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Runes: Standard
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Darius hard counters Garen and you will most likely lose lane unless the Darius is bad or if you get jungle help. Try to build thornmail and go ignite vs. him so you have more opportunity to kill him.
With a Yuumi attached to you, you can almost 1v9. Her heals and movespeed helps you chase and survive teamfights.
With a Yuumi attached to you, you can almost 1v9. Her heals and movespeed helps you chase and survive teamfights.
Champion Build Guide
Well first off, toplane is like an island, so playing him top will not allow him to be as effective. In addition, his match-ups are bad toplane. So I go mid because it gives him better match-ups and I'm able to roam and affect the state of the game.
2) Why jungle?
I always thought Garen had potential to be a jungler because of his E and the clear it provides and he could either be a damage dealer, tank or bruiser. I actually started playing Garen jungle last year even before the rework came out. The new E change really helps his clear now and I can really feel the difference. One of the reasons why I play him jungle is because if I'm autofilled he is my best champ and since he has the ability to jungle, why the heck not. I feel like it has died out now but not many people know to how play it or against it. That is why I feel like it is a strong pick because of his versatility and because I know how to play him.
1) You avoid bad matchups while in Jungle.
2) If someone tries to counter pick you thinking you are toplane, your toplane may be able to counter pick them.
3) Provides versatility.
4) Scales really well mid-late game.
5) Helps with vision control as you are a tank and will most likely not get engaged on.
6) Ultimate helps finish off ganks.
1) Clear is not the best in the game and your health is usually low if you don't use health potions. (Make sure to use smite and grab scuttle to get back your health)
2) You fall behind if your team is losing hard.
3) Ganks are not the greatest but can be effective if you have blue smite and silence them.
4) Not able to solo dragon early.
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