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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Eternal Hunger (PASSIVE)
Warwick Passive Ability

.Constant sustain from passive
Eternal Thirst
Hungering Strikedamage is good against tanks like
Dr. Mundo or
Garen,because damage is done to them by total hp in percent and an additional extra magic damage, also heals for 80 percent of the damage done.
.Has great sustain with lifesteal items like
Blade of the Ruined King or
Ravenous Hydra,lifesteal scales with ult and is also a great in low health situations.
.Warwick can easily chase down enemies,knowing where they are whether they're planning to lure in Warwick and bait him into the enemy, but Warwick knows because the
Blood Scent shows them where they are shows whose around them, but they have to be wounded enough, and in the range of the ability.
.Tends to do very well against tank or, tank built champions.
.Needs a lot of mana for abilities,excluding
Hunters Call.
Infinite Duress can easily be stopped by a stun or another suppress.
.Very squishy unless at least 1 defensive item is built.
.Not very good in teamfights,unless the other team doesn't have one of the CC effects that can stop
Infinite Duress
.Constant sustain from passive


.Has great sustain with lifesteal items like

.Warwick can easily chase down enemies,knowing where they are whether they're planning to lure in Warwick and bait him into the enemy, but Warwick knows because the

.Tends to do very well against tank or, tank built champions.
.Needs a lot of mana for abilities,excluding


.Very squishy unless at least 1 defensive item is built.
.Not very good in teamfights,unless the other team doesn't have one of the CC effects that can stop

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