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Choose Champion Build:
- AP Katarina
- AD Katarina
Recommended Items
Runes: Conqueror (My favourite)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Voracity (PASSIVE)
Katarina Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Show All
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
You can win early but you can't escape the inevitable, the longer the game goes, the weaker you become same with malzahar, get conqueror and bully him with auto attacks
Welcome to my Glorious Guide for Katarina - The sinister blade
In this guide you should find the following:
x Who Am I? x Streamers
x Abilities x Tips & Tricks |
x Team Work And Team Fights
x Laning Phase x Match ups |
x Top Lane Matchups
x Added Sustain Items to mid lane build
x Fixed some issues
x New looks
x ADDED: Swain's matchup details
x ADDED: Reslove tree runes with details
x ADDED: "Items" Chapter
x Started Working on the Match-ups Chapter(I'll be taking my time doing it, sorry for being lazy)
TEST SUCCESSFUL Conqueror Tank Katarina
5/16/18 (Patch 8.10) Jungle Kata *no, not a troll pick* with Runic Echoes is no longer viable due to the change from movement speed to mana *you can go for an ad start Warrior and continue the build normally*
5/19/18 Added Talon's Matchup to the Matchups Chapter
5/20/18 Added The Order of the Matchups but still didnt add how to deal with them, I also added "Back To The Top" feature which will help you get to whatever you want fast instead of scrolling upwards or downwards
3/6/18 Added Corki, Lux, And Cassiopeia's matchups
9/27/19 Decided to give the guide a new look along with adding Sylas's matchup in midlane
11/14/20 Updated guide based on what I tested in pre-season, changes might occur later on, but for now, I think this is the optimal katarina build
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My name is Basel, I'm from Jordan.
I'm a One Trick Gold *barely play ranked* Katarina main(500k+ combined with my other accounts)
I started playing this game at Season 6-ish and fell in love with Katarina's kit
I loved how easy it was to pop the enemy team and how amazingly satisfying it was to tilt the enemy team by playing good
I'm not one of the best katas out there but I'm sure I'm decent
You can find my account here
I don't play ranked a lot because it's boring
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+ high mobility + high AoE damage + Extremely Powerful(insta burst to squishies) + good at cleaning fights + ofc, no mana + aggresive in laning phase |
- Squishy - Hard to Comeback - Hard to master - Melee - Tons of counters |
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Passive: Voracity
Whenever an enemy champion dies within 3 seconds of Katarina damaging them, her cooldowns are reduced by 15 seconds which means, assisting or killing 3 champions in late game means a free R
Daggers(Sinister Steel)
Whenever Katarina catches a Dagger or picks it up from the ground, she uses it to slash through all nearby enemies, dealing 75 - 287 (based on level) (+ 100% bonus AD) (+ 55 / 70 / 85 / 100% AP) magic damage and reducing Shunpo's cooldown by 78 / 84 / 90 / 96%.
Daggers last 4 seconds before disappearing.
Q: Bouncing Blade
Katarina throws a Dagger to the target enemy that bounces to up to 2 nearby unaffected enemies, dealing magic damage to each target.
After bouncing to its targets, the Dagger then lands on the ground 350 units opposite from where it struck the first target. The Dagger always takes the same amount of time to land from the time it hits the first target.
75 / 105 / 135 / 165 / 195 (+ 30% AP)
COOLDOWN: 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7
W: Preparation
Katarina tosses a Dagger into the air at her current location, which lands after 1.25 seconds, and gains bonus movement speed that decays over 1.25 seconds.
BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90%
COOLDOWN: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11
Katarina blinks to the target location around the target unit or Dagger.
If the target is an enemy, Katarina deals them magic damage. Otherwise, she deals the same magic damage to the nearest enemy in range.
MAGIC DAMAGE: 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 (+ 50% AD) (+ 25% AP)
COOLDOWN: 14 / 12.5 / 11 / 9.5 / 8
Death Lotus
Katarina rapidly spins in place and channels for 2.5 seconds, throwing a dagger every 0.166 seconds to each nearby enemy champion, up to a maximum of 3 at a time, dealing them magic damage and applying Grievous Wounds icon Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.
Death Lotus cannot be cancelled by movement and basic attack commands in the first and last 0.25 seconds of channeling.
