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Night Hunter (PASSIVE)
Vayne Passive Ability
I started playing League of Legends during World Championship's 2014. I reached level 30 in s5 Preseason and managed to get silver 2 as my highest rank in Preseason s5. Here are some pictures of my stats at the moment.

This is my first guide on Mobafire and i would really appreciate feedback.
If you think i should add something to this guide tell me and i will look what i can do ;).
I would have added many more chapters for example farming teamfighting and so on but since this is for aram ehh i dont know how that would workout and most of the people will probally just look at the items in champion select or loading screen. I could add some vayne trading tips combos and so on if you want, tell me so and i will do it :). I'm also planning on doing ARAM build guides for every champion starting off with all adc's. Thank you for reading and hope you win your game :D.
If you think i should add something to this guide tell me and i will look what i can do ;).
I would have added many more chapters for example farming teamfighting and so on but since this is for aram ehh i dont know how that would workout and most of the people will probally just look at the items in champion select or loading screen. I could add some vayne trading tips combos and so on if you want, tell me so and i will do it :). I'm also planning on doing ARAM build guides for every champion starting off with all adc's. Thank you for reading and hope you win your game :D.
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