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Not the easiest matchup. Try to avoid her Q's, and be aware if You know she will try to land her charm. Use your stun when she will be out of mana, have her Spirit Rush on cooldown or when You are sure You can burst her down before she will burst You.
Akali is one of the heaviest snowballers in game, despite of the recent nerfs. Harrass until she will hit 6 (try to delay her level 6 as hard as possible!). After 6, it won't look so colorful. Try to stun her whenever she will go in. Buy and upgrade your Oracle's to counter her invisiblity. If You don't feel safe pick barrier/heal/exhaust before the match.
Anivia shouldn't be a problem to You. But, try not to get frost on you, or she will take half of Your HP in 2 seconds. Be aware when she will use her Flash Frost or Crystallize - it will help her jungler to gank You. She is squishy, but remember about her egg! Stun whenever she wants to use her Frostbite and for Your combos.
Both of You can burst each other in seconds. Burst her down before she will burst You. Always check if her Pyromania is ready or how many spells she needs to load it. You can also pick her Tibbers with Your W, but his aura will still do damage, so think before using Your W.
Prrr, prrr! He is a late game bully. Your spheres will not stop on his ult, so it shouldn't be hard to get to him. But don't underestimate him! His soldiers can slow You and stick their spears in poor Syndra. If You don't feel safe, consider taking barrier over ignite.
Brand can harrass You from a greater distance but it shouldn't be a problem to come closer if You will sucessfully land Your stun and dodge his Q.
You can poke each other with your Q's. Consider saving Your flash when she will try ulting You, because You don't have escape. Stun if she wants to spam with her Twin Fang. Picking barrier and using it while getting stunned is not the worst idea.
I haven't seen AP Corki recently, but he shouldn't be a problem. Just dodge his skills and You should be fine.
Punish her for getting closer to minions before 6. After 6 save Your stun for her engage and/or when she will use Moonfall.
Ap Ezreal will harrass You with his Q's and W's, but You should go agressive and burst him down.
Fiddle in the Middle will Feedle your Synddle. After 6 be sure to stun him while channeling his Crowstorm.
Fizz... uh. Build as much MR as You can, early Abyssal helps a lot. Harrass with Q's, don't let him get to You, if he will, stun and use ulti ONLY when he will be stunned. Otherwise he will just dodge it with his Playful/Trickster. Better pick a defensive spell instead of ignite.
Heimerdinger is kinda strong, but You are the one to show him his place. And remember: You can move his turrets!
Jayce has good damage, but You have better. Just dodge his charged Q's and You should be fine. If he wants to come in changing to Mercury Hammer, stun/knock him back if You have it.
Karma is more of a support, but if she plays well, she can show You who rules mid lane today. She can snare You and use her full combo if You will go agressive, so better call for ganks to guarantee a kill. Stun only if You are sure it will hit -- she can dodge Your balls pretty easily with her MS boost from her E.
Karthus will try to poke You will Q's, but remeber that he deals full dmg only when You are alone. He needs to come closer, so when he will put his wall and try to harrass You, then You should use Your full combo. Zhonya = ultimate counter for Requiem and Death Defied (passive).
Kassadin still has high damage, don't underestimate him. Harrass until lvl 6. After 6, call for many ganks and stun him when he will have his Riftwalk on cooldown. He will try to use his combo on You after lvl 6. That's the part when u need Your knockback.
Katarina shouldn't be a problem, unless she will get fed (that's another story). She doesn't have good damage on her basic skills. Harrass until 6, after 6 don't use Your stun until she will ulti, no matter what will happen, You can safe You and Your team with that one skill.
Kayle's Intervention... Eh, I don't have to remind You that can just press one button and Your spheres will just glance off her shield. Save Your stun for the part when she wants to harrass You with E after using Reckoning. If she will be low enough or when stunned, so she can't ult.
AP Kog'Maw can harrass You from a great distance, but once You will stun him he won't have a chance to run. Just remember about his passive. Try to dodge his skillshots all time and when You will stun him go agressive.
You are LeBlanc's counter, but don't go too agressive, or she will just burst You down. You need a lot of practise to knock her back with Your E while she is using Distortion. If You will manage, she won't dash and won't do any dmg. Here is the moment when You should burst her down. If You struggle with LB buy some MR.
Both of You are close-range mages, but You have higher burst potential. Dodging her Q's is not hard, just DON'T stay behind Your minions. Save Your stun for the moment when she will try to initiate/escape with Glacial Path.
Some say she counters You. Well, just don't walk in her Q and You will be fine. If she will hit You then try to stun before she will start channeling Final Spark. Remember that she doesn't have escape too.
A Riven has always been a pain for all champions without escape. Harrass with Q's if she's farming and RUN AWAY if she wants to use her combo on You (save your stun for that!) I recommend an early Zhonya and even more armor.
BATTLE OF THE AGES! MAY THE BETTER SYNDRA WIN! Try dodging Q's and predict when she will try to stun. If You will get stunned You will die.
After they deleted his silence You can eventually fight back, but don't underestimate him. He can still burst squishies down even faster than You. Poke with Q's, knock him back if he uses his Cutthroat on You. Burst him down any time You see an oportunity.
AP Tristana just got nerfed, so she shouldn't hurt as much as before. Be sure to burst her down before she will go in. If You want to stun her, it will be better if she will have her Rocket Jump on cooldown.
Twisted Fate
Take a lot of pots and make sure he has his Sanguine Pool on cooldown before ulting. I recommend a Zhonya to negate his ulti and finishing a game before he will complete his build. Then he can be unkillable. NERF PLS D:
He can harrass You all day with his long-range skills. Try to stun him when he will be ulting and/or trying to get mana from passive. Then use Your balls (heh).
Before 6 punish for getting creeps dodgin his Razor Shurikens. Consider taking barrier over ignite. If You want buying Quicksilver Sash is a good option (it will negate his Death Mark). Call for ganks and stun him if he has his shadows on cooldown or out of energy.
Dodge his Bouncing Bombs and save Your flash when he will ult. If You can harrass him with Q's but keep dodging his. Early shoes recommended.
Beware of bombs dealing high damage (0.9 scalling, God). I recommend ulting him to make him ult, and after he revives using Your stun and finishing him off with Q and/or W.
Zyra may not look so scary, but she has a lot of potential. She can snare You and You will be fcked. And remember about her passive! You can also pick her plants.
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