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Illaoi Build Guide by DrunkEngland

Top Welcome To Tentacle Kingdom

Top Welcome To Tentacle Kingdom

Updated on December 14, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DrunkEngland Build Guide By DrunkEngland 113,386 Views 0 Comments
113,386 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DrunkEngland Illaoi Build Guide By DrunkEngland Updated on December 14, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Welcome summoners! To my Illoai guide. Now I will say this, im not even rank 30. I have no ranked experience, im making this guide though, because I have been playing Illoai enough to make her my main, and want to share my knowledge so far. Of course I make silly mistakes being a unranked noob, but yet I have been able to have good games with Illoai. So I hope that somewhere in this guide, you will find something that you can use for your own Illaoi fights.
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Brief Character Description. What you should know!

Illaoi is basically in the word of a summoner I played with. A panzer. She is a destructive force if played well, and gets a good start. She can become the begin all, and end all, of a fight. With such destructive potential comes at a cost. You can not escape. You have no mobility. This leads to a slightly higher death total. In my opinion, if you are in the situation with no way out (which 9/10 is the case with Illaoi) Just go ham. Go mental, take them to hentai kingdom with no regard for human, yordle, or poro life. With her high sustain and ability to afflict damage to any unfortunate champion in tentacle range. You can sometimes come out alive. Its this ride or die mentality you have to have with this champion. No regrets for your actions. That can make her fun to play, you can go into the thick of it, and just hope for the best. No plans no tactics just pure fighting.
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Pros / Cons


- Tentacles. Tentacles Everywhere
- Can tank up really well.
- Great in teamfights.
- IF doing well early game, can double kill junglers and top laners if ganked.

Illaoi comes with high health, which becomes very useful when you are geting ganked, kited, baited and go into a team fight. Can overcome alot of situations, and can sustain like crazy late game.


- Easily kited
- If baited, no escape.
- Low mana/High Consumption

You cannot escape. If you have flash even then its a slim chance. You are slow. You have no escapes. If you get caught, and see no way of escape, then all you can do is fight back and hope for the best.
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Prophet Of A Elder God - This is your passive. This is the ability hentai addicts everywhere want. This badboy, spawns a tentacle onto a wall every so often.

Tentacle Smash - When activated, Illaoi will smash down a tentacle in a line. If it hits a enemy champion, you regain a portion of health missing.

Harsh Lesson - When activated, dunk on a enemy, activating any nearby tentacles that are in range of the target.

Test Of Spirit - When activated, Illaoi will shoot out a tentacle that will grab a enemy champions spirit. If dealing damage to spirit, it will transfer to the champion. If enemy champion leaves the spirit range, they will turn into a vessel. A vessel spawns tentacles every couple of seconds. The champion can break this spell by killing 3 tentacles, or surviving for a minute. NOTE DOESNT WORK ON MINIONS THEY WLL BLOCK THE TENTACLE

Leap Of Faith - When activated, Illaoi will dunk down causing smash damage. For every enemy champion hit, a tentacle will spawn, and Harsh Lesson will have a 2 sec cooldown.
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Skill Sequence.

Skilling Order

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Lane Phase

When you enter lane, the first thing you want to do is set up tentacles. You cant put tentacles right next to each other but you can put them on the opposite wall. I spend the beginning phase waiting for minions, putting up 4 tentacles on my half of the lane. You want to do this especially if you are against a tank. When the laning starts, just last hit as much as you can. Use your to poke your opponent, and to heal up a little bit, keep in mind where your tentacles are, and their range. You want to keep adding tentacles to the top wall, only add one to the corner of the river on the bottom wall early game, stay in the top half of the lane. The reason being you can not escape you have no hope unless you got flash. So you might have to be ready to fight your way out. If you have x amount of tentacles nearby lead them to the ideal spot and pop your then .This will heal you for a nice portion of health and add double damage from multiple tentacle attacks. Unless you are fed, keep the lane as close to your turret as possible until you get your . With you can push them out of lane for abit, but will keep you alive if you get ganked. Once you take first turret, decide weather to roam or push 2nd turret as fast as you can, there are some instances where a push can work, because of your low mobility, you might be more useful to your team by pushing that turret because you wont get down there in time. Thats up to you though.
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Item Sequence

Titanic Hydra 3300
Black Cleaver 3000

Pick this up first if you are ahead, and ready to push.The passive will provide good wave clear while the active will deal bonus damage if you get ganked.

We want this mainly for the passive, as you will be soaking up alot of damage this will add a little edge that will help you deal some damage that might save you.

This will be your first defensive item.Not only will it give you a little bit of extra speed, you can get double damage if momentum is stacked fully. Overall its a perfect item for Illaoi

See item notes for which enhancement to getBoots are important and not. You need the passive for sure! It shouldnt be a priority buy until team fights become a norm. Because you have no mobility or escapes anyways you are better off buying something that will help you win a fight rather than run away. Get once you regularly engage in team fights.

A good defensive item to pick up if you have the gold. Will tank you up nicely for those team fight, also with its passive once you dive in they will not be able to escape as quickly, helping your team grab those kills if your tentacles didnt get them first.

Now you can either pick this or another defensive item. I recommend this though because it tanks you up just a bit more and grants nice CDR which is helpful when you need to spam all your attacks to stay alive. Plus it can give you movement speed, which you might need to back out if you can.
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Flash - YOU NEED THIS. End of discussion you have no hope without it. Just, just do it, don't ask questions about flash.

Teleport - I pick this up because I wouldn't get back to lane on time ever. Pro Tip. You can teleport to tentacles. Just another reason to love your tentacle buddies.

I haven't messed around with other spells. I will update if I give them a try but the above is what I recommend wholeheartedly
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Team Work

Nine times out of ten. You will be the big tank on your team. Unless you have a support like

Then really you should be prepared to risk your life in at the front. Absorbing damage like a sponge, this isnt as scary as it may seem, because your will help you survive abit longer.

So what is the most efficient way? No clue. What do I do? I put on my rising sun bandanna and go to work. Usually you don't want to engage unless they are grouped up abit closer than they should be. When you see this, make sure you let your team know you are going in. If you are too far I in then hit them with my ult then just spam W and my Q This is the basics of the team fight. Make sure you hit your E for any stragglers trying to run away. You can wail on the spirit while your teammates chase down because that spirit is getting hit with a slow and more tentacles. You will have take a good bit of damage, unless you ace'd I recommend you recall to get geared up with health for another push.
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Overall here's what you should be doing.

Basically here is what you should do as Illaoi

You need to play defensive, dont push until you have your ultimate. Stay along the top wall, so if you are getting ganked you have a better chance to get out of there.

Engage when you have tentacles around and they are grouped up nicely. This will provide more tentacles to use when spamming W and Q

Build your AD, and health. Its that simple the more you can dish out and take in a fight, the better your team will be. You will be the main source of initial damage, and what you can shave off them in that first attack can win fights.

> > >
Build Q > W > R > E in that sequence. I use E mainly to push people out of lane, and late game make sure they don't get away.
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Thank You For Reading!

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