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Choose Champion Build:
- full tank jg
- full tank top
Recommended Items
Ability Order
The Relentless Storm (PASSIVE)
Volibear Passive Ability
My purpose of writing this guide is to encourage more players to play volibear as most people think volibear is an underpowered champ which is not true.
secure kills easily
easy escape
hard to be killed with The Relentless Storm
tanky dps Stormbringer
good peeler
long cd
can be kited
no pokes
slow clear jg speed
Thundering Smashincreases ur movement speed greatly while chasing champions.the next basic attack will flip the enemy behind ans the ms is retained even after the flip.
Frenzy increases atk spd per aa up to 3 stacks passively.its active can be used when volibear has 3 stacks of frenzy. it deals physical dmg that increases when enemy has lower health.
Sky Splitter slows enemy and fear creeps.
Stormbringer while active, voli's aa deal bonus magic dmg that chains to a total of 3 nearby enemy excluding the champion u are whacking.
Frenzy increases atk spd per aa up to 3 stacks passively.its active can be used when volibear has 3 stacks of frenzy. it deals physical dmg that increases when enemy has lower health.
Sky Splitter slows enemy and fear creeps.
Stormbringer while active, voli's aa deal bonus magic dmg that chains to a total of 3 nearby enemy excluding the champion u are whacking.
max Sky Splitter first as it improves clear jg speed so that u can invade. the slow percentage is also increased which secures kills during a gank
u will want to max Frenzy second as it improves ur atk spd and ur bite for killing
up Thundering Smash last for the bonus physical damage and increase in ms while active
u will want to max Frenzy second as it improves ur atk spd and ur bite for killing
up Thundering Smash last for the bonus physical damage and increase in ms while active
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