MAGIC DAMAGE PER DAGGER: 25 / 37.5 / 50 (+ 22% bonus AD) (+ 19% AP)
COOLDOWN: 90 / 60 / 45
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For Skill Sequence, you Get Q E W E E then continue maxing Q
that gives you a faster shunpo reset to run away when you need it.
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Now, to explain why I choose those runes:
I go Conqueror
Because of how much sustain and damage you gain from it
I choose Triumph:
Because it completely negates an ignite kill if you're low and manage to kill the opponent laner first. It gives you HP and additional gold on kills, and just makes a snowballing Katarina that much harder to kill in mid-game teamfights. You take the precision tree over the sorcery tree purely for this mastery..
I choose Legend: Tenacity:
Because you’re getting free sustain, tenacity will help reduce how long the cc will last, which is super great for kata
and Coup De Grace:
Because it helps secure kills on low HP targets. Securing kills is what Katarina does best.
I choose Sudden Impact
Because it synergizes amazingly well with Katarina's E, shunpo. It adds a small burst of magic penetration and lethality to your pre-hit stats, giving you stronger magic damage, and stronger auto attacks
I also choose Ravenous Hunter
Because it synergizes with the Gunblade and Conqueror pretty nicely.
You can also go Relentless Hunter for more roaming potential
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Starting Items:
You either start Doran's Shield or Long Sword but I DO NOT recommend the long sword starting for a new Katarina since it has some disadvantages if not played correctly
First Back:
You either get Double or if you have enough gold
Core Items:
I believe that is a must on katarina for it’s sustain and high burst damage
I also think that is a very important item on katarina since magic penetration deals high damage and is good for shredding tanks
Matchup/Sustain Items
Let’s say, you were against a , you lost early game or were camped by the enemy jungler, at that point, you should 1- ask for help(of course, but dont spam pings)
2- get yourself either a or a
now lets imagine you were against a / or any kind of high base AD champion and are losing the lane
you can get a and upgrade it into a If faced by a
and if faced by an Attack speed champion such as ,you'd get .
now, if you're faced by a high ap high cc champion like / /
you should get IF NEEDED or just get a like the matchup.
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As Katarina, Your job is to deal the most possible damage without dying, and you have to be patient.
Don't just Shunpo into the middle of 5 people and get blown to pieces. You're strong, but any form of CC in the middle of 3 or more champions will get you killed. That means using your Q to poke the enemy from afar, and when the enemies (or your team engages), you look for your strategically placed daggers to kill the enemy carries. As soon as you burst them down, pop your Zhonyas to let the rest of your team finish the engagement, and secure the objectives that you fought over.
Take teamfights slow. Look for the best opportunities. If you don't find one, then simply don't engage. If your team goes all in, you need to be going all in too, but that doesn't mean jumping in blindly. Always think one step ahead. If you jump in, how are you going to get out? Once you get out, are you going to have to re-engage? If so, how?
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Katarina is well known for being a mid game powerhouse
In Early Game (pre 6), your aim is to level up faster than your enemy laner, and use your level difference to poke him down, for instance, if you get level 2 before your laner, Q,E him immediately, that'll make him lose chunks of health.
At level 6, you should start roaming if it is possible for you(usually in botlane)
You push the lane and/or kill the laner then go roam depending on who's pushing and who's being pushed.
If you don't see any opportunity to roam you can just shove in the lane and then help with objectives such as,drake, towers, herald..etc
In Mid Game(where you shine) you need to do something called shot-calling. Mid-game is about pushing objectives, taking map control, getting deep vision and preventing your teammates from feeding your opponents.
You can think of your four teammates as shields. You want to stand in the middle of them, standing just behind the front line, and in front of the adc for any needed peel. Don't forget that dropping a simple dagger next to your adc can sometimes save them from an engage.
In Late Game, If you don't engage correctly or be patient, you're 100% guaranteed to die in that teamfight, play smarter,play safer, don't engage in any teamfight unless your team is all in.
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In this Chapter, I'll be sorting by the difficulty (for new players)
note that Green is Easy
Yellow is Medium
And Red is Hard
the darker it is the harder the matchup
Teemo: The Swift Scout
Start Doran's Shield, trade him not too hard so you dont get out traded.
Its ok to lose some minions due to his blind.
