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Runes: Zappy Boi
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Threats & Synergies
Fizz is a early-mid game high mobility AP assassin, his E makes him a threat, since it can hop out of your cage and, he can hop out of you R if he times it well enough, so, you need to stay close to your turret, and rush a Verdant Barrier, and bait his E using yours when you have R to one shot him, or with your WQ combo to keep him inside your cage once he uses E. But definitely, you should loose the match-up, ban him or dodge if he is in the enemy team
As a botlane pick, Veigar is stronger, so, paired up with Alistar can work quite well. His combo can help yu land your cage, and your cage can help him secure his combo as well, he can also peel for you, since he can push away your enemies from you to keep you safe. So Alistar is a great companion for Veigar
As a botlane pick, Veigar is stronger, so, paired up with Alistar can work quite well. His combo can help yu land your cage, and your cage can help him secure his combo as well, he can also peel for you, since he can push away your enemies from you to keep you safe. So Alistar is a great companion for Veigar
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