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Thresh Build Guide by MW2Man00

Support Thresh: The Chain Warden

Support Thresh: The Chain Warden

Updated on June 12, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MW2Man00 Build Guide By MW2Man00 2,709 Views 0 Comments
2,709 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MW2Man00 Thresh Build Guide By MW2Man00 Updated on June 12, 2015
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Threats & Synergies

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Thresh is a very good support to climb ELO with. He has a lot of utility with the ability to get picks and is able to disengage. His Q - Death Sentence is a very good tool to use in saving teammates, or getting picks. His W - Dark Passage is very good for saving teammates or shielding someone. Your E - Flay is a good spell for disengage or flaying someone into your R - The Box wall.
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Ranked Play

Thresh is a very good and highly contested pick for Ranked. He offers a lot of what a support needs, and offers a carry role as support. Thresh is definitely a support champion that can carry at any ELO.
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Team Work

Thresh is a very good team-oriented champion. He allows the team to siege waves by having the pressure of his hook being able to catch someone out very easily. His R - The Box can lock in members of the enemy team and keep them off of your back line so they can deal as much damage as possible. His E - Flay can change a fight by flaying someone out of a dash, or by securing a kill by flaying them into a skillshot. His W - Dark Passage can save a teammate in a sticky situation. His lantern follows thresh where he goes until the person who clicked the lantern is at Thresh, so flashing walls works while your ally is traveling to you!
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Thresh is a great champion to learn, even if you don't play support. If you can play this champ when you have to support, you can easily carry a game from a role that doesn't seem to carry.

I stream games often on my Twitch as well.

Also, I learned a lot about how to play Thresh from PAlNLESS. He is a challenger support player that streams here.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MW2Man00
MW2Man00 Thresh Guide
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Thresh: The Chain Warden

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