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Viktor Build Guide by Rollerdino

Middle [WIP] [550k Mastery] Patch 7.23 In-depth Viktor guide

Middle [WIP] [550k Mastery] Patch 7.23 In-depth Viktor guide

Updated on November 21, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rollerdino Build Guide By Rollerdino 12,022 Views 0 Comments
12,022 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rollerdino Viktor Build Guide By Rollerdino Updated on November 21, 2017
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Viktor
    Aery Machine Herald
  • LoL Champion: Viktor
    Electrocute Machine Herald


Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Absolute Focus

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Future's Market


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


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Hi everyone, and welcome to Rollerdino's Updated Viktor Guide. I'm Rollerdino, a Viktor main with nearly 500k mastery points on him. I've also coached a number of semipro teams to varying degrees of success. I decided to share my acquired knowledge in Viktor, so I hope this will be useful.

In this guide, I will be focusing on the latest patch only, and I will try to keep it updated whenever a new patch comes out.

If you have any feedback, be sure to message me or comment on the guide, I'll be reading every one of your comments. I hope you enjoy and learn something!
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+ Powerful level 1 to 3, solokill potential
+ Godlike waveclear after Hex Core-mk1
+ Hyperscaling champion
+ Very good oneshot potential
+ High DPS on tanks (for a control mage)
+ Strong kiting
+ Powerful zone control
- Immobile in lane
- VERY squishy
- Hard to play well
- CC screws your day
- Mana hungry in early- and midgame
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Champion Summary

Passive: Glorious Evolution
Viktor starts with the Prototype Hex Core that can be upgraded three times in the store to augment his abilities.

The biggest reason Viktor is a hyperscaling mage. The Hex Core is one of the highest slot efficient items in the game, clocking out at a whopping 180 AP and 450 mana at level 18 (for comparison, Morellonomicon gives 100 AP and 400 mana). It also allows Viktor to enhance his basic abilities, which I will get to in their respective parts.

You will want to buy the first upgrade (aka Hex Core mk-1) as soon as possible, as it is necessary to become the shove monster you can be. Then, the other two parts are often completed as a 1st or 2nd item. More on this in the Build section.

Q: Siphon Power
Cooldown: 8/7/6/5/4
Cost: 45/50/55/60/65 mana
Viktor blasts an enemy unit, dealing 60/80/100/120/140 (+40% Ability Power) magic damage while granting Viktor a shield that absorbs up to 8% maximum mana damage over the next 2.5 seconds. Viktor's next basic attack deals 20/40/60/80/100 (+50% Ability Power) bonus magic damage.

Augment: Turbocharge
Viktor gains 30% Movement Speed for 3 seconds.

This ability is a super good one. It provides you with lane harass, an enhanced autoattack to work with Lich Bane, a shield, and (when upgraded) a Movement Speed boost to help kiting. It's also very low cooldown, so a great use for it is to lay DPS down onto tanks.

You will want to max this ability second, as it's your main teamfight ability, but E is better for early- and midgame.

W: Gravity Field
Cooldown: 17/16/15/14/13
Cost: 65 mana
Viktor deploys a gravitational imprisonment device for 4 seconds, slowing enemy units by 28/32/36/40/44% and adding a stack every 0.5 seconds. At 3 stacks the target is stunned for 1.5 seconds.
Augment: Implosion
Enemies stunned by Gravity Field are dragged to the center.

CC zone ability, you can use this to block off pathways or zone enemies into a choke point. If they're bad, you can also cast this directly on top of someone for a getto catching tool, however this is not recommended.

You max this last because it's the only ability in your kit that doesn't do any damage.

E: Hextech Ray
Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9
Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 mana
Viktor uses his robotic arm to fire a chaos beam that cuts across the field in a line, dealing 70/110/150/190/230 (+50% Ability Power) magic damage to every enemy in its path.

Augment: Aftershock
An explosion follows the Death Ray's wake, dealing 20/60/100/140/180 (+70% Ability Power) magic damage.

This ability is what makes Viktor Viktor. All your waveclear, most of your damage and some of your zone control is in this ability. However, it's also the ability that makes him as mana hungry as he is, so be sure to not waste it.

Before you get your Hex Core, only use this to harass your lane opponent with (you can hit minions as well, but make sure you're harassing your opponent as well). It only gets efficient as a waveclear spell after you get it upgraded.

I've heard a lot of people complain about how difficult it is to cast this ability, because it is a vector cast, which is very rare. However, I think everyone who's practiced casting this for 15 minutes in a custom will get the hang of it.

In teamfights, use this to follow up onto CC'd targets, poke, or as a burst tool. Zoning with it is possible, but not wanted as your main zone abilities are W and R.

R: Arcane Storm
Cooldown: 120/110/100
Cost: 100 mana
Viktor conjures a singularity at target location, dealing 100/175/250 (+50% Ability Power) magic damage and interrupting enemy channels. Viktor can redirect the singularity for 6.5 seconds, which will discharge 150/250/350 (+60% Ability Power) magic damage every 2 seconds to nearby enemies. The singularity will move slower as it attempts to move farther away from Viktor.

Augment: Velocity
Chaos Storm moves 20% faster.

Versatile ability. It can be used to burst, to zone, to deal DPS, and to CC if you've built Rylai's. It also interrupts channels, which can be useful when a Twisted Fate is trying to port bot, as it interrupts that.

Use it in teamfights for damage, or to zone their ADC out of the fight by attaching it onto them. Damage with the ticks of this ability should be regarded as a luxury and not a main goal.