Use E W Q combo on him if he's aggresive
All in him if you're sure to get the kill
you can also get Mercury's Treads if needed
Once you get or , he automatically loses the lane(unless you fed him in early game)
you should be able to oneshot him with an E W Q E R ignite(if needed)
Try to roam alot,push towers and never forget to get Oracle Alteration
As kata, you dont want to get to late game phase because your damage output is lower since they'd be stacking up magic resist against you, but if you do get to Late game, one thing to do, do not enter the jungle without Oracle Alteration
Karthus: The Deathsinger
Karthus is a very squishy champion, in every phase of the game.
In early game, if you're bad at dodging you can start Doran's Shield, otherwise start The Dark Seal.
You can kill him at level 2 or 3 depending on both your and the enemy karthus' playstyle
in mid game, you should still be winning the lane against him, so roam to your heart's content.
get Sorcerer's Shoes to deal more damage.
the only thing you need to do in late game is to get Zhonya's Hourglass or any sustain item such as
Ezreal: The Prodigal Explorer
you might want to get a Doran's Shield in this laning, because his W can pass through minions and would hurt(if he's aiming for ap Ezreal)
Just farm safely and trade when his E is down
at this point you should have at this part of the game, maybe even a if you're fed, keep out-trading him and you'll win the lane, again, roam when possible.
Nothing much to say here other than buying sustain items depending on his build(if he's going ap or ad)
Twisted Fate: The Cardmaster
Start The Dark Seal
in early levels try to poke him when his W is on cooldown(6 seconds)
his Q is slow so you can dodge it easily.
and that's the gist of it.
If you're having trouble laning against him, buy either Merc treads or QS.S, if not, dont let him farm because his late game is very strong
dont forget to ALWAYS tell your team when he leaves the lane because he can pop outta nowhere
In late game, he's strong as hell, so you gotta get some magic resist items such as Banshee's Veil, maybe an Abyssal Mask
Azir: The Emperor Of The Sands
Start Doran's Shield so you dont get poked alot
it's ok to lose some cs (as long as you're healthy in lane)
he's squishy in early game so poke him a bit and shunpo away so you dont get damaged too much from his sand bois
all in him if he overextends and is a bit low
do not forget that he gets a shield when he E's to a sand boi
In mid game you can all him and win the trade as long as you can dodge his ultimate
he might take advantage of you shunpo'ing to him when he's close to the turret by E'ing to a sand boi and using his R to throw you under it.
Just all in when you both are in the middle or if he has his R on cooldown (unless you're quite fed and he cant deal damage to you)
Get Sustain Items and beware of his ultimate in the teamfights, that's it.
Aurelion Sol: The Star Forger
Start Dark Seal against him, when he tries Q'ing you, stay close to him so you dont get stunned, keep closing the gap and poking and eventually you'll kill him.
Once you get you'll be able to oneshot him, close the gap and hard poke or all in if he's pushing/not close to tower
ofc beware of ganks and dont forget that his R knocks you up
it's also easy to know if he's near from his orbs
Nothing much different other than getting sustain items since his knock up/stun might hurt you in a teamfight
Taliyah: The Stoneweaver
you can either go for Doran's Shield or Dark Seal depending on how you're going to play the lane, if you want to be aggresive then get dark seal if not get shield so you can sustain more in lane, I'd also recommend going for Bone Plating with Second Wind in runes so you can have more sustain since her Q's hurt.
All in once her W(i think that's the knock up) on cooldown since she's squishy
she might deal damage at this point but she doesn't have any kind of sustain in lane,on the other hand you have to sustain and also so just keep poking and you'll eventually kill her.
At this point her damage will get to the point of oneshotting so get sustain items such as Banshee's Veil
Akali: The Rouge Assassin
In early game, you gotta be careful of her passive, because she gains both movement speed and higher range once she hits an ability, keep in mind that her Q gives her a bit of health when used at a nearly full energy bar, if she's got shroud wait til she uses it and then attack her(once the duration is over)
Mid game revolves around two things, who gets GB first, and who roams more, the one who wins them wins both lane and game
Akali is alot similar to katarina, her damage output is much lower in late game
try to let her burn her dashes and punish her with your team
Lucian: The Purifier
Start the lane with Doran's Shield
its ok to lose some cs in this lane(again, as long as you're healthy)
he's an adc so he's squishy, all in him once he burns his E
Get to lower his attack speed and damage, all in him and he should die or survive at low hp, get him if possible and if not do not tower dive him
if he's too much of a hassle get either Thornmail or Randuin's Omen
Morgana: The Fallen Angel
Start either the dark seal or Doran's Shield
she's squishy, once she burns up her spells all in her
when she uses her ultimate, shunpo away or go back if you can, or you can also try to get her before her ultimate finishes channeling
i'd rush against her
Do NOT underestimate her output damage, I repeat, Do NOT underestimate it, morgana is a very powerful mage with high cc, her damage in late game is pretty scary so get any sustain items like banshee's veil heck, maybe even an abyssal mask
Talon: The Blade's Shadow
Talon, as an Assassin, is known for his high early game damage/burst, but you're Kat, not a mage.
