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Ability Order
Call of the Freljord (PASSIVE)
Nunu & Willump Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Evelynn is Nunus hardest counter. With her passive, Nunus Vision control is useless. Try to get everytime a pinkward and upgrade your sweaper. Counterjungling is the best way to get Eve out of the game.
welcome to my jungle Nunu guide. Nunu is a strong jungler in the Meta right now and excels at counter jungling, vision control, objective control, and being really annoying.
Starting Items:
Start with a Hunter's Machete and a Stealth Ward. Nunu doesn't need the extra sustain from 2 health pots so the early ward is helpful for tracking the enemy jungler. Because you're starting with a ward, you can start with a Sweeping Lens as well.
Build Order
After that, finished up Skirmisher's Sabre - Cinderhulk and get Mercury's Treads, depending on what you need.Then you can work on Righteous Glory and then transition into Randuin's Omen or Frozen Heart.If the enemy team is mostly physical damage, get items such as Ninja Tabi, Randuin's Omen, Frozen Heart and Thornmail. If they're mostly magic damage, get items such as Spirit Visage and Banshee's Veil.
The goal of Nunu is to be as annoying as possible. Your main focus should be warding the enemy jungle and counter jungling the enemy. Nunu is an exceptionally good ganker, but he's really good at setting the enemy jungler behind and keep him from helping his lanes. Because of this, Nunu works best with lanes that can win on their own without jungle interference so that they can take advantage of the fact that the enemy jungler won't have much pressure. If your lanes are weak and need help, then you'll have to waste a lot of time doing weak ganks and allowing the other jungler to outscale you.
Nunu doesn't scale very well with money so farming isn't that important for you. If you can get the other jungler behind it's worth it even if you also sets you behind because Nunu is more useful on a low budget than most other junglers. Buy an early Skimisher's Sabre Boots of Speed and get as many wards out as possible. Tower diving is pretty easy as Nunu during the mid game because he can tank the tower for a long time due to his high health and armor.
(Mid/Late Game)
During mid and late game, look to keep 3 Stealth Wards and a Vision Ward out at all times for map control, use your Sweeping Lens on cooldown to clear out enemy vision. Nunu is really good at killing dragon and baron so look to control those as much as possible.
(Team Fights)
For team fights, keep Blood Boil on your ADC and try to keep your ADC alive while slowing their champions. Nunu doesn't do that much damage but he has amazing peel so take advantage of that. If you can get a full channel Absolute Zero off it does a ton of damage but you'll usually get interrupted so just focus on using it as a slow.
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