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Choose Champion Build:
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Ability Order
Contempt for the Weak (PASSIVE)
Zed Passive Ability
Welcome to my Zed guide!
Zed is a melee assasin, that can dash to his target, and cast a shadow of himself. Zed is a strong laner, due to his great farming skill. Zed's spells deals physical damage. Zed can also teleport to his shadows location after casting it, very nice escape mechanism. Zed uses energy.

Before DOWNVOTING this guide, please tell me what i did wrong, and what can be better, and not just downvote for no reason. Thanks. I am still waiting for MOBAfire to release Zed, so i can add many other things to this guide, keep that in mind, but for those who play him on PBE, here is a guide, until he gets released.



Here i buy 9

Here i buy 9

I buy 9 of these.

I buy 3 of these. These are just pure damage. These gives a bunch of damages, causing you to deal "Tons of damage!"

Offense Tree
First i take 1 point at

Defense Tree
Here i take 3 point at

contempt of the weak
Contempt of the weak (Passive)
Whenever Zed autoattacks an enemy below 50% health, he deals an additional 8% of their maximum health as magic damage. This effect cannot occur on the same target more than once every 10 seconds.
This passive is just awesome! Especially when farming, because it also works on minions, but the bad thing about it, is it only occurs every 10 seconds, thats the only bad thing.

Razor Shuriken
Zed and his shadow both throw their shurikens, each dealing physical damage to the first enemy they pass through and 70% damage thereafter.
Living Shadow: Additional shurikens striking the same enemy deal 50% damage, but restore energy.
I really really like this ability. It is great for farming, and also great for harrasing, because it's not like

Cooldown: 6 seconds
Cost: 75 / 70 / 65 / 60 / 55 energy
Physical Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+1.0 per bonus AD)
Physical Damage (Secondary Targets): 49 / 77 / 105 / 133 / 161 (+0.7 per bonus AD)
Second Shuriken Damage (When Striking the Same Target): 35 / 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 (+0.5 bonus AD)

Living Shadow
Zed's shadow dashes forward, remaining in place for 4 seconds. Reactivating this ability will cause Zed to switch positions with this shadow. Also has a passive, that gives you additional damage.
Zed's shadow will mimic his spell casts. If both strike the same target, Zed regains some energy. The energy restore can only occur once per cast.
I really love this ability. It basically makes a shadow of you, that mimic's your next spell. His shadow can only mimic

Cost: 40 / 35 / 30 / 25 / 20 energy
Cooldown: 22 / 20.5 / 19 / 17.5 / 16 seconds
Energy Restored: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40

Zed and his shadow both create a burst of shadow, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies. Zed's slash reduces the cooldown of Living Shadow by 1 second for each enemy struck. The shadow's slash slows enemies for 1.5 seconds.
I also really like this spell, especially in early game, because it has soo low cooldown. This also becomes more usefull when you have your
Living Shadow, because the shadow's slash slows for 1,5 seconds, and that is very good if the enemy is trying to escape, then just pop living shadow in front of them, and then just pop E, and they will be slowed, and then its easiere to catch up with them.
Cooldown: 3 seconds
Physical Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+0.9 per bonus AD)
Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 %
Overlapping Slow: 30 / 37.5 / 45 / 52.5 / 60 %

Zed marks the target champion for death. He then sinks into the shadows and dashes to them, dealing physical damage equal to 100% of his attack damage and spawning a living shadow beyond them, which mimics his spellcasts. Zed can reactivate this ability to switch places with this shadow. After 3 seconds, the mark will detonate, dealing physical damage equal to a percentage of all magic and physical damage dealt to the target by Zed and his shadows while the mark was active.
This ult is just nice! Its basically makes you jump to a enemy, and set a death mark at them, and the mark works like a time bomb, it detonates after 3 seconds, and it deals damage equal to all the damage you made in the 3 seconds before it detonates, shortere said, deal as much damage as you can in the 3 seconds before it detonates,PLUS it spawns a living shadow beyond the enemy, and then you can just pop e for the slow, and they won't get away! It's kinda of an ignite, you can just dash and then run away, and then the mark detonates they will die, if they are at low health, muhahah :D
Cooldown: 120 / 100 / 80 seconds
Physical Damage (Mark Detonation): 40 / 45 / 50 % of damage dealt

