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You disintegrate this guy in lane. Your constant poke and (once you hit 6) full combo spells doom for the weak laner that is Twitch. Poke a lot and watch for ganks. Don't get caught out, though. Watch out for late game.
If you don't get caught out, you win. You win the trade game in lane easily, as you have high burst damage from long range, and she has to take a while at fairly close range to do her damage. Lock her down in fights and if you catch her not respecting your ultimate.
Thanks to Jhin's four autos and no escape ability, a trade will usually benefit you in the end. His laning phase is very strong though, so watch for harass from his support/Jhin W and poke from his Q.
Her Marial Poise helps her easily juke around your poke and ulti, while simultaneously repositioning to land poke on you. Winning a trade against Kalista, even with a counterpick, is very difficult
He isn't as long ranged, but his trading ability is almost unparalleled. Due to his passive, his DPS is high even in laning phase. If you get a gank and an ultimate off, you can kill him, but play extremely carefully and be wary of peel.
If he gets close, he can outtrade you. So keep your distance, watch for opportunities, poke, and CS.
Her all in is dangerous. Don't bother trying to poke her if she has her Q on you, just get away from Quinn or her all in will kill you. Don't be too aggressive when trading.
Can be dangerous IF the Sivir knows when to use her Spell Shield. If they do, they'll block poke from a safe distance in lane while responding with some of their own, and will save it to block something more meaningful like your ult or a support engage if she gets caught out. Try to proc your W stacks using Q and E when poking, as she can SS one of them.
A high DPS ADC, Ashe is a pretty dependable choice. She can't poke much in lane, but if she gets all 4 stacks for Frost Shot, she can win trades easily, and if used with her ult, could result in a kill. trade carefully, be ready to flash or dodge her ult if you're too close, and try to lock her down before she does the same to you.
Tristana is pretty powerful at all points in the game, but slightly less so in laning. Unless you get your full poke combo off quickly, she can all in with her support and probably kill you. However, she does need to be close to get her E off, and if her W is down, has no escapes unless it resets. Watch for her high mobility mid/late game.
Jinx's strong suit is high DPS. This is not prominent in her laning phase. You can win trades with the Blighted Quiver passive followed by a damaging ability. She's disastrous if left in a team fight for too long, so try to burst her down early on in the fight.
Pretty even matchup. If you let him get close to you, he will win trades easily. However, his Q is hard to land poke with and his R is not pass-through, so if you stay behind a wave, you can poke pretty safely. He cleans up fights well, so take him out early.
Miss Fortune
Love Tap does a lot of damage on the first hit, but after that initial burst of damage, your combo can outdamage. Be careful of a potential Make it Rain into Bullet Time combo if you're low.
His poke is superior if he gets the chance to land it. Since yours goes through minions, you should be safe behind a wave, but your poke is much less mana efficient than his. If you opt for trades rather than poke, you will be able to carve out a lane advantage. Watch for his dodge with E.
She's strong in trades, but doesn't have much maneuverability. Use this to your advantage. Catch her in a combo when she's exposed and chunk her down. When she's out of mana, she has no way out.
What? Someone Draven doesn't counter? Your poke > his poke in lane, and you can probably win trades if you win quickly, but still be careful for his auto damage and adoration stacks.
You win the poke fight in lane, but due to the re-prominence of early Bio-Arcane Barrage, be careful in trades if his support is peeling for him. Try to lock him down with your ultimate in fights.
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