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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 3, 2021 10:43am | Report

G4 was lost at level 2, which started Pyke and Vayne snowballing. I got each of my lanes a kills or assists and secured two drakes, one by smite stealing it from under the Trundle's nose, but it wasn't sufficient to the task given that the Pyke could ult me from 3/4 HP and the Vayne could kill me in 3-4 autos. I think that Bot lane needed to take 0 risks after dying 2 v 2 and just get what farm they could, but they kept trying to battle it out. They did get some kills, but after that point it was always a trade kills rather than a clear win. Maybe I could have kept a lid on it if I spent all my time camping Bot, but I doubt it judging from the Vayne's movements and usage of her stealth.

I didn't go Dr. Mundo because I didn't want to play it into Vayne, Trundle, and Olaf.

I observed that I don't get flack for farming if my lanes are winning, but as soon as they start losing they start pinging for ganks rather than waiting for my clear to bring me on their side of the map.

I was happy that I knew I could clean up kill Olaf since I knew he had used his ultimate. Not happy that my laner had died, just happy that I was watching so I knew what happened during the fight and using that information to get myself ahead.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 3, 2021 12:56pm | Report

G5 Seemed pretty desperate, ended up being a banger, with Sylas outfoxing us and Teleporting into our base for the back door after we had basically turned the corner and were starting to get the upper hand. We were so focused on getting to their Nexus that we didn't keep an eye on our own or sweep to make sure that was unlikely to happen. Aatrox took a dump on me and Nasus in the early game, guess I should file him under the category of dangerous to gank unless you have clear advantages :-(. Nasus could have killed him on TPing back to lane but forgot to use his ultimate. Then the Anivia decided that they would gift him a kill a bit later. We struggled to deal with the beast we had created until Nasus outscaled him. Our Anivia was honestly touched, getting caught out a couple of times in places she had no business being and she flipping walled me off while I had three of them on the run, but was keeping in range with cleavers. It was a loss in the end, but it certainly got the heart pumping. In retrospect I heard the Sylas using Teleport, but my brain didn't register what that meant. Bloodlust is a heady thing.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 3, 2021 1:47pm | Report

G6 Well, I think I can lay this one at my feet. I got baited by the Nunu & Willump which apparently gave the Viego the one kill that he needed to snowball the entire game. It was kind of phenomenal really, everyone dying right as we were about to kill him giving him that moment of invulnerability and then enabling him to make use of the wraiths abilities to which he did to pretty good effect. We just lost too much too fast after that point.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 3, 2021 4:51pm | Report

G7 Sett got destroyed in lane. I observed that Jhin and Akali were reasonably competent so I started to try to play around them, because this no damage Hecarim build doesn't let me kill anyone after Mid game. Sett was wandering around with no clue what to do and 70cs. I told him to go get some farm and since we were fighting with the other team constantly he managed to split push down a couple of towers without even getting caught. Akali continued to be a bright spot but there came a point where she couldn't kill Kai'Sa do to all her innate peel, shields, damage, and with Seraphine also providing her heals and shield.

Including helping to get Sett to do something useful I wound up having to shot call what my team should be doing as they were randomly hanging out in the outskirts of the enemy teams Top side jungle basically doing nothing, with no objectives being be available, but they eventually listened and went back to picking up waves and such.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 4, 2021 1:20pm | Report

G8 I take back what I said about the games being more even in ranked. Our Bot lane got stomped and it was impossible to play the game, despite me setting up Darius for success by getting him a couple of kills on Kayle, which he continued to kill after that. But I am like okay Darius you are our carry, so don't die and I'll ward for you so you can do your thing and he runs it up Mid into 3 of them and dies, while only getting one kill in return IIRC. GG.

Here is the thing. I played the early game out according to my plan. Get level 3 and take a point in Bear Stance instead of an extra point in Phoenix Stance. Gank Top and kill Kayle and continue to help Darius pressure Kayle. The problem came in when my Bot lane was insufficient to the task of keeping their laners in check.