Death Mark. If you pop
Death Mark on a champion, that is protected by a spell-shield,
Death Mark will fail, and you will not go to the location, and the death mark will not be applied.
Living Shadow can also be used for sneaking into bushes, without the enemies noticing, and gang, like a real assassin here is a great example:

Razor Shuriken =>
Shadow Slash =>
Living Shadow =>
Shadow Slash =>
Death Mark => deathmark(teleports to the shadow that
Death Mark created) => Autoattack as much as you can => Walk away => Mark explodes => enemy dead!

Shadow Slash
Zed and his shadow both create a burst of shadow, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies. Zed's slash reduces the cooldown of Living Shadow by 1 second for each enemy struck. The shadow's slash slows enemies for 1.5 seconds.
I also really like this spell, especially in early game, because it has soo low cooldown. This also becomes more usefull when you have your

Cooldown: 3 seconds
Physical Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+0.9 per bonus AD)
Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 %
Overlapping Slow: 30 / 37.5 / 45 / 52.5 / 60 %

Death Mark
Zed marks the target champion for death. He then sinks into the shadows and dashes to them, dealing physical damage equal to 100% of his attack damage and spawning a living shadow beyond them, which mimics his spellcasts. Zed can reactivate this ability to switch places with this shadow. After 3 seconds, the mark will detonate, dealing physical damage equal to a percentage of all magic and physical damage dealt to the target by Zed and his shadows while the mark was active.
This ult is just nice! Its basically makes you jump to a enemy, and set a death mark at them, and the mark works like a time bomb, it detonates after 3 seconds, and it deals damage equal to all the damage you made in the 3 seconds before it detonates, shortere said, deal as much damage as you can in the 3 seconds before it detonates,PLUS it spawns a living shadow beyond the enemy, and then you can just pop e for the slow, and they won't get away! It's kinda of an ignite, you can just dash and then run away, and then the mark detonates they will die, if they are at low health, muhahah :D
Cooldown: 120 / 100 / 80 seconds
Physical Damage (Mark Detonation): 40 / 45 / 50 % of damage dealt


Skill Combo's

Starting items
Well. I would only recommend buying
Doran's Blade if you have a support, that can give you sustain, by healing you like
Soraka. This item is basically meant to farm better and stuff.

Boots of Speed
&3 Health Potions
I would definitely recommend boots and 3 health potions, because it gives you that sustain that you really need, especially when you dont have a support, than can give you sustain by healing you. This also gives you a huge bonus, if the enemies don't have
Boots because it soo easy to catch up with them, and grab first blood. If the enemies don't have pots, they will play it more defensive, because you can harras them, and they can't do anything because they don't have pots. This will make them retreat, and you get more farm, or even pick up a kill. ;)

Core Items

Tanky DPS

Cooldown Reduction


When fighting against ap casters

The enemy AD carry is super fed

When to buy what
Imagine yourself, going toplane with


When jungling, and preparing for a gang, you run into a bush, stay there for a while, and wait for the perfect moment, to come in. Then you use

When playing

He is an assassin, so use him like an assassin! He can go from one to another bush, fully undetectable, like i showed in a video in the chapter "Abilities". When standing behind the dragon wall, you can just pop

Before diving in with you ult, if the enemy is far away, always place a shadow in front of, and then use

When tower diving, always place a shadow at the turret, and use

When you are getting ganged, and you want to escape, you can quickly use

Start off by going to the wolfes, and take 1 point at

When jungling, and preparing for a gang, you run into a bush, stay there for a while, and wait for the perfect moment, to come in. Then you use

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