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Why My Build?
+ Provides offensive and defensive capabilities + Farming camps and someone is about to die? no problem, click R + Blocks auto-attacks for both you and your teams, reducing damage from ADCs and Master Yis + Q provides pretty good sustain damage, and somewhat good clear speeds |
+ Decently high cooldowns + Energy will be a problem if abilities are used carelessly + needs a team to follow up when playing offensively + needs a team to follow up when playing defensively |
Core Items:
Late Game Items:
Situational Items:
Cinderhulk: Tank jungle needs tank jungle item |
Titanic Hydra: AOE basic attacks, works well when killing squishies in combination with your Q |
Ninja Tabi: Block all the ADC and auto-attack damage, if you prefer merc treads or swiftness boots, be my guest |
Spirit Visage: Tons of MR, Health Regen and healing in general, a really good item for buff ninjas |
Randuin's Omen: Less damage from ADCs, more tank, you can switch this out with deadman's or warmog's |
Zz'Rot Portal: Gives you above 200 armor and 150 magic resist, more split push and gold earning capabilities, can be switched out with thornmail or guardian's angel |
Banshee's Veil: You need some cooldown reduction somewhere in your build, if you still want this item, I cannot stop you |
Dead Man's Plate: This is probably the easiest replacement item with randuin's, movement speed and a slow is pretty now |
Warmog's Armor: something just feels right about building this on Shen |
Thornmail: replace with zz'rot portal when the enemy ADC is feed, or they have alot of AD |
Guardian Angel: Excellent replacement for Zz'rot if the enemy team has a nasus |
Banner of Command: I replace this with Locket, I've started building this myself but I have Locket as the recommended item because this may be a risky buy for new Shens out there |
Sterak's Gage: I would replace this with Locket, nothing is more annoying then a Shen that is about to die do a clutch or kick. |
Locket: CDR is nice for your ult, Health for your life, provides more shields with your shield and shields, can be switched out for spirit visage or banshee's |
Playing Offensively - use your dash to go in and try to taunt as many champions as you can, click q and w to block basic attacks but also deal large amounts of damage at the same time
Playing Defensively - use your dash to stop enemies from killing your carries, when you do this, even if you miss your taunt, try to get near your carries and use your w around them to black damage being done to them, in an attempt to gain aggro from enemies, basic attack them and make it to where if they don't stop and fight you or run they will end up dying.
Be careful because it is hard to switch to the other play style because they both require your dash, if you need to peel for your ADC do it, not doing so in the right situations can led to the failure of a teamfight.
Playing Defensively - use your dash to stop enemies from killing your carries, when you do this, even if you miss your taunt, try to get near your carries and use your w around them to black damage being done to them, in an attempt to gain aggro from enemies, basic attack them and make it to where if they don't stop and fight you or run they will end up dying.
Be careful because it is hard to switch to the other play style because they both require your dash, if you need to peel for your ADC do it, not doing so in the right situations can led to the failure of a teamfight.
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