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Kayn Build Guide by Trololol48

Jungle You smell ..... BAD ( A guide to kayn jungle )

Jungle You smell ..... BAD ( A guide to kayn jungle )

Updated on August 13, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Trololol48 Build Guide By Trololol48 2,725 Views 1 Comments
2,725 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Trololol48 Kayn Build Guide By Trololol48 Updated on August 13, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Hi everyone this is my build for kayn both forms, and after rounds of me playing as him I realise this champ is a killing machine to any squishy and really easy to use...
Now use this build and KILL EVERYTHING IN THE RIFT !!!
GOOOOOO !!! I'm from SEA servers sad.....
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Follow everything above you will be fine with both forms
" purple " rune you can choose either lethality or dmg
Scaling health for healthsss
Magic resist for not getting deleted easily by ap
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Same thing ~ follow everything above or tweak it if you want, for the thunder lord you can change it to storm raider
- rhaast I go storm raider for movement speed
- shadow assassin I go thunder lord for one shot
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Pros / Cons

Pros :
ONE SHOT enemy
Outplay enemy easily
Walk through walls and say HELLO~
Damn knock ups .... ( rhaast )

Cons :
Get stun your dead
Just stunsssss that's all your doom
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Skill Sequence

Get Q for early jungle clear raptors, then E for heal for the red then so on......
Q- deal Aoe dmg the dash deals dmg too so try to land the dash and the spin together one the enemy, if your rhaast it deals percentage dmg and it lifesteals ( champion only )
W- the line slowwww, rhaast knocks up, shadow assassin put a shadow and get extra range and slows
E- walk pass walls everything, rhaast nothing special, shadow assassin have extra movement speed and immune to slows when u E
R- wow it's black inside.... this skill is so good you can outplay enemy or even save yourself. Rhaast you can lifesteal and deals dmg, also with percentage health, shadow assassin refresh CD of the passive
Passive- battle of the edge lords ( bricky )you can change between blur or red form
*RED form lifesteal and knock ups and percentage dmg with health
*BLUE mobility is everything, passive is broken for me
If u got either forms you can choose the form you got or wait 4 min to choose the other locked form
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* Notes
- duskblade and ghostblade is needed to one shot with either forms
- death France for both forms for lifesteal and delay dmg
- crib item for crit ONE PUNCH MAN
- you can sell the warriors for other better item in the late game or dun sell it ( choice is yours )
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Flash and smite nothing special
Flash to blink
Smite to kill and heals in jungle
RED smite use it on a champion b4 anything for the true dmg
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His good at everything, but get kills easily.....
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Creeping / Jungling

* when you are jungling, get the raptors first with the Q fast clear, then get E go for red, then to wolf, then blue, then froggy. After everything you should be lv4, you can choose between going back, kill river crabs or gank. But I recommend to gank ASAP, because you need the forms before 10 min or else you are behind everyone....
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With your Q and E you can farm the jungle with no pressure
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Conclusion ???

Pick your forms with the situation of the game,
BLUE one shots anything, if your fat ( ADC squishy die instantly )
RED Tank, lifesteal and knockup ( ult heals with percentage of health, Q too )

FINALLY, the ending of this guide.... with the experience of me playing him I'll rate him 10/10... Woowowowoowowowo

WHY ??cause he is good at anything LOL ??
BUY Him please he his fun AF
When you see your team ping you or enemy type you ( WTF ) it's normal cause you one shot anyone....
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Trololol48
Trololol48 Kayn Guide
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You smell ..... BAD ( A guide to kayn jungle )

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