hit effects and gains Mordekaisers as well, this will influence who you should use it on. Don't be afraid to use it defensively to, the life steal can save you if you are in danger. If the enemy team has Braum ulting him can be a good idea in team fights since his passive counts as an on hit effect. Try timing dragon with rift herald for maximum pushing power.
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