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Udyr Build Guide by JOHNNY SQUARES

Jungle Udyr2g (Phoenix Jungle S4)

Jungle Udyr2g (Phoenix Jungle S4)

Updated on February 17, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JOHNNY SQUARES Build Guide By JOHNNY SQUARES 3,819 Views 0 Comments
3,819 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author JOHNNY SQUARES Udyr Build Guide By JOHNNY SQUARES Updated on February 17, 2014
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Guide is a work in progress - released on Feb 17 2014 - Continuing to add to it.

This guide is inspired by Trick2g. If you are serious about learning to carry your way from Bronze to Diamond, you'll want to check out his YouTube and Twitch channels.

I started playing League seriously during the Season 4 Pre-Season. I wanted to learn to carry so that no matter how badly my teammates play, I could still win games on my own. The biggest problem was figuring out which champion and which role would enable me to carry so hard.

Then I discovered Trick2g. I watched all of his videos, watched him stream and played a ton of games.

This build works. I have a 70% win rate with Udyr. If you try the build and you are not winning, it is not the build. It is your gameplay. And you should check out some Trick2g or TheOddOne to learn the game.

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I.D.G.A.F Runes

Provides 7.50% CDR. Coupled with masteries, you begin the game with 22.50% CDR. Fast jungle clears. Stronger ganks.

Provides early sustain in the jungle. Armor mitigates tower damage, so these runes help with early dives.

You're playing Phoenix. ability phoenix stance proc is your primary source of damage. You get flames on your first strike after activating phoenix and after every third attack following. So, the faster you attack, the faster you strike three times, the faster you flame-on.

When you play Udyr, you wanna be able to move. Udyr is about knowing when to go in and out, split pushing and making awesome get aways. To do this, you need movement speed. Also, with these Quints and the recommended masteries, you'll start the game with 383 move speed. 411 if you go god-mode and start boots. In either case, no one is escaping without blowing summoners. Most players start the game with around 335 move speed.
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For masteries, we go 9/0/21. You are not a laner, you do not need 21 in offence or defence. Here are some good reasons for these masteries:
    CDR. CDR means faster ability spam. Faster ability spam means less DMG taken and more DMG put out. This means you can clear your jungle quickly without taking a ton of DMG.

    Move speed reduces time between camps and means that no one is getting away from your early ganks without using their flash.

    Increased buff duration is OP. Buffs are good. 20% increased duration buffs are better.

    Turtle stance makes Udyr fairly tanky early game and the mid-late game build is centred around tank items. You do not need to invest in the defensive tree - you will be tanky when you need to be.

    You could go 21 offence. I do not recommend it on Pheonix Udyr. The move speed, CDR and increased buff duration in the utility tree outweigh the benefits of the added damage offered in the offence tree.

    Why 9 in offence instead of defence? Defence is boring and it's chosen by players who are not going to outplay the people they gank.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author JOHNNY SQUARES
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Udyr2g (Phoenix Jungle S4)

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