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Runes: Bard Jungle Electrocute
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order Ability Order
Traveler's Call (PASSIVE)
Bard Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Rengar Does A LOT of damage and can take advantage of how squishy you are early. I suggest banning him.
This is by far the best synergy with bard. The Anivia Mid, Bard Jungle combo is incredibly strong. You can gank an Anivia early, and as long as she places the wall correctly, you can use cosmic binding with the Wall. This is great because you dont have to land it on the side of the lane, just off the Anivia wall. Both Bard and Anivia scale incredibly well into the late game and the ultimate combo is also very good. Bard will freeze the enemy team, and this gives Anivia enough time to set up her wall and ultimate to trap the entire team in her storm.
This is by far the best synergy with bard. The Anivia Mid, Bard Jungle combo is incredibly strong. You can gank an Anivia early, and as long as she places the wall correctly, you can use cosmic binding with the Wall. This is great because you dont have to land it on the side of the lane, just off the Anivia wall. Both Bard and Anivia scale incredibly well into the late game and the ultimate combo is also very good. Bard will freeze the enemy team, and this gives Anivia enough time to set up her wall and ultimate to trap the entire team in her storm.
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