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Ability Order
Z-Drive Resonance (PASSIVE)
Ekko Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
i just cant play vs yasuo , but every thing else is good as long as u push the wave
this is my first guide in mobafire so i hope you guys will like it .
ok , here is why i play with those runes , your playstyle with this build must be aggressive , but also taking care of the enemy jungler ,
like at level 1 : you need just to push the lane as hard as possible , dont worry you will not miss the ranged minions as long as you have those runes ,
ok after you push the lane , you need to ward the red or blue buff to see were the enemy jungler is and how u can deal with him , for example you warded the red buff and he was there , try to ping your jungler that there jungler in on red so you can kill him ,
like at level 1 : you need just to push the lane as hard as possible , dont worry you will not miss the ranged minions as long as you have those runes ,
ok after you push the lane , you need to ward the red or blue buff to see were the enemy jungler is and how u can deal with him , for example you warded the red buff and he was there , try to ping your jungler that there jungler in on red so you can kill him ,
Now here's why i use Frost Queens Claim .
it make you snowball so much in the lane especially when u have also the Large Rod - it also give you more money from the passive , its not that much but trust me it will make a deffrence - and the active of the item helps ekko so much with the slow
just try to get Frost Queens + Rabadons Death Cab and the game is done .
it make you snowball so much in the lane especially when u have also the Large Rod - it also give you more money from the passive , its not that much but trust me it will make a deffrence - and the active of the item helps ekko so much with the slow
just try to get Frost Queens + Rabadons Death Cab and the game is done .
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