My Elise Guide | My Kassadin Guide
Thanks to jhoijhoi, albableat, Arcana3, GMD and I for the awesome sigs! im a zombie
I might change it to NA if there are not enough people signing up for PBE (you can't make an account at this current stage so yeah).
My Elise Guide | My Kassadin Guide
Thanks to jhoijhoi, albableat, Arcana3, GMD and I for the awesome sigs! im a zombie
I would love to play on the PBE, but damn that ping is high.
Sign me up for now, but if you change it to NA, remove me from the list.
IGN in PBE is AnastasiosHJW
Sign me up for now, but if you change it to NA, remove me from the list.
IGN in PBE is AnastasiosHJW
Anastasios: Do a ping check before you play. Ping is based on your internet so you can reset your router or other necessary stuff. Other then that, hopefully there won't be a problem.
Nighthawk: Host #2
Nighthawk: Host #2
My Elise Guide | My Kassadin Guide
Thanks to jhoijhoi, albableat, Arcana3, GMD and I for the awesome sigs! im a zombie
You need to log in before commenting.
Please read the rules first if you have any questions!
Date: Sunday, September 30th, 2012
Time: 12 PM PST/3 PM EST
Host(s): CasterMaster, Nighthawk
Shoutcaster(s): N/A
Streamer(s): N/A
5v5 Tournament Draft in PBE (Public Beta Environment). Remember that Flaming, not listening to the host, etc is grounds for a warning or a potential 1 week ban.
People that sign up ahead of time will get priority over those that don't. If you find out you can't come but you signed up just post in the thread, or if you're going to be late just say so in your post. Please do not say "maybe" because this does not help us with planning at all. If you're not sure if you can come just join the Mobafire chat room when the inhouse starts and ask if there's a spot for you.
Make sure to join MOBAFire ingame chat if you're joining! This is how we will invite you. As a boss, I will personally go around and find all the players if you do not join PBE chat "Mobafire".
We will be using Ventrilo, so be sure to have it installed and ready BEFORE the inhouse starts.
Best state your PBE IGN. Makes it a lot easier.
Follow the rules or you will be warned.
CasterMaster (Welcome2Wendys)
Nighthawk (xEowyn)
Anastasios (AnastasiosHJW)
MissMaw (Lady Wayne)
Wayne3100 (Sir Jovana)
Aharan (Darahas)
ShoreXShot (ShoreXShot)
MrCuddowls (MrCuddowls)
RosePhoenix (Embracing)
JavaPenguin (JavaPenguin)
tehAsian (tehAsian/Azhun)
Syther Blade (Syther Blade)
Moonedge (DDoSexy)