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Sett Build Guide by quecck

Support The Sett Support Instruction Manual [14.2] [WIP but matchups are ready!]

Support The Sett Support Instruction Manual [14.2] [WIP but matchups are ready!]

Updated on February 4, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author quecck Build Guide By quecck 5 3 15,919 Views 0 Comments
5 3 15,919 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author quecck Sett Build Guide By quecck Updated on February 4, 2024
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Runes: Fighter Sett

1 2 3 4
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Hextech Flashtraption
Future's Market

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
Most of the Time
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

The Sett Support Instruction Manual [14.2] [WIP but matchups are ready!]

By quecck
What's in process
I'm currently in one of those massive lose streaks and dropped 3 whole divisions in less than a month. Progress is going a bit slow [ofc] but I will try to get back up eventually. That's pretty much it for now. I'll try to get back to working on the guide when I feel better about it :/

chuckles in gold no more
I am hoping to make this a sort of hub for Sett regardless of role eventually, but for now, this is a support guide!

I mainly play Sett in the Support role. However. I am open to playing him in Top, Mid, and Jungle.

here is a list of stuff I need to complete for each role!

general stuff





intro [recode]
Welcome to my guide!
Press the writing above to go straight to TOC [if you don't want to read below :'(]

[how do i navigate?]
  • Utilize the Table of Contents to travel through this guide at your convenience!
  • If you want to return to the TOC, just click on the title of the Chapter.
  • If you are looking for a more in-depth description of an ability or item, just hover over it! Mobafire provides detailed information.
  • I have provided Youtube videos I created to help you understand Sett as a champion in further detail and with visual assistance. If you have an adblocker on, you may want to pause it to watch the video! [in my experience my adblocker treats youtube links as an ad]
[not related but...]

After taking a look through this guide, I would love it if you could take the time to write a comment and let me know what you think of the guide! I make sure to check the discussion at least once a week. :)

[things that you can help me out with!]
  • mispellings
  • incorrect item/ability info
  • suggestions on builds/runes
  • outdated info
  • things you find are lacking in detail or want to learn more about
  • advice on matchups, guide-building, or anything generally related to this guide and Sett!

[with links!]

Some art made by me! The rest I just color-graded to match the theme ,-, [they are all official splash art or game art]

Thanks to Katasandra's awesome responsive guide!

Thanks to Jhoijhoi's super helpful guide to making a guide!

Font used: Aster

that's it for now hehe

Thank you for choosing this guide!

Table Of Contents

  • Diverse Itemization: You literally have a ton of item options for whatever you want to play for. [counters, playstyle, etc.]
  • Low Skill Floor-High Skill Ceiling: But wait, doesn't Sett being a simple champ make his skill ceiling low?? I am not saying he has incredible mechanical prowess, but there are a number of niches and details that can make Sett an even more powerful champion if you learn them. [plus flash-R always makes me feel cool]
  • Viable: Maybe this is just me coping as a Sett Main, but I do believe he is viable in 4 lanes. [Top,JG,Mid,Sup] Despite his cons, he is such a strong champion at heart that with the right mindset, you can definitely make it possible.
  • High Sustain: Sett is a very forgiving champ in the sense that he has a super strong sustain [Not like Dr. Mundo/Garen but I wouldn't trade it]. It's great for Sett since it heals him during and after duels consistently. He also has a strong shield in fights and plenty of innate damage.
  • Easy to kite: Sett has no dash in his kit or haste to get him away from abilities.
  • Slow: Sett has one speed boost imbedded in his Q, but it's for a short period and must face an enemy champion.
  • Hard to Disengage: After you ult into a teamfight, you are pretty much forced to all-in. It is hard to escape a fight without a distraction or flash.
  • Predictable Kit: It's super easy for an enemy to flash out of your W, so you have to guarantee an E stun. Everyone already just knows what he does by now.
  • Hard to stick: Ok. So a lot of champs are low range, but it's easy to come up with one ability they have with some crazy stun, slow or speed boost. Sett requires two abilities to catch an enemy. Q and E. If he misses one he cannot use the other. This requires you to think past chasing an enemy blindly, and think tactically. [having flashbacks of Kai'sa dash as I write this ugh]

ITEMS [wip]
Matchups in-depth [WIP]

1: Fighter Sett

This is my personal favorite

I am a 600k mastery Sett OTP.

Proof of Rank

I have actually made this guide two other times. You may or may not have seen it, it has the same title and everything though, but they both will be kept archived.

However, I think third time's the charm since it's a new season and I know for sure what I want my guide to be about. I want this to be a longterm project in which I can add on for years to come and help fledgling Sett players to grow in skills, knowledge, and hopefully LP!

I started playing in the beginning of S12 but didn't know what lane I wanted to main. So I played all lanes in normals and tried most champs.

As soon as I could, I began playing ranked but the experience was unbearable. Teammates were always incredibly toxic and I was still pretty new to the game. Because of this I ended up staying in normals for a while until I once again mustered the courage to try ranked in S13.

I finished my placements having won 1 out of the 10 games due to unforseen teammate circumstances. I landed in Iron but got myself to Gold this season mainly playing Sett. Gold doesn't sound like a lot to many players and probs total garbage. But I was so excited to know that I could carry myself from the very bottom of the ladder to a rank I never expected in a single season. I was ok with bronze this year honestly.

Now we are in S14, and I am hoping to get to high Gold-low Plat. I simply want to improve this year so I can be a better assistance to you who are reading this guide(and also show my cool high elo status jkjk). I have a good feeling this is going to be a great season for supports and a chance for Sett to shine as a Support [as well as other lanes :)]. Thank you for taking the time anyways to read all this, and I hope you are able to enjoy and learn from the rest of it!

"You're swingin' on The Boss? Better not miss."

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League of Legends Build Guide Author quecck
quecck Sett Guide
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The Sett Support Instruction Manual [14.2] [WIP but matchups are ready!]

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