This kind of thing makes the games really hard to evaluate. Did I pick the incorrect lane to focus? Would focusing Bot lane have made a difference? I don't know. Lucian is pretty slippery and Lux has her bind and slow, so that isn't necessarily the easiest lane to gank, while Kayle is pretty much a sitting duck if they are pushed up at all, and she is kind of like Nasus in that you don't really want her to scale, and she was far enough up when I completed my clear that I went for the Flash play and Darius followed up like a boss.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 4, 2021 6:24pm | Report

G9 Holy **** I won one, even with the Talon leaving the game for 5 minutes or so because they had to go do smth. XD

Not having any of my laners get bodied sure makes the game feel easier to play out. I forgot that the Lux was their Mid laner and the Galio was their support so I died once when i didn't respet the Lux's damage while trying to finish off Gnar and then was surpised as hell to see Galio Top lane, though I suppose it is becoming more common for supports to roam Top since it being seen a lot in professional and higher level league play.

Also died once because my Jinx and Morgana were blind as bats and didn't notice me pounding the **** out of Olaf and someone else, which we would have easily won if my laners had been paying attention.

Had a nasty feeling when Rumble got caught out in a place he had no business being, but the Talon came back around that point and we were able to close the game out shortly thereafter.

Their team coordinated quite well for the first dragon, with their Bot laners shoving our Bot laners in and then Olaf showing so they could force the issue and then back off to the dragon.

One things that seems to help is being able to get through like two clears without something going South somewhere on the map. Not sure why that is other than it allows you to get a few items and seems to make it easier to establish a rhythm of taking your camps then ganking. But if it goes off the rails before that the rhythm feels harder to establish.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 4, 2021 7:20pm | Report

G10 this mostly came down to their jungler being blessed, as in "bless him." He showed up Bot lane after like two camps but didn't get anything done there so he was just behind the pace of the game for the rest of it. My laners were all sufficiently competent with Gnar and Zed mostly making their own leads, leaving me to prop up Bot lane. Kind of vertically jungled to do so, except I don't think Shaco was stealing my camps but he didn't have much else to do so mostly played Top lane and the Gnar handled the pressure well.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 5, 2021 3:37pm | Report

Somehow I didn't get the feeling I was playing against a Bronze III jungler. :-/

Bot lane got bodied. Rengar killed the Zed despite me clearly pointing out that Rengar was Top side. He then used the lead to invade my bot side jungle with his fed Bot laners, took my camps, got a level lead, and then could do what he wanted. gg

About the only thing I managed to do was help our first time Vladimir get a kill on Darius after that it was just running from the Rengar. Overall plan was to gank the immobile Brand, but he was mostly dead since the Zed seemed to have a handle on the matchup the problem was he would get Zed low enough that Rengar could then pick him off.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 5, 2021 4:51pm | Report

Well, tried to gank Mid at lvl 3 on their half health Viktor, but Ekko jumped face first into his Gravity Field and ate a Q and an E to the face and died. I guess I'll call that one my fault, but I think he could have played that better mechanically. Our Bot lane started off well, then their laners recoverd and turned the tied. I got our Top laner nicely ahead, but he didn't quite have how to split push properly down so I had to get him to come down to drake fights and we started winning them when he did that. Late game you could tell the Caitlyn was out of her depth, just really poor movement in general. And Sett decided to trade their 4th drake for an inhibitor then died. And then my team decided to coin flip the end of the game by going for Baron when we saw all of their team barreling down on our Bot lane turret. I tried to get them to come back so we didn't lose the inhibitor, but they wouldn't turn off of Baron so we lost the game.

My big mistake was thinking I could pick off Viktor when I should have held my ult to disrupt Miss Fortune as I had been doing, because my team had an awful habit of standing in the middle of her ultimate.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 5, 2021 6:01pm | Report

Team diff. Got a massive CS lead on the Vi do to her poor early game plan and yeah, didn't matter one wit. Bot lane got dumpstered, Top lane traded a few skills but then got outscaled. Mid lane was also outmatched. Wondering if I have to go back to playing Bot to climb my way out of the dumpster fire that is Bronze as that seems to be where a lot of my lossess start to snowball out of control. Not all of them mind, you but a higher percentage than the other lanes.

A lot peope are first timing their champions in ranked at this level of play and have no idea how to play out match-ups.

I may also have to go back to looking up my teams and dodging but ugh, don't really have time for that.

I snapped Vi's Raptors and Red, then got out of dodge when I noticed their Top and Mid moving, so was happy I was paying attention. Then I was able to cycle my camps to generate the CS lead.

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