Ultimate Rell Support Guide (Excel ongoing with all stats and calculations !) (from a Gold OTP lol) (Ongoing)

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Recommended Items
Runes: Runes I take
+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Abilities (Read the note)
Break the Mold (PASSIVE)
Rell Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
My perma ban.
She can stop dashes, and she is absolutely goated in supp cause too much damage in early too much tanky and useful in late game.
She can get her stacks very fast thanks to your CC and she love to go in just like you.
You just need to wait for lvl 6 and ALL IN !
She can get her stacks very fast thanks to your CC and she love to go in just like you. You just need to wait for lvl 6 and ALL IN !
Champion Build Guide
Hello everyone !
I am Thefrenchkefta, I am french (sorry if there are some mistakes) and I am 21 years old. Here's my OPGG
I am an OTP Rell, I played her before her rework and already found her very interessting with her unique playstyle but I think she is better now with the stun on her

I am currently Gold IV, I reachd Gold 1 93 lp at my max but went down on Gold 3 and lost faith to get to Plat (that was the second time that I went from top gold to bottom). I think I can reach Plat (and even Emerald) this season. I know I have the skill and knowledge and my MMR is quite good but I need time and I don't have a lot unfortunately (On second thought, maybe emerald is going to be tricky if I have some lag but I will do everything)(Update ! I finished my placement, I am not so bad Gold IV is ok, I finished Gold II so pretty nice, but I have a very bad winrate, don't know why riot doesn't want me to climb :/ I'll give you some more news).
Don't forget to vote up for my guide if it was helpful ! And if you have a question, comments are here for that !
Difficult champion
You have to know that she is difficult to play despite her easy abilities to understand. She is hard to play because she is slow and has a very short range of engage. It means that in most situation she either needs to be hand-to-hand to engage or she needs to flash in. Moreover, her engage is as fast as the champion you target or less, which means you need to be very close to make sure you hit them because if you are a little too far, they will jsut walk out of your stun.
Why play Rell ?
Despite her shortcomings, she is really fun to play with. At first sight, you could think that she is weak and has nothing, but she is in fact broken if you play her properly and you can then fully enjoy playing her (yeah it was sometimes very painful to play her in the beginning). I play rell because in late game, when you engage in the entire enemy team, you are the carry. You can flip the game with one good engage even when you and/or your team are behind (you still won't get the honors because you are a supports...).

First combo :
The most important combo on rell, it will guarantee you a very good engage to start a teamfight and whipe the ennemy team.
To do this combo, you need to do 3 actions really fast. First, you

It is important that you press at the same time or slightely after like 0.01 sec after your

Second combo :
This combo is made to surprise your enemies in lane and either kill the ADC or get his flash.
I have named... the Q-FLASH !
First you

It is very important that you

There is of course the variant with

This combos allows you to surpirse your enemies by instantly

Third combo :
This combo is the same as the first one but before lvl 6 or without


Even if it seems like the same, it is in fact much harder without your ultimate. When you

Fourth combo :
This combo is very good in lane and can be good to catch someone but is mainly for lane. To do it you need to :

This combo is super easy to do since

Economy :
As you already know, you are a support, and as a support you have no gold. I made a few games in 14.10 and they are all around 30 minutes. On those games I am always at 7.5k gold in average... even when winning. So yeah, basically a 2800 gold items is very very expensive and there is only one I build in third (which I never finished...). Roaming is one of the best ways to get a lot of gold because you get assist that gives you gold, simple right ? Taking out wards and CS are good too. For now I don't take a lot of CS and I should do so because this is an important source of gold.
Items :
Like I said just above, we can't afford big tank items but we can afford cheap tnak item ! Thankfully for me, they got buffed this patch so good news !
My build doesn't change much for the 2 first items, I always build :
Item Sequence

Thay are the perfect items for Rell for many reasons :

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