so you can also burst him down with ease.
Start your game with DS and one health pot and go for the resolve tree as a secondary to deny his early W damage.
Keep poking him when possible with > and with AA's in between and eventually he'll get stomped on
For mid game, the assassin that wins the lane, wins the game.(this is applied to almost every game)
now since you were tanky in early game you should be at the lead(the one who's dominating the lane)
So,if you did win the early, use it to your advantage by roaming and getting objectives
Now, lets say you lost the early game,
3 things to do
1: warn your teammates when he's MIA (Missing In Action) because his roam potential is great
2: Play safer, keep farming,get , and ask for help from your team
3: Don't throw the game, support your team from behind and jump in when there's a kill without risk of getting one shotted and then flamed by your team (which results to losing the game)
Talon falls pretty hard in late game, and this is where you shine if you lost the lane in the previous phases and they weren't able to finish the game
Since he falls pretty hard, that means there's a potential of shutting him down
Most talon's will go for the ADC or any squishy target so just bait him and shut him down, or lets say that you kept farming the whole mid phase since you lost, and you're back to the game now.
Go ahead, one shot everybody in the enemy team and get the "Stayed Cool" Honor!
Corki: The Daring Bombardier
Start Doran's Shield for a safe play if he has barrier.
if not, go The Dark Seal and all in him at lvl 3, he's squishy as hell so a full rotation combo with ignite would kill him.
In some cases, you'll get snowballed early so dont give up/tilt yet because mid game is where you shine the most
Once you get Gunblade you'll render Corki Useless, do not ult if he has his package because he can easily get out of its range unless you're sure you're going to kill him
Focus on objectives, corki wont be much of a threat against you but you should respect his kit because it deals hella damage.
Lux: The Lady Of Luminosity
In early game, its ok to lose some minions in order to stay healthy, poke at level 2, and all in at level 3 if she's not respecting your kit by playing at a close range, if she's playing safe just ask your jungler for help especially if its a tank or a cc champ
unless you're sure you can kill her don't you dare try engaging, because if you get rooted you die instantly.
roam and focus on objectives, don't solo push and stay with team
Cassiopeia: The Serpent's Embrace
Start Doran's Shield, dodge her Q, try not to get caught by her W, poke her with E W Q because she can cancel q e w with her W, all in when she's oom and rush boots if you need it
your mid game is stronger.
predict her R, all in her if it's on cooldown, keep snowballing and you'll win
Be careful of her ult in a teamfight because you might lose the fight from it.
try to kill her as soon as possible in a team fight but DONT BE RASH and all in between 5 CC enemies!
