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Personally my perma ban. He out kites you, can quickly get out of range of you, and does extremely high damage.
As an auto attack champion, Jax is one if not your biggest nightmare. His ability to dodge all of your damage and CC, along with his high damage and mobility make him a monster to play against. Additionally, if you thought you were a good split pusher, don't worry, cause Jax is a better one.
Udyr's biggest advantage is his high mobility, so when champions have even higher mobility than you, they are definitely a threat.
To be honest, who doesn't hate her?
Karthus is a champ that will flay you alive if you play poorly, or if they play well. If they don't, well, you should be fine.
Post 6 Kha'zix is able to make your jungle feel like it is not your own. Your best bet is to bully him when you can, and take advantage of his lack of cc. Engage with teammates, and he becomes worthless.
Rek'sai can and will out gank you, out damage you and out tank you if you let her. Try to get her to waste her abilities, then go in.
This champ can be a bizzare matchup, as a good one will make you want to uninstall, but a bad one will make you feel like Faker. Play careful, and this is a walk in the park.
Due to base Kayn being weaker than a caster minion, bullying him out the *** is your best play. Take early fights where you can, but make sure you keep an eye on his icon to know when he changes forms. No matter what form he chooses, as long as you play well early his impact on the game will be small.
Evelynn has a ridiculously bad early game, and therefore is easy to bully. Prioritize killing her early, as if she scales she will become a threat, but otherwise this is free RP.
Because of Fiddlesticks main strength coming from his ultimate, killing him early is easy. Not only this, but due to him being extremely squishy, he is a good way to gain gold. Wait for him to use his W before stunning him, as he will regain his health if you let him.
Not sure why you are playing blind, but whatever.
You both are tanky, go fast, and have good damage. What's not to love?
Imagine a fed champion. Now imagine a fed champion with a Yuumi. Exactly.
Zilean is able to speed you up, allowing you to catch enemies faster, along with preventing you from dying and providing extra cc and magic damage.
Be your own best friend. :)
You both are tanky, go fast, and have good damage. What's not to love?
Imagine a fed champion. Now imagine a fed champion with a Yuumi. Exactly.
Zilean is able to speed you up, allowing you to catch enemies faster, along with preventing you from dying and providing extra cc and magic damage.
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