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Udyr Build Guide by Italian Mob



Updated on March 28, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Italian Mob Build Guide By Italian Mob 4,474 Views 0 Comments
4,474 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Italian Mob Udyr Build Guide By Italian Mob Updated on March 28, 2015
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Udyr
    Udyr Basics.
  • LoL Champion: Udyr


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


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Hey guys, Italian Mob here and I'm a Udyr enthusiast! I've been playing for a while now and I believe I can give you guys some tips!
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Why Udyr?

Why play Udyr?
Udyr is currently a very strong champion in the jungle and if played correctly can easily carry a game solo. Udyr is a capable split pusher with Trailblazer with Devour or a great team fighter with Trailblazer Cinderhulk. I would recommend Cinderhulk for your first few games as it makes it easier, and when you're more experienced go for Devour.

Udyr is also a great duelist. If you read the matchups, you can see that E>Q>R combo can do tons of damage and keep udyr completely out of harms way

Udyr also GREAT ESCAPE POTENTIAL most Udyr players at my rank are cocky (atleast after watching trick2g, and Ive been guilty myself) and will believe they can 1v1 anyone. Do not attempt to. If you aren't experienced you WILL LOSE. I cannot stress enough how much losing a fight can put you behind.
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Pros / Cons

Easy as hell to get fed
Easy to farm
Level 3 Dragon
Good ganks
Good late game scale

Kited easy
Hard to master
Difficult situations can lead to consiqences
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Creeping / Jungling

Jungling is easy with Udyr, just go Gromp > Blue > Red, back get jungle item and kill what you can.
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Team Work

Teamwork with Udyr is easy. When you're tanky, go ahead and run in and E for your team to follow up. If you're going damage, ease up until there is an engage made, then E and R for as much possible damage.

As Udyr, try to get dragon as often as possible to give your team huge rewards!

Jungle start for solo dragon: Start Q then get Turtle x2. Once you get that, head back, get trailblazer and go to Dragon. DONT CALL YOUR TEAM OVER! this is very important. If one enemy notices your team is gone, you'll give away the dragon and give them a timer.

Early barons, They should not be attempted but can be done, as early on they can lead to throws.

If you're planning for a 25 minute baron, go for trinity, randuins, then visage, for damage and tankiness to kill baron and survive a contest.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Italian Mob
Italian Mob Udyr Guide
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