Anivia: The Cryophoenix
Start Doran's Shield, dodge her Q, stay behind minions watch out for her W, and dont forget about her egg
This is where you shine against this matchup, your damage is higher than her so keep snowballing and you should be fine
Same thing with mid game except her damage is higher now, so don't try to 1v1 if she has an egg
Galio: The Colossus
Swain: The Noxian Grand General
Veigar: The Tiny Master Of Evil
Syndra: The Dark Sovereign
Zoe: The Aspect Of Twilight
Ahri: The Nine-Tailed Fox
Yasuo: The Unforgiven
Karma: The Enlightened One
Ekko: The Boy Who Shattered Time
Katarina: The Sinister Blade
Ziggs: The Hexplosive Expert
Cho'Gath: The Terror Of The Void
Viktor: The Machine Herald
Vel'Koz: Eye Of The Void
Gangplank: The Saltwater Scourge
Xerath: The Magus Ascendant
Gragas: The Rabble Rouser
Zilean: The Chronokeeper
Lissandra: The Ice Witch
*note* Im really sorry for not being able to add the matchups at the moment because Im busy with my Finals n *****
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There are various katarina combos to use
> > AA
> AA > Move towards the dagger > again
> > AA > > AA
> AA > AA > > > AA
> > AA > >
> > AA > > > AA >
> AA > > > > AA >
> AA > > > > > AA
> > + > > (used to dodge skillshots)
you can use your voracity passive to the fullest which will make you harder to catch and have **** tons of damage
This video by Katlife shows you the combos
You can use your W as an escape route in the jungle by placing the dagger near a thin wall and shunpoing at the edge of the circle
You can reset your shunpo by 100% if you place 2 daggers correctly(let's say you put a W then hit Q and it got placed next to it, you shunpo to them and get a free shunpo
You can also get up to 4 daggers thanks to voracuty(the passive) but its much harder than the double or triple dagger
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even though im a low elo player, i think the nerfs were needed because she stomped on every laner against her and could pop an adc with a Q hex gunblade and an E, I love doing that but she's at this point too good, same was with her E cooldown increase(she could poke and run before she gets poked by the laner which made her a stronger snowball)
the nerfs were made to decrease the output damage when she fails a combo(a way to punish a failing combo)
it might seem bad to some but to me i actually think its a good thing for 2 reasons
1- makes a person more focused and less aggresive
2- makes her less popular with the players and less bannable(which means: more kat for me :D)
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KatEvolved | Challenger Peak | Informative, Clickbait, Educational | Youtube | Twitch
Katlife | Challenger Peak | Informative, Clickbait, Educational |Youtube | Twitch
Katastrophical | Master Peak | Informative, Educational | Youtube | Twitch
Alnino | Platinum Peak | Informative, Educational | MobaFire Guide | Youtube | Twitch
Scarra | Challenger Peak | Informative, Clickbait | Youtube | Twitch
Flyerbek | Master Peak | Clickbait | Youtube | Twitch
LeagueofUno | Platinum Peak | Informative | Twitch
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Hello Again, Thank you for reading my Glorious Guide for Katarina - The sinister blade.
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Now, to explain why I choose those runes:
I go Conqueror
Because of how much sustain and damage you gain from it
I choose Triumph:
Because it completely negates an ignite kill if you're low and manage to kill the opponent laner first. It gives you HP and additional gold on kills, and just makes a snowballing Katarina that much harder to kill in mid-game teamfights. You take the precision tree over the sorcery tree purely for this mastery..
I choose Legend: Tenacity:
Because you’re getting free sustain, tenacity will help reduce how long the cc will last, which is super great for kata
and Coup De Grace:
Because it helps secure kills on low HP targets. Securing kills is what Katarina does best.
I choose Sudden Impact
Because it synergizes amazingly well with Katarina's E, shunpo. It adds a small burst of magic penetration and lethality to your pre-hit stats, giving you stronger magic damage, and stronger auto attacks
I also choose Ravenous Hunter
Because it synergizes with the Gunblade and Conqueror pretty nicely.
You can also go Relentless Hunter for more roaming potential
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Starting Items:
You either start Doran's Shield or Long Sword but I DO NOT recommend the long sword starting for a new Katarina since it has some disadvantages if not played correctly
First Back:
You either get Double or if you have enough gold
Core Items:
I believe that is a must on katarina for it’s sustain and high burst damage
I also think that is a very important item on katarina since magic penetration deals high damage and is good for shredding tanks
Matchup/Sustain Items
Let’s say, you were against a , you lost early game or were camped by the enemy jungler, at that point, you should 1- ask for help(of course, but dont spam pings)
2- get yourself either a or a
now lets imagine you were against a / or any kind of high base AD champion and are losing the lane
you can get a and upgrade it into a If faced by a
and if faced by an Attack speed champion such as ,you'd get .
now, if you're faced by a high ap high cc champion like / /
you should get IF NEEDED or just get a like the matchup.
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As Katarina, Your job is to deal the most possible damage without dying, and you have to be patient.
Don't just Shunpo into the middle of 5 people and get blown to pieces. You're strong, but any form of CC in the middle of 3 or more champions will get you killed. That means using your Q to poke the enemy from afar, and when the enemies (or your team engages), you look for your strategically placed daggers to kill the enemy carries. As soon as you burst them down, pop your Zhonyas to let the rest of your team finish the engagement, and secure the objectives that you fought over.
