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Senna Build Guide by Dizmemb

Support The Perfect Senna Build (Supp)

Support The Perfect Senna Build (Supp)

Updated on November 17, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dizmemb Build Guide By Dizmemb 5,780 Views 0 Comments
5,780 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dizmemb Senna Build Guide By Dizmemb Updated on November 17, 2019
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Runes: Standard (healing)

1 2
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Font of Life

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

The Perfect Senna Build (Supp)

By Dizmemb
Hello! My name i Leo aka Dizmemb on EUW. I live in Sweden (sry for my bad english, lol). I have played league on and off for many years but have never really been any good ;) I started off playing top and mid, but now i main jungle and support.

When i first heard of Senna I got amazed, marksman and support in one? When the first gameplay was release, did I feel "This is a champion for me". I can go my favorite lane - Support but a the same time I can carry as a marksman. Dizmemb <3 Senna = confirmed.

Why did I make this guide? I have read many guide's but never felt like "oww, this one is rly good", so I decided to make my own :P I also wanted to make a guide that works for a Iron IV player but also for a Silver, Gold and so on.

So - Welecome to my very first guide!
How do i play Senna?
In short terms: Make sure that your Q hits both teammates and enemies. Collect all the souls (they are VERY importent). Don't use your E for engage, use it as a escape. Make sure that you ALWAYS stands behind your team so you can heal, shield and damage so many targets as possible but see up for assassin's sneaking up on you.

Here come's how you use every single spell.

Q, Piercing Darkness - This spell must be the most op spell in the whole game. Stand behind your teammates, make sure you hit as many targets as possible. Don't use it to collect souls (if you can't heal or damage a target at the same time).

W, Last Embrace - Is a very cool spell which you can use in two ways.

First alternative, defensiv: One or more target approaches you and/or a teammate, shot your W directly on a enemy champion and after a small amount of time it will root them.

First alternative, aggressive: Shot your W on a target as engage keep on chasing the target until it roots, let the fight begin.

Second alternative: One or more enemy targets stands close to a minion, shot your W on the minion and kill it, then it will root directly (you dont have to wait for the delay).

E, Curse of the Black Mist - This spell is pretty much Akali's shroud on steroids. You can use this spell as a engage spell but also as a escape spell, personally do I only use this spell for two things. 1. Go to lane faster 2. Escape when I get caught in jungle or when me and my ADC get ganked by enemy jungler.

R, Dawning Shadow - Is kind of simple. A global aggressive and defensive ultimate. There is pretty much just one way to use this spell: Hit as many teammates and enemies as possible. You can for example also use it to help another lane while doing laning phase.

So how do I use all spells in a combination? Well you don't, the only "combo" availble is: W, aa, Q, aa (until Q is back up). So my only tips is to stay in the backline hit as many targets possible with all of your spells.
My favorite build for Senna is: but there is a lot of other builds out there (ofc is mine best) ;) Just follow my build and you will be fine xD

Down here is some items you should NOT buy!

Why would I not buy ? As you can read on the item, it give's you 50% crit chance, but Senna's will give her 75% crit chance (at 100 stacks, which takes around 25 min) so a better option would be which only gives you 25% and even more piercing damage.

Is a good alternativ, so that i can get 100% crit? No for a bunch of reasons. First of all it will not give you extended range, second: 100% crit is not necessary for support.

I feel that I have lack of mana, should I buy ? I would not recommend you to do that, just pick and all of your problems should be solved.

I feel that I have lack of damage, what am I supposed to buy? Well here is the AP items i recommed: , this will make your next basic attack stronger which makes a good combo with . Why? Cause the CD of will lower (with 1 second) after each basic attack.
would also be a good option, you already have some AP cause of all the support items in my build.

And here is all the AD items i recommed: works just like your next basic attack will deal more damage after casting a spell, but you will also get 10 movmentspeed after each basic attack (and 30 after each kill).
I could also recommed even though it is mostly a defensive item but it will give you the last 25% crit chance you need too get 100%, so absolutely a good investment.

I died way to easy, what should i buy? There is alot of good items. As i mentioned earlier the works fine. Why, isn't this a crit/damage item? will give you a shield that absorbs 240-600 damage (scaling starts at level 9 and ends at level 18, ofc) this only occurs when you are below 30% hp and has 90 seconds CD.
Another good item is the . I could also recommend .
A special thanks too you!
I really want to thank you, for reading this guide. I really hope I did well, I would love to hear from you what I could have done better til next time! :D

Any questions? Feel free to add me on EUW, Dizmemb.

And have a great time climbing the last few days of season 9! :D
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dizmemb
Dizmemb Senna Guide
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The Perfect Senna Build (Supp)

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