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Runes: Standard
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Challenging Smite
Ability Order Ability Order
Eternal Hunger (PASSIVE)
Warwick Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
hi im eevee and im a warwick one trick. this is my first ever guide so bear with me.
JG path
Starting Blue side (u facing upward): Red - Blue - Smite Gromp - Gank - Smite Scuttle
Starting Red side (u facing downward): Blue - Smite Gromp - Red - Gank - Smite Scuttle
in both of these paths, ull be lvl 3. after u finish ganking and clearing scuttle, clear ur other camps then back and buy Tiamat (should have enough gold to buy Tiamat after ur 1st successful gank)
Starting Red side (u facing downward): Blue - Smite Gromp - Red - Gank - Smite Scuttle
in both of these paths, ull be lvl 3. after u finish ganking and clearing scuttle, clear ur other camps then back and buy Tiamat (should have enough gold to buy Tiamat after ur 1st successful gank)
Explaining Rune Choice
Conqueror: i chose this over Press the Attack cuz u get extra damage and sustain which is important for warwick cuz ull be 100% fighting alot especially tanks/bruisers like Ornn or Sett. in my opinion, Press the Attack is mostly for getting picks which is still good but ull never go wrong with the extra sustain that Conqueror gives. Plus Conqueror is broken.
Triumph: restores ur hp and gives u 20 gold per takedown
Legend: Alacrity: gives 3% attack speed + 1.5% attack speed for each legend stack.
Legend: Tenacity: gives 5% tenacity + 2.5% for each legend stack. Legend: Tenacity pairs well with Unflinching with the tenacity and slow resist.
Last Stand: since ur fighting alot, ull have low hp most of the time which is what u want cuz if u play ur cards right, ull do more damage the lower hp u have and ull should be still alive thanks to Conqueror, Warwick's kit and build.
Celerity: all movement speed bonuses r now 7% stronger. this includes the movementspeed from Blood Hunt, boots, Dead Man's Plate, Waterwalking and etc.
Waterwalking: gives u bonus movement speed and damage if ur in river.
Conditioning: Conditioning is alot like Transcendence, instead of getting cdr, ull get +9 armor and mr as well as 5% increase to ur armor and mr after 10 mins.
Unflinching: similar to Nimbus Cloak, u get 15% tenacity and slow resistance for 10 secs after using a summoner spell + 10% tenacity and slow resistance for each summoner spell used.
Triumph: restores ur hp and gives u 20 gold per takedown
Legend: Alacrity: gives 3% attack speed + 1.5% attack speed for each legend stack.
Legend: Tenacity: gives 5% tenacity + 2.5% for each legend stack. Legend: Tenacity pairs well with Unflinching with the tenacity and slow resist.
Last Stand: since ur fighting alot, ull have low hp most of the time which is what u want cuz if u play ur cards right, ull do more damage the lower hp u have and ull should be still alive thanks to Conqueror, Warwick's kit and build.
Celerity: all movement speed bonuses r now 7% stronger. this includes the movementspeed from Blood Hunt, boots, Dead Man's Plate, Waterwalking and etc.
Waterwalking: gives u bonus movement speed and damage if ur in river.
Conditioning: Conditioning is alot like Transcendence, instead of getting cdr, ull get +9 armor and mr as well as 5% increase to ur armor and mr after 10 mins.
Unflinching: similar to Nimbus Cloak, u get 15% tenacity and slow resistance for 10 secs after using a summoner spell + 10% tenacity and slow resistance for each summoner spell used.
Tips n Tricks
1) before ganking a lane, make sure to activate ur Blood Hunt when ur close enough cuz if u use Blood Hunt to soon, the closest enemy to u will know that ur close by and will run away.
2) as Warwick, ur able to solo objectives so keep an eye on the make and keep watch on side lanes and enemy jgler before doing dragon or rift herald
3) when doing objectives, u can use ur Blood Hunt to see if anyone is close by u. if ur strong enough or ur team is close by, u can turn and fight before finishing the objectives. if not,finish and be careful.
4) the most fun part of playing warwick is his Jaws of the Beast, if u hold down q on a target, ull "latch" onto them and slide in the opposite direction from the point u use it. during the "latching" animation, ull be immune to cc for a split second or follow the target even if they Flash, jump, or dash away. both of these tips requires timing and patience.
5) if u Primal Howl then Infinite Duress. ur Primal Howl will go off first and fear near by targets as soon as u landed ur Infinite Duress
6) as Warwick, dont be afraid to dive under towers. if u feel like u can kill someone under tower, go for it. use ur Primal Howl to reduce tower damage.
2) as Warwick, ur able to solo objectives so keep an eye on the make and keep watch on side lanes and enemy jgler before doing dragon or rift herald
3) when doing objectives, u can use ur Blood Hunt to see if anyone is close by u. if ur strong enough or ur team is close by, u can turn and fight before finishing the objectives. if not,finish and be careful.
4) the most fun part of playing warwick is his Jaws of the Beast, if u hold down q on a target, ull "latch" onto them and slide in the opposite direction from the point u use it. during the "latching" animation, ull be immune to cc for a split second or follow the target even if they Flash, jump, or dash away. both of these tips requires timing and patience.
5) if u Primal Howl then Infinite Duress. ur Primal Howl will go off first and fear near by targets as soon as u landed ur Infinite Duress
6) as Warwick, dont be afraid to dive under towers. if u feel like u can kill someone under tower, go for it. use ur Primal Howl to reduce tower damage.
The end
and this concludes my first guide on warwick. thx for taking ur time and reading this and hope u enjoy playing him as much as i am.
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