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Zac Build Guide by azfalck

Support ZAC SUPPORT S6 (INSANE SUSTAIN) (6.15 Patch Updated) by Azfa

Support ZAC SUPPORT S6 (INSANE SUSTAIN) (6.15 Patch Updated) by Azfa

Updated on August 15, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author azfalck Build Guide By azfalck 12,400 Views 0 Comments
12,400 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author azfalck Zac Build Guide By azfalck Updated on August 15, 2016
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The reason im using these runes is because of how useful you are both early game and as an support.

I take the "Seal of Percent Health" of how good it scales with your items and how tanky you get lategame. You may be wondering why i take AD Marks. Simply cause of the Grasp of the Undying mastery and combat in lane. Abilities like Q scales hidden with AD. I take one Greater Mark of Armor just to get an extreme bit of outpositioning the AD marks. The AD marks is kinda an overkill so i made it have 1 Greater Mark of Armor just to compensate.

Full Glyphs with MR kinda explains itself. Many ADC's nowadays has AP scaling within their abilities and do an reasonable amout of Magic Damage.
The Greater Quintessence of Armor is to outfill the missing armor from the health seals and the Greater Quintessence of Health is to make you just to make you even more tanky.

From my experience, building full tank Zac has always been a priority and a cause for me.
Many people believe that his AP is overpowered earlygame and that they should build full AP, like Lux. But they are wrong.
My experience is that if the Zac sustains teamfights lategame against burst and damage-roles like Midlaners or ADC's he has a more usefull role in the teamcomposation.


15170 IP

Greater Seal of Percent Health
5x = 4100IP

Greater Seal of Health
4x = 3280IP

Greater Mark of Armor
1x = 205IP

Greater Mark of Attack Damage
8x = 1640IP

Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
9x = 1845IP

Greater Quintessence of Armor
2x = 2050IP

Greater Quintessence of Health
1x = 2050IP
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This guide is made so people can see how good zac is support while not building damage items.

EXPECT this guide to have many more features and information about laning phase and how to play zac properly.

This guide is also my first guide, so make sure to comment with constructive critism if you have any suggestions.

I will also update this guide frequently and as much as i have the possibility to do. There will atleast be one new chapter every week.

eyy lamo
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League of Legends Build Guide Author azfalck
azfalck Zac Guide
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ZAC SUPPORT S6 (INSANE SUSTAIN) (6.15 Patch Updated) by Azfa

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