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Trundle Build Guide by InvalidNickname

Trundle, the Tower Pulverizer! [10.20] [URF]

Trundle, the Tower Pulverizer! [10.20] [URF]

Updated on October 1, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author InvalidNickname Build Guide By InvalidNickname 11,468 Views 0 Comments
11,468 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author InvalidNickname Trundle Build Guide By InvalidNickname Updated on October 1, 2020
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+6 Armor


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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Champion Build Guide

Trundle, the Tower Pulverizer! [10.20] [URF]

By InvalidNickname

I am InvalidNickname but actually SøR.

With this Guide, you are gettina a specific role in URF!
In the most games many people feed, wich makes the games difficult or even impossible to win. So you end up loosing teamfights where you come into play.

Your Specific Role is to Pulverize the enemie's Tower's
With combining your W and Q and the Heavy damage you are able to destroy the Towers in no time. The damage is easy to Tank, especially if you are in a Wave of the Enemie's Minios. The Lifesteal you have is so high that you can easy get fulllive again.

Get the Carry of the Dragons!

As i said in the Note from the Fist Back Items you can Solo the Dragon's.
I usually always go back and Kill the First Dragon, and always keep focusing the next ones.

If the rest from the team ends up teamfighting all the time i getting use from the W, i kill the Dragon and Rush to the Closest Tower and Destroy him

Here are some Important things if you play this Trundle:

1. Avoid fighting alone against more then 2 enemies. Especially if they have CC. (Always ban Morgana this F***** B****)

2. Get the enemies close to you. you may heve not much chance against Feeded quick Champions, but thats why you need to make use of your Lifesteal. You are almost like a Tank while killing Minions. Especially after the Core items.

3. Help your teammates if you are in a Teamfight. No matter wich lane you can get fast to another lane with your W. Yust focus the Carry and rush to them and always keep your Lifestel in mind.

4. Spam your W! It increases your attackspeed very much.

Let me know what you think about this guide, its my first one.

Excuse my English, and HAVE FUN!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author InvalidNickname
InvalidNickname Trundle Guide
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