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Bard slightly counters Anivia, but a good Anivia will even out with him. Be sure to ping your team when he is missing and watch out for his level one trade. Abuse his low range.
Low mobile, all damage support. Ask for jungler ganks, play around his stun, ask for a strong early adc. He also is easily outroamed when you obtain mobis.
FREELO. Ask for jungler ganks and a strong early adc. Force an all in whenever you can, especially on levels 2, 3, and 6. Outroam her when mobis are obtained.
It is near impossible to win this lane. The only reason I ever do is because these robots have similar IQ's to their playerbase. Beg to have a mobile adc (Trist, lucian, cait, ez) and just roam twenty billion times. Make sure to get level two first, try for an all in while they are level one, and then let the wave push back towards your tower. Roam whenever the wave is not at your tower.
Incredibly easy lane. Abuse his level one hard, do not let them even get to the minion wave. All in them level two, and abuse his long cool down timers. Be wary of his level six tower dive potential; spam ping your jungler to come. Be sure to match his roams.
You outspike this guy. Ask for an aggro adc because he wins this lane through poke rather than all in potential. Be sure to force aggresive fights rather than a sustain lane. Ping your team when he is missing, especially after he hits 6.
Easy lane. You outrange her with autos and Q her when she goes to W you or adc. She is free to kill with Q + W combo. She can outscale you, so make sure to abuse the matchup early.
This is an interesting matchup. Be sure to max Q first before W as your stun can out damage her spell shield meaning the target will still be stunned. If she takes anything else but guardian, you hard win the lane. If she takes guardian however, you will have to outplay her spell shield.
Easy lane, but you are outscaled. Abuse the early matchup, especially before six. Ensure you go for the level two all in and try to play around her polymorph and her shield.
Easiest lane of your life. You win at all stages, fight whenever possible. Just dodge the snare.
Honestly, after the hp return nerf, extremely easy to lane against him. I like to bait his hook on me level one or two and then win the all in due to egg. Just be sure to match his roams and ask for a strong early adc.
Very hard lane. He has heals, shields, two different dashes (s9 champs ^_^). Just try to out live this lane, play off his long cool downs, and try to outplay his dashes by stunning. You must wait for him to make a play, do not waste your cool downs other than playing abusive level one.
After her pretty harsh nerf, extremely easy lane. All in level two, abuse her immobile play style, buy pink wards for her invisibility and ggez. Your roams are also much better than hers: abuse this.
She hard outscales you, but you hard counter her in lane. Force all in fights whenever you can, especially levels two and three. Make sure you get an aggro adc.
I permaban her every game and dodge whenever I forget. Don't let this happen.
Immobile, you win all fights pre six with an adc that is not sivir xayah or ezreal. After six, need to be cautious with fights while his ultimate cd is up.
Tahm Kench
Hes so bad its insane. Abuse him at all levels, you win every trade that you just don't go melee range at him with.
He outscales, but you hard abuse him in lane. Get a lead and abuse it.
This is an even lane, but most thresh mains are extremely bad. Just play with your wave, abuse his low range, and all in him when his aftershock is down. Also, be sure to Q or R AFTER he uses his spells. You won't be able to stun him if he CC's you.
Easy. You win at all stages, force fights.
When I climbed to master, even before the yuumi nerf, I had a 100% winrate over eleven games. She is cat food. Abuse roams.
ASK FOR AN AGGRESIVE ADC! This lane is hard if the velkoz has half a brain. Be sure to remember barrier is overturned as **** and not to get baited by it. Force a level two all in and ask for jungler help once his flash is down.
This guy outscales you incredibly hard. Be sure to get a lead in lane or else game is absolutely doomed. Be sure to abuse him level one and two. Ask for jungler attention before 6.
Easy lane as long as your adc offers even or more damage than the enemy adc. Ask for jungler help and force the level two.
Tell her to go lethal tempo and abuse the her level two.
Abuse his level two power spike and make sure to take damage for him.
Very oppressive lane. Be sure to wall the enemy into her traps around tower and abuse your and her long range.
Strong damage dealer. Play with him like Aphelios; tank the damage for him, hit your cc, and ggez.
