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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Arcane Mastery (PASSIVE)
Ryze Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
So well this is basically my first full on non troll-ish guide/build.
But if rly wanted to make this just because i had fun and success with it.
There isnt much depth to this guide, as you have probably noticed. But theres one thing about this build you have to know, and that is that you have to do the e w q combo to acctually trade. I mean thats what aftershocks acctually for.
So yeah i really hope this is helpful, and ENJOY!
But if rly wanted to make this just because i had fun and success with it.
There isnt much depth to this guide, as you have probably noticed. But theres one thing about this build you have to know, and that is that you have to do the e w q combo to acctually trade. I mean thats what aftershocks acctually for.
So yeah i really hope this is helpful, and ENJOY!
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