Take teamfights slow. Look for the best opportunities. If you don't find one, then simply don't engage. If your team goes all in, you need to be going all in too, but that doesn't mean jumping in blindly. Always think one step ahead. If you jump in, how are you going to get out? Once you get out, are you going to have to re-engage? If so, how?
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Katarina is well known for being a mid game powerhouse
In Early Game (pre 6), your aim is to level up faster than your enemy laner, and use your level difference to poke him down, for instance, if you get level 2 before your laner, Q,E him immediately, that'll make him lose chunks of health.
At level 6, you should start roaming if it is possible for you(usually in botlane)
You push the lane and/or kill the laner then go roam depending on who's pushing and who's being pushed.
If you don't see any opportunity to roam you can just shove in the lane and then help with objectives such as,drake, towers, herald..etc
In Mid Game(where you shine) you need to do something called shot-calling. Mid-game is about pushing objectives, taking map control, getting deep vision and preventing your teammates from feeding your opponents.
You can think of your four teammates as shields. You want to stand in the middle of them, standing just behind the front line, and in front of the adc for any needed peel. Don't forget that dropping a simple dagger next to your adc can sometimes save them from an engage.
In Late Game, If you don't engage correctly or be patient, you're 100% guaranteed to die in that teamfight, play smarter,play safer, don't engage in any teamfight unless your team is all in.
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In this Chapter, I'll be sorting by the difficulty (for new players)
note that Green is Easy
Yellow is Medium
And Red is Hard
the darker it is the harder the matchup
Teemo: The Swift Scout
Early Game
Start Doran's Shield, trade him not too hard so you dont get out traded.
Its ok to lose some minions due to his blind.
Use E W Q combo on him if he's aggresive
All in him if you're sure to get the kill
you can also get Mercury's Treads if needed
Mid Game
Once you get or , he automatically loses the lane(unless you fed him in early game)
you should be able to oneshot him with an E W Q E R ignite(if needed)
Try to roam alot,push towers and never forget to get Oracle Alteration
Late Game
As kata, you dont want to get to late game phase because your damage output is lower since they'd be stacking up magic resist against you, but if you do get to Late game, one thing to do, do not enter the jungle without Oracle Alteration
Karthus: The Deathsinger
Early Game
Karthus is a very squishy champion, in every phase of the game.
In early game, if you're bad at dodging you can start Doran's Shield, otherwise start The Dark Seal.
You can kill him at level 2 or 3 depending on both your and the enemy karthus' playstyle
Mid Game
in mid game, you should still be winning the lane against him, so roam to your heart's content.
get Sorcerer's Shoes to deal more damage.
Late Game
the only thing you need to do in late game is to get Zhonya's Hourglass or any sustain item such as
Ezreal: The Prodigal Explorer
Early Game
you might want to get a Doran's Shield in this laning, because his W can pass through minions and would hurt(if he's aiming for ap Ezreal)
Just farm safely and trade when his E is down
Mid Game
at this point you should have at this part of the game, maybe even a if you're fed, keep out-trading him and you'll win the lane, again, roam when possible.
Late Game
Nothing much to say here other than buying sustain items depending on his build(if he's going ap or ad)
Twisted Fate: The Cardmaster
Early Game
Start The Dark Seal
in early levels try to poke him when his W is on cooldown(6 seconds)
his Q is slow so you can dodge it easily.
and that's the gist of it.
Mid Game
If you're having trouble laning against him, buy either Merc treads or QS.S, if not, dont let him farm because his late game is very strong
dont forget to ALWAYS tell your team when he leaves the lane because he can pop outta nowhere
Late Game
In late game, he's strong as hell, so you gotta get some magic resist items such as Banshee's Veil, maybe an Abyssal Mask
Azir: The Emperor Of The Sands
Early Game
Start Doran's Shield so you dont get poked alot
it's ok to lose some cs (as long as you're healthy in lane)
he's squishy in early game so poke him a bit and shunpo away so you dont get damaged too much from his sand bois
all in him if he overextends and is a bit low
do not forget that he gets a shield when he E's to a sand boi
Mid Game
In mid game you can all him and win the trade as long as you can dodge his ultimate
he might take advantage of you shunpo'ing to him when he's close to the turret by E'ing to a sand boi and using his R to throw you under it.
