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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Phenomenal Evil Power (PASSIVE)
Veigar Passive Ability
Is this a troll?
Maybe, but I tried many times and I found out that Veigar can work very well as support.
If you are enaugh fast and smart to put a stun with timing you can easy win any teamfight.
Early game your stun will help you bot lane, saving the carry from ganks, or helping your jungler to make a better gank.
Anyway, this champion is not useful just for his mass-stun. He can be very useful lategame dealing huge damage to the enemy's APC, thanks to his R he can easy shot down midlers even without AP.
Items won't give you good offensive stats, but mid-late game you would be able to farm some minions with your Q and boosting a little your damage.
Veigar should work bot even with full-ap items, but would require a lot of cs and more time. In this way instead you can easy ward all the map with great gold/s items and put stun fast with good cdr and movement speed. I suggest all to try this Veigar, seems troll but strong.
Masteries 9-0-21 are good for mana-sustain, mobility, gold per seconds, cdr, and a little magic pen. Runes give you some armor, magic resist, and movement speed for place your E.
Have fun.
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