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Zilean Build Guide by Zulp

Support The Supportive Speed Demon

Support The Supportive Speed Demon

Updated on November 6, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zulp Build Guide By Zulp 8,099 Views 0 Comments
8,099 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Zulp Zilean Build Guide By Zulp Updated on November 6, 2020
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Font of Life
Second Wind

Ghost Poro
Ultimate Hunter

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Champion Build Guide

The Supportive Speed Demon

By Zulp
Being the Speed Demon
I created this build because I wanted something a little different, a little more fun. I made this build for myself first, because when I build damage I become greedy and over extend because killing champions is not something I excel at. When I become an enabler/disabler is when I shine because I shy away from damage and I can focus more on the battlefield. I love that my abilities are not just damage or healing.

Turning Zilean into the 'Speed Demon' is about transitioning him from being even less of a Time Bomb damage dealer and turns him into more of a utility champion like Bard, that can stun and greatly affect the movement speed of allies and enemies.

It's very rewarding when you play it correctly, there are not many ways to 'control' movement speed in League of Legends, aside from movement speed built into a champion's kit, wind dragon or items like Shurelya's Battlesong or Frozen Mallet for example.
We take Guardian first because it provides us with some solid defense and gives us a bigger shield for when we Time Warp others.

Secondary Runes are Ghost Poro to make our wards last longer and Ultimate Hunter for our having our ultimate up more often. I will be testing out Ingenius Hunter because we do run two important active items.
What can this build do?
Unleashing your Inner Flame with the Speed Demon brings plenty of advantages and there are several combos that you can do. This build is difficult because it revolves around controlling movement speed and a circular ranged AoE stun. So, you have to be in the right position and you have to know what your ally or the enemy wants to do. Don't be too close, but don't be too far away! :)

You can greatly boost the movement speed of any ally, though there are definitely some champions that it will be much more beneficial on such as: Olaf, Darius, Nasus, Vayne, Jinx, Fizz, Kha'Zix, Talon, Veigar and Ryze just to name a few that I've personally seen it really make an impact on.

Your main combos will be something like this. If you can start with an auto-attack to slow in the laning phase that also helps you activate Glacial for an easier time landing bombs.

Time Warp > Rewind > Time Warp to help your Marksman get back to lane or slow an enemy.

Time Warp (Slow) > Time Bomb > Rewind > Time Bomb > Time Warp. A strong lane combo.

Time Bomb > Rewind > Time Bomb > Time Warp (Slow). Harder to land because you have to land your stun without the slow.
What this build cannot do
The downsides to this build:

-You're very dependent on your allies. You're basically a Summoner and your allies are your minions. If you don't have any minions then you only have buffs/debuffs. :(

-If you can't land your double Time Bomb stun, it can be very punishing for you and your allies because Time Bomb already does low damage. Keep practicing! :)

-It has a learning curve, so at times I think some people may feel helpless. Every Time Warp should feel meaningful. You're helping someone engage, escape, get back to lane, peeling an enemy, countering a tower-dive, etc. Please do not take this into ranked without doing more than a handful of Normal Draft games. :)
The Laning Phase
You might be thinking that if you max Time Warp first that you will give up some laning presence. This is somewhat true, but it also depends on the the match-up and your skill with Zilean. You'll still do decent damage early, but once you hit level 6 you'll become a fully-fledged speed demon and your Time Bomb should only become only another tool that you use to ward (reveals brush), to zone enemies away from areas/objectives and to stun.

The laning phase is a game of patience, if you go for the stun with double Time Bombs and miss then you should expect the enemy to go in on you. That's why I tend to go for single bombs or to wait on the enemy with more of a reactionary playstyle.

Your goal for the laning phase is to survive and help your ADC farm (with Relic Shield). Kills/assists are always a good thing, don't be afraid to assert yourself either if the enemy steps up too far. Your slows (and stun) will become so large that some enemies won't be able to move and your ADC will be free to auto-attack them.

Work in Progress, I plan on fleshing this build out more over time. I know there are places where I can add more pictures, icons, clarity, etc. I'm going to look at other guides for further help.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zulp
Zulp Zilean Guide
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The Supportive Speed Demon

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