Just all in when you both are in the middle or if he has his R on cooldown (unless you're quite fed and he cant deal damage to you)
Late Game
Get Sustain Items and beware of his ultimate in the teamfights, that's it.
Aurelion Sol: The Star Forger
Early Game
Start Dark Seal against him, when he tries Q'ing you, stay close to him so you dont get stunned, keep closing the gap and poking and eventually you'll kill him.
Mid Game
Once you get you'll be able to oneshot him, close the gap and hard poke or all in if he's pushing/not close to tower
ofc beware of ganks and dont forget that his R knocks you up
it's also easy to know if he's near from his orbs
Late Game
Nothing much different other than getting sustain items since his knock up/stun might hurt you in a teamfight
Taliyah: The Stoneweaver
Early Game
you can either go for Doran's Shield or Dark Seal depending on how you're going to play the lane, if you want to be aggresive then get dark seal if not get shield so you can sustain more in lane, I'd also recommend going for Bone Plating with Second Wind in runes so you can have more sustain since her Q's hurt.
All in once her W(i think that's the knock up) on cooldown since she's squishy
Mid Game
she might deal damage at this point but she doesn't have any kind of sustain in lane,on the other hand you have to sustain and also so just keep poking and you'll eventually kill her.
Late game
At this point her damage will get to the point of oneshotting so get sustain items such as Banshee's Veil
Akali: The Rouge Assassin
Early Game
In early game, you gotta be careful of her passive, because she gains both movement speed and higher range once she hits an ability, keep in mind that her Q gives her a bit of health when used at a nearly full energy bar, if she's got shroud wait til she uses it and then attack her(once the duration is over)
Mid game
Mid game revolves around two things, who gets GB first, and who roams more, the one who wins them wins both lane and game
Late game
Akali is alot similar to katarina, her damage output is much lower in late game
try to let her burn her dashes and punish her with your team
Lucian: The Purifier
Early game
Start the lane with Doran's Shield
its ok to lose some cs in this lane(again, as long as you're healthy)
he's an adc so he's squishy, all in him once he burns his E
Mid game
Get to lower his attack speed and damage, all in him and he should die or survive at low hp, get him if possible and if not do not tower dive him
Late game
if he's too much of a hassle get either Thornmail or Randuin's Omen
Morgana: The Fallen Angel
Early game
Start either the dark seal or Doran's Shield
she's squishy, once she burns up her spells all in her
Mid game
when she uses her ultimate, shunpo away or go back if you can, or you can also try to get her before her ultimate finishes channeling
i'd rush against her
Late game
Do NOT underestimate her output damage, I repeat, Do NOT underestimate it, morgana is a very powerful mage with high cc, her damage in late game is pretty scary so get any sustain items like banshee's veil heck, maybe even an abyssal mask
Talon: The Blade's Shadow
Early Game
Talon, as an Assassin, is known for his high early game damage/burst, but you're Kat, not a mage.
so you can also burst him down with ease.
Start your game with DS and one health pot and go for the resolve tree as a secondary to deny his early W damage.
Keep poking him when possible with > and with AA's in between and eventually he'll get stomped on
Mid Game
For mid game, the assassin that wins the lane, wins the game.(this is applied to almost every game)
now since you were tanky in early game you should be at the lead(the one who's dominating the lane)
So,if you did win the early, use it to your advantage by roaming and getting objectives
Now, lets say you lost the early game,
3 things to do
1: warn your teammates when he's MIA (Missing In Action) because his roam potential is great
2: Play safer, keep farming,get , and ask for help from your team
3: Don't throw the game, support your team from behind and jump in when there's a kill without risk of getting one shotted and then flamed by your team (which results to losing the game)
Late Game
Talon falls pretty hard in late game, and this is where you shine if you lost the lane in the previous phases and they weren't able to finish the game
Since he falls pretty hard, that means there's a potential of shutting him down
Most talon's will go for the ADC or any squishy target so just bait him and shut him down, or lets say that you kept farming the whole mid phase since you lost, and you're back to the game now.
Go ahead, one shot everybody in the enemy team and get the "Stayed Cool" Honor!
