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Nidalee Build Guide by Glok

Top Top AP Nid Guide. For those who dare to be different.

Top Top AP Nid Guide. For those who dare to be different.

Updated on August 28, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Glok Build Guide By Glok 1,731 Views 0 Comments
1,731 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Glok Nidalee Build Guide By Glok Updated on August 28, 2013
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Brief Explanation

Nidalee is a decently popular champ in the mid and top lane. However the top lane is usually AD/tank and mid lane is AP. I for one hate MId AP nidalee and i dont like the limitations on AD/tank nid. So I chose the strange path of AP nid Top. This has gotten me from gold to plat (while recovering from collarbone surgery, motorcycles are awesome :D) in just a few days.
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Why Ap nid Top

I chose Ap nidalee top because ive never been a really strong mid laner. Top lane was very comfortable for me personally, so i gave AP nid a chance top.

I stumbled Upon the best damn thing ever.

Ap nid allows you to siege extremely well, zone and completely shutdown the enemy top laner, And save your bad ADC on your team.
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Whats going to Flat out Destroy you

Might as well get the depressing part out of the way

Any heavy hitter melee champion will cause your lane to be a struggle.

It is important to receive aid from your jungler ASAP, as your pre 6 is pretty garbage

Wukong and Xin Zhao make ap nidalee almost impossible to play, Id say im pretty damn good at nidalee and they give me quite a bit of trouble.

My advice if you see the enemy is to not pick ap nidalee top, its not worth the trouble
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Early game

Nids early game is pretty ****.

Basically just farm and poke with your auto, as most of the top laners are melee.
lvls 4-5 Your spear will start to do quite a bit, thats when you start chucking em

Its must harder for someone to dodge the spears if they cant see where they are coming from and when they are coming

Get the max range if possible, Its much easier to get that long distance at the top lane due to the larger amount of real estate compared to mid

Poke them down to 20-30% then finish them with cat form,

Practice with those spears, This Poke is pretty easy to dodge and takes a bit of practice to figure out how your enemy will react.

Land those spears.
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Why you are going to win every game for your team

Ap Nidalee is the best thing ever
High Poke
Big heals
Great mobility
easy to Roam
Great wave clearing post 6
Overall a great play style for those who want more control over the Field
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You are squishy

You are squishy

You will die extremely fast

That being said, stay far away from an enemy

I suggest staying near your adc, as they will most likely go for your poor adc instead of you.

Poke Poke Poke Poke

ONLY go cat form if theres no way for your team to lose a team fight and you need to chase the survivors
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Team Player

Getting blue buff is a must late game, it allows you to flow through your abilities with ease, casting heals and spears out constantly while positioning with cat form

Your heal late game can turn team fights.

Ive been able to full heal my ADC at 30 minutes, And believe me your gona need that heal if you wanna climb elo
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You ARE SQUISHY, Stay in the Back
You are the best sieger in the game, use those spears
Never initiate a fight, thats not your job.
Be careful of gap closer
Heal your ADC
And your squishy
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