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Recommended Items
Runes: Support
+8 Ability Haste
+2% Movement Speed
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
Can be on you before bubble is proc'd. Dropping bubble on return location or a return bubble can catch Kha'zix off guard.
Zoe's Q and Kaisa W sync'd on a bubbled enemy is a great way to push enemies out of lane early and often.
Zoe's Q and Kaisa W sync'd on a bubbled enemy is a great way to push enemies out of lane early and often.
Champion Build Guide
The beauty is with the support build she can be as effective as a healer with shields as any other, but with some great damage, range and tons of cc, and creating confusion for the enemy team.
The cannon build is what you would expect, if the enemy team are just not able to keep up, if you don't need healing and shields, then go cannon vs a squishy team, the support build works in all cases but works best vs high hp/ar/mr enemy teams.
2. The bubble causes sleep, reduces Mr and provides true damage, so make sure if someone can do more damage than zoe, let them proc the bubble damage.
3. Zoe's squishy, so always work on positioning better
4. Zoe can really confuse enemies in the heat of battle, use R often during team fights, even dropping bubbles and missiles at the last second before retuning to provoke the enemy into chasing.
5. If you and your lane partner are being chased, remember to make yourself make look like the easier kill, pull the enemies away from the ADC, with mobility boots and bubble you can escape most encounters.
6. Zoe is no good against jungle creeps, like dragon, baron, so your job will be front lines, confuse and distract or take down the enemies coming in to gank and steal.
7. Vision is your best friend, it will give you the best chance of sniping and cc'ing often and effectively.
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