In lane, this ultimate can basically 100 to 0 a lane opponent if they eat the full channel. If you have ult up and the enemy is playing cocky, don't be afraid to press R and let them eat it.
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I'll be going over all items I've put up top, and also a few noobtrap items to avoid in most situations.
Perfect Hex Core

You want this item every single game, for obvious reasons. Build it either as a first or a second item. Ability upgrade order is without exception EQW, as I've explained in the ability section. This item also allows Viktor to outscale most other mages with the stats.
Lich Bane

The other core item of your build, Lich Bane is very good at providing you with good consistent damage, and oneshot potential on squishies. It also scales incredibly well alongside the rest of your build, as it adds more AP scaling to your burst combo. Build this first or second, depending on what choices you made with building Hex Core.
Void Staff

This is the item that makes your damage noticeable on tanks (alongside with Lich Bane). I recommend building this item when you think teamfights will break out, as it's quite the difference if you have it or not. It also further amplifies your damage against squishies, especially if they have 1 MR item (QSS, Banshee's).
Rabadon's Deathcap

I don't want to see any final Viktor bulids without this item. Your total AP scaling on all your abilities combined (plus Lich Bane) is 310%, so you want as much AP as you can get. It also helps that your Hex Core gives 180 AP at level 18, which warrants the purchase on its own.
Zhonya's Hourglass

Build this third if you're getting dumpstered by someone who can get countered by the active (Zed, Fizz, even Syndra sometimes). Otherwise, this is your defensive item of choice in teamfights, as the active helps keep you so much safer than Banshee's ever would. Great item on Viktor.
Banshee's Veil

The lesser of the two defensive item options, but still not to be underestimated. It can make the difference in matchups where you cannot really block their burst with an Hourglass, or when they rely on one spell extremely heavily (Diana for example). Do not build this and Hourglass in the same game though.
Luden's Echo

Really fun item when you're ahead, but a trap if you're behind. It makes you faster and enhances your waveclear and burst, but the stats are lackluster for the cost and it doesn't provide you with any utility. Think carefully about building this.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter

After the nerfs, it really isn't that good on Viktor anymore. Slot efficiency is a big issue for Viktor (as he has the Hex Core occupying one slot in all games), and the low stats on Rylai's don't help it's cause. It can still be built when the slow is of life importance, but I'd shy away from building it in most games.
Liandry's Torment

If you're feeling weird, this plus Rylai's can make for an oppressive midgame build which works best in teamfights where you can poke. This used to be a lot better with Deathfire Touch, but now that's gone it's really not that good unless you are ahead. Without Rylai's it's not efficient enough, as the stats are not that useful on Viktor.

Some people are adamant on how good Morello on Viktor is. I disagree wholly. Lost Chapter is an amazing item in lane, but you want your Hex Core mk-1 as soon as possible, which means you can't buy Lost Chapter in most games. The stats may be good for the cost, but the mana isn't very useful (you have mana from LB and PHC) and the damage gets outdone by other items. Get it if you need the passive desperately, as a 3rd or 4th item, but don't buy it in a generic game.
Rod of Ages

Bad item. It has to be rushed in order for it to do anything, and as we all know rushing items on Viktor isn't really a possibility (other than Hex Core of course). Also, the mana and health aren't used that well and the AP is alright at best. Don't buy this.
Tear of the Goddess/Archangel's Staff

See above. The mana is wasted and it takes too long to scale. The shield can save you in clutch situations, but remember you've given up your lane to build this item, so you don't do anything in fights anyway. Even worse than RoA in my opinion.
Mejai's Soulstealer

Funny item if you're snowballing super hard and bought Dark Seal early. The damage you get from it is quite absurd. However, one death and it becomes worthless, and the slot efficiency is pretty bad as well. Build it only rarely.
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Summoner Spells

There's a number of Summoner Spells Viktor can take in certain circumstances, so I figured it would be useful to have a guide as to when to take which.

Mandatory summoner spell. Take it in every game, no matter what. Instant repositioning is so useful in every game that you don't want to pass up on it (especially as an immobile carry as Viktor).

Very good summoner versus anything that can kill you and get in range of Exhaust. Assassins are a good example, but also some burst mages can be a good target for this summoner. It's also by far the most useful teamfight summoner (if you don't need another of the three described lower).

Run this in matchups where they can fight you, but you can't get in range for an Exhaust (for example, Syndra). The shield will often let you live through their burst combo where with every other summoner you would have died. Nice to have, no disaster if you don't.

Only take this if you're in a farm lane and planning on roaming. Examples would be Malzahar and Orianna. This helps you get to the other lanes faster, and also helps kite in teamfights. Ever since it got nerfed, I don't take this nearly as much as the other summoners, but it's still an option if you like it in your situation.

Take this whenever the enemy has one (or 2) CCs you must avoid at all costs to survive the lane. Also look at the enemy jungler in this process. I would take Cleanse vs Lux, but also for example vs Malzahar when Elise is his jungler. It can be a lifesaver, but you must be good at timing it for it to work.

Very niche summoner you can take into super weak lanes (Akali, Diana) to try to kill them. However, keep in mind that this leaves you without a defensive summoner, so you MUST take advantage of the laning power it gives to warrant it. A 15CS lead is not enough.

This is a really bad summoner on Viktor, and I cringe every time I see someone do it. Sure, you get a free back in lane and a bit of ability to play side lane, but your TP flanks are trash tier and you're without a defensive summoner again. I do not recommend using this summoner spell ever.
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[NOTICE: I haven't tried any rune pages on 7.23 yet, so I don't know if Aery is still the way to go or not. Expect an update in the coming days.]

Runes are a fiesta in this preseason, so I tried to shed some light on the options Viktor can explore.






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Early Game

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Late Game

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Matchups: A-G

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Matchups: H-M

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Matchups: N-T

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Matchups: U-Z

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Finishing Words

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