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Xin Zhao Build Guide by ItchiDeathgod

Jungle Xin Zhao Jungle 5.14

Jungle Xin Zhao Jungle 5.14

Updated on July 29, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ItchiDeathgod Build Guide By ItchiDeathgod 4,300 Views 0 Comments
4,300 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ItchiDeathgod Xin Zhao Build Guide By ItchiDeathgod Updated on July 29, 2015
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Hello there, I'm a silver jungle main and i love to play Xin Zhao.

I really enjoy playing auto attack junglers such as Xin Zhao and with the arrival of the Sated Devourer in season 5 he has become my best jungler so far.
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Sated Devourer ( Builds from Enchantment: Devourer at 30 stacks )

+50% attack speed
+60 on-hit magic damage

Unique - Phantom Hit: Every second basic attack will be a phantom attack that triggers on-hit effects twice.

Sated Devourer works great with Xin Zhao's W passive which heals him for a specific amount every 3rd auto attack, which now heals him every other (2nd) auto attack due to Sated Devourer's passive, Phantom Hit.

Sated Devourer also applies the on hit effects of Blade of the Ruined King doubling the amount of percent health damage dealt every 2nd auto attack.

Ravenous Hydra is also effected by Sated devourer, applying its passive area of effect damage twice every 2nd auto attack

Trinity Force - Overall a good item on Xin Zhao. This item gives Xin Zhao a little bit of burst damage with the spellblade passive which makes his next auto attack do more damage after using a spell. The same passive is also great for quickly taking down towers.
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Put a point into W Battle Cry first. This ability allows you to sustain in the jungle early and is an attack speed amplifier which helps you clear the jungle faster

Next put a point into Q Three Talon Strike. This will cause your next 3 auto attacks to do more damage and knock up the target you are autoing on the 3rd auto attack after activating. This will overall help jungle clear speed.

Then put a point into and max first your E ability Audacious Charge. This ability is your gap closer and does AOE damage and slows the target. I max this first, increasing the slow amount and base damage for every point as well as lowering the cooldown. This helps with ganking, making it harder for the target being ganked to get away, helping to ensure you get all 3 Three Talon Strike empowered auto attacks in on your target.
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When ganking, try to save Xin Zhao's E Audacious Charge till the target has flashed or used their escape ability. Only use Audacious Charge when there is no other way to reach your target.

If you can get behind your target, try using your Ult Crescent Sweep to knock them back towards your tower, giving you a better chance at securing the kill and making it overall a very successful gank.
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Team Fights

Try and Audacious Charge onto a carry who is out of position and use your ult Crescent Sweep to initiate and knock everyone else back on the enemy team except your target. It wont always work out that way but that's the general idea.

If you cant get to the carries from the front, try and come around the side and flank.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ItchiDeathgod
ItchiDeathgod Xin Zhao Guide
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Xin Zhao Jungle 5.14

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