Corki: The Daring Bombardier
Early Game
Start Doran's Shield for a safe play if he has barrier.
if not, go The Dark Seal and all in him at lvl 3, he's squishy as hell so a full rotation combo with ignite would kill him.
In some cases, you'll get snowballed early so dont give up/tilt yet because mid game is where you shine the most
Mid Game
Once you get Gunblade you'll render Corki Useless, do not ult if he has his package because he can easily get out of its range unless you're sure you're going to kill him
Late Game
Focus on objectives, corki wont be much of a threat against you but you should respect his kit because it deals hella damage.
Lux: The Lady Of Luminosity
Early Game
In early game, its ok to lose some minions in order to stay healthy, poke at level 2, and all in at level 3 if she's not respecting your kit by playing at a close range, if she's playing safe just ask your jungler for help especially if its a tank or a cc champ
Mid and Late Game
Lux's damage is pretty damn high in mid and late and what you gotta do is the same in both so i'll be putting them together.unless you're sure you can kill her don't you dare try engaging, because if you get rooted you die instantly.
roam and focus on objectives, don't solo push and stay with team
Cassiopeia: The Serpent's Embrace
Early Game
Start Doran's Shield, dodge her Q, try not to get caught by her W, poke her with E W Q because she can cancel q e w with her W, all in when she's oom and rush boots if you need it
Mid Game
your mid game is stronger.
predict her R, all in her if it's on cooldown, keep snowballing and you'll win
Late Game
Be careful of her ult in a teamfight because you might lose the fight from it.
try to kill her as soon as possible in a team fight but DONT BE RASH and all in between 5 CC enemies!
Anivia: The Cryophoenix
Early Game
Start Doran's Shield, dodge her Q, stay behind minions watch out for her W, and dont forget about her egg
Mid Game
This is where you shine against this matchup, your damage is higher than her so keep snowballing and you should be fine
Late Game
Same thing with mid game except her damage is higher now, so don't try to 1v1 if she has an egg
Galio: The Colossus
Swain: The Noxian Grand General
Veigar: The Tiny Master Of Evil
Syndra: The Dark Sovereign
Zoe: The Aspect Of Twilight
Ahri: The Nine-Tailed Fox
Yasuo: The Unforgiven
Karma: The Enlightened One
Ekko: The Boy Who Shattered Time
Katarina: The Sinister Blade
Ziggs: The Hexplosive Expert
Cho'Gath: The Terror Of The Void
Viktor: The Machine Herald
Vel'Koz: Eye Of The Void
Gangplank: The Saltwater Scourge
Xerath: The Magus Ascendant
Gragas: The Rabble Rouser
Zilean: The Chronokeeper
Lissandra: The Ice Witch
*note* Im really sorry for not being able to add the matchups at the moment because Im busy with my Finals n *****
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There are various katarina combos to use
level 2 combos:
> > AA
> AA > Move towards the dagger > again
level 3 combos:
> > AA > > AA
> AA > AA > > > AA
level 6+ combos:
> > AA > >
> > AA > > > AA >
> AA > > > > AA >
> AA > > > > > AA
high skill combos:
> > + > > (used to dodge skillshots)
you can use your voracity passive to the fullest which will make you harder to catch and have **** tons of damage
This video by Katlife shows you the combos
You can use your W as an escape route in the jungle by placing the dagger near a thin wall and shunpoing at the edge of the circle
You can reset your shunpo by 100% if you place 2 daggers correctly(let's say you put a W then hit Q and it got placed next to it, you shunpo to them and get a free shunpo
You can also get up to 4 daggers thanks to voracuty(the passive) but its much harder than the double or triple dagger
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even though im a low elo player, i think the nerfs were needed because she stomped on every laner against her and could pop an adc with a Q hex gunblade and an E, I love doing that but she's at this point too good, same was with her E cooldown increase(she could poke and run before she gets poked by the laner which made her a stronger snowball)
the nerfs were made to decrease the output damage when she fails a combo(a way to punish a failing combo)
it might seem bad to some but to me i actually think its a good thing for 2 reasons
1- makes a person more focused and less aggresive
2- makes her less popular with the players and less bannable(which means: more kat for me :D)
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Katlife | Challenger Peak | Informative, Clickbait, Educational |Youtube | Twitch
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Flyerbek | Master Peak | Clickbait | Youtube | Twitch
LeagueofUno | Platinum Peak | Informative | Twitch
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