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Ashe Build Guide by Taijko

Middle Ye-.A.she.-Can -MID- Guide S7 NEW

Middle Ye-.A.she.-Can -MID- Guide S7 NEW

Updated on July 10, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Taijko Build Guide By Taijko 3,550 Views 0 Comments
3,550 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Taijko Ashe Build Guide By Taijko Updated on July 10, 2017
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If you want to play Ashe Mid Lane, you should know Two things.
First, its a lot of Fun and you can do a lot of great things.
Second, People will hate and flame while picking champs.
Don't listen to them. just do it.
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You should clearly go for that runes, its the best combination of Attack Speed, Attack Damage, Armor, Magic Resist.
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Imo the best option to go.
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How to play Ashe mid? its not really hard or complex. just play safe at the beginning.
your enemy WILL probably understimate you, and try to play more offensive or go for early gank. they want to kill you. so dont give them the chance. Be concentrated, Play Safe, go for farm and build your items. Hit the enemy with W / Q without getting hit by him. Clear Right and Left with your E to be sure that their jungler isnt there waiting for gank. You can Use your R for Engage or for stun if your Jungler is coming over for a Gank.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Taijko
Taijko Ashe Guide
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Ye-.A.she.-Can -MID- Guide S7 NEW

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