Absolutely not. I always tell my adc not to play ez, sivir, or xayah. If you get him, either dodge or mute all and roam all game after level two. Im not kidding ^_^.
Strong af adc to play with. His power spikes match yours. All in level two.
Nothing special. You win if you outplay the enemy.
Awesome combo. Make sure you hit your wall on the enemy, as it gives kaisai a stack of her passive allowing her to either ulti the target or allowing her to proc her passive easier. Be sure to abuse this combo's level two.
Strong adc that matches how you like to play the lane.
Miss Fortune
Sounds a lot better than it is. Only actually good versus enemy is especially immobile. Level six is the only time that feels strong.
Fun lane. Be sure to get the enemy where Senna can land her snare level two or three.
DODGE. PLEASE DODGE. Terrible adc, no damage, no lane presence. Mute team, roam after you get mobis and never look bot again unless she's about to get doven.
Best possible matchup. Me and my duo have 80 wr across 28 games in masters elo. All in whenever possible starting level two.
Honestly, a lot better than it seems. Abuse the level two power spikes you both have and potentiate his roams. Be sure to not take too much damage level one.
In my opinion, the most fun lane combination. Especially fun to do with a friend. If you guys are coordinated enough, you can actually have Vayne condemn and then while its midair have the anivia wall for an instant stun. Be careful though, anivia powerspikes at two and Vayne at three.
Not as bad as sivir or ezreal, but don't let this happen. Roam after mobis.
Tell her to go lethal tempo and abuse the her level two.
Abuse his level two power spike and make sure to take damage for him.
Very oppressive lane. Be sure to wall the enemy into her traps around tower and abuse your and her long range.
Strong damage dealer. Play with him like Aphelios; tank the damage for him, hit your cc, and ggez.
Absolutely not. I always tell my adc not to play ez, sivir, or xayah. If you get him, either dodge or mute all and roam all game after level two. Im not kidding ^_^.
Strong af adc to play with. His power spikes match yours. All in level two.
Nothing special. You win if you outplay the enemy.
Awesome combo. Make sure you hit your wall on the enemy, as it gives kaisai a stack of her passive allowing her to either ulti the target or allowing her to proc her passive easier. Be sure to abuse this combo's level two.
Strong adc that matches how you like to play the lane.
Miss Fortune
Sounds a lot better than it is. Only actually good versus enemy is especially immobile. Level six is the only time that feels strong.
Fun lane. Be sure to get the enemy where Senna can land her snare level two or three.
DODGE. PLEASE DODGE. Terrible adc, no damage, no lane presence. Mute team, roam after you get mobis and never look bot again unless she's about to get doven.
Best possible matchup. Me and my duo have 80 wr across 28 games in masters elo. All in whenever possible starting level two.
Honestly, a lot better than it seems. Abuse the level two power spikes you both have and potentiate his roams. Be sure to not take too much damage level one.
In my opinion, the most fun lane combination. Especially fun to do with a friend. If you guys are coordinated enough, you can actually have Vayne condemn and then while its midair have the anivia wall for an instant stun. Be careful though, anivia powerspikes at two and Vayne at three.
Not as bad as sivir or ezreal, but don't let this happen. Roam after mobis.
Hello! I am a masters Anivia support one trick pony on the NA server . In season nine, I got to masters from an unranked account with a 68 winrate just playing anivia support with no duo. Of course I am biased, but I believe playing her support is by far one of the exciting experiences in the game. With her, you are the play maker, you drive the tempo of the game after gaining mobis, you are constantly looking for plays, and you are continuously tested on mechanical skill. Honestly, it feels like you are playing a game of chess for most of the game as to play her in this role you must be thinking one or two steps ahead of the current conditions within the game. I will be diving this guide into a laning phase pre mobis, a laning phase with mobis, a mid game, and a late game chapters. I will update this guide with video clips of some of the most important parts of how to play her in this role in the future when I collect the appropriate materials to do so. The account I have been playing the most on is I decayed to diamond 1 again from not playing due to school, but will again be playing and grinding towards GM for season 10. I peaked at 100 lp masters before I had to give up league to do life stuff. Please feel free to comment about any questions, opinions, or things you felt like I left out. Thanks for reading!
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