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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 31, 2019 7:04am | Report

Kayle game 2. Bot did well and our Yasuo and Jarvan IV also played reasonably well with a will to win.

Kennen vs Kayle match-up was mildly annoying. You can't punish Kennen super hard for getting aggro. Though I could have procced Kleptomancy on him, so I regret not going that. I had assummed he would mostly chill and I would be able to get too many procs on him. So lesson learned.

This game came down to weathering the storm that was SA Kayn once he had two-three items. That is wear virtually all my deaths came from and why I went Iceborn Gauntlet into Zhonya's Hourglass. Planned to finish up with Hextech Gunblade and Guinsoo's Rageblade.

Oh early, Jarvan IV came to my lane, looked at the Kennen and then starting hitting my wave while I still had plenty of sustain. Twenty pings later he got the hint that I didn't want him there.

Junglers don't ****ing ever do that. You are stealing gold and leaching XP. For Kayle who is very level dependent that is like the most tilting thing ever.

Kayle game 1. Gankplank was a helluva lot harder than I expected. He can pretty much Q you any time you walk up for a minion or try to E him. Since he was also running Klepto it meant that he was getting more procs than me. I also struggled to kill his first barrel when he was trying to 2 barrel combo me and the wave. Will have to watch a higher level Kayle player do this matchup.

But the main problem was my jungler was 50 IQ. He tried to go on the Gankplank when I had 0 mana and was also low on health. It was close so I figure I should try to do something, but that ended up getting us both killed. Later Amumu came back and fed him two additional kills, one of which was trying to 1v1 the Gankplank again.

Really needed to not have my jungler and Mid laner not give over 8 kills each.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 1, 2019 7:10am | Report

Sacrificed some LP to teach my duo a lesson. Don't play when you are tilted. He had already demoted to Silver 3.

Two losses in a row then you take a break.

Kayle game. Went Fleet Footwork vs the Illaoi and I stayed a lot healthier. Also opted into Ninja Tabi first item to dodge her abilities more easily.

We would have won this game, but Fiora was playing her own game that didn't include the rest of us. I suspect a smurf that was trolling. She literally won every fight she decided to get into outside of getting caught out once. This included taking their Top base turret and inhibitor and their two Nexus turrets then hand shaking on diving Tristana in their fountain when she backed to contest the Fiora.

Later we had a shot at Baron but the Fiora would not join us to take it.

Malphite game. At no point in this game did I feel tanky. Felt bad to be a tanky character building as a tank and not being able to tank.

Anyway, game came down to one decision and that was my decision to step forward so my team could get the last auto on their Mid inibitor which had respawned. Except my team chose that moment to bug out to go towards their Top turret, which left me on an island. I went down so my team went down. The End.

Gragas game. I am reminded of why I shouldn't play Gragas. I can't execute on his ults consistently enough to make it the pick worth it. And everyone ****ing notices when you accidentally knock a target away. They very rarely acknowledge the games where you feed your team kills on repeat, but they sure do notice when you miss or miss direct the target.

"Why would you knock them away?"

How about you say instead. Hey Gragas, it can be hard to hit your ult when they are running away. Next time I'll help you CC the target so they can't get away so easily.

Because I sure as **** know when I inconveniently knock a target away. You do not. I repeat do not need to ping or type about it.

Yasuo got **** stomped by Aatrox

Mid was hit or miss. He got a kill early on the Azir and helped me kill Zac, then he coughed up a kill to Azir, then he killed Azir again.

Bot lane got destroyed. Which let me give my ADC duo a lesson in what do as ADC when you are behind. Just join your team and try to stay as safe as possible while dealing as much damage as possible. But given that the Tristana was 11-4 by that point it was a pretty dismal situation.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 13, 2019 11:26pm | Report

Dr. Mundo - good team. Got a lead on them kept on the ropes. Got vision on and around Baron. Got picks. Finished game.

Rammus - Renekton was a beast, except he didn't care about macro so that drug the game out.

Rammus - Top got **** on, Bot got **** on, Mid was winning but swapped with Top and started losing. Couldn't win most fights or skrimishes. Sad ok.

Vi - I played well. The rest of my team...

Gragas - Bot got double killed early and the argument started. Didn't get too bad, but not an auspicious sign. We killed Kassadin early, but Amumu turned it for a double kill. Top got dumped on by Renekton and he outplayed an attempt at a turret dive. I needed to let Maokai go first to pin him down then I could have hit my damage, so I'll take the blame for that one. Neither of us died, but it was a missed opportunity. Kassadin picked up some kills here and there and before long he was huge enough to one shot anyone on our team.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 16, 2019 8:19pm | Report

My Bot lane gave over 30 kills between the two of them. Our ACE was 3-15-4. XD Honestly Darius desipte all the deaths did seem like he was trying to win. His problem was that he thought he could take Kai'Sa and she was just too fed for him to do anything against.

Demoted off of that game.

Mordekaiser was an accidental pick. Intended to go Master Yi but he ended up being banned.

Singed AFKd to the point that he was marked as AFK. After giving over at least 2 kills while proxing.

Thresh went crit Thresh and tilted our ADC out of the game by taking all the farm.

I did as well as I could under the circumstances.

Jhin was positionally challenged so he died a lot, which tilted him out of the game. He needed someone to blame it on, so that ended up being me. Vladimir got **** stomped in Top lane. Syndra didn't play the early game well, but turned it on later in the game, but it wasn't enough.

Doesn't really seem to be worth playing ranekd right now.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2019 7:47am | Report
VexRoth wrote:

Jarvan IV - Could not coordinate with my team. I helped Riven secure a kill on the Illaoi. Then came back when the Riven was in a position to dive the Illaoi and she would not shove the wave into the turret, so I leave. She pings me back over but then still will not go for the dive. Then she goes ape**** about me absorbing all her XP. So the **** what. We dive Illaoi and kill her and she misses 3 waves of farm if she doesn't have Teleport up and you hit level 6 first.

Bot lane was crushing it, except they then went Mid lane giving Tristana a free plate. Despite me getting their Bot turret down to 1 plate, we end up losing first turret to their Bot lane. Their comp came online at that point and given our lack of team cohesioin we got proceed to get rolled.

Warwick - their Katarina got very fed. Varus was moaning in chat that he knew it when he saw their team comp. I played anti-dive and was able to keep Katarina from doing too much damage. We win with a lot of micromanaging of my team by me to get them into the right places at the right times.

Jax - Galio is apparently busted. He mauled Katarina. Darius stomped Garen. And I picked up some early kills so all our bruisers and carriers where sitting pretty.

Warwick - yep, Galio is busted though he had a harder time because of Ryze's CC. Good team all around.

Warwick - I really don't like that they added range to Lee Sin's Q. Yeah it is a skill shot and he has to hit it, but it really does make the champion a lot stronger even if only from a mobility standpoint.

Anyhoo, I cleaned up Cassiopeia a couple of times so outside of some kills she didn't pick up huge advantages so Lux still ended up being useful. Garen went man mode and wrecked Teemo then helped out other lanes. We pretty much just had to back Garen up and get carried.

Q max Warwick feels much stronger in skirmishes. I need to consider going Enchantment: Warrior in situations where I get very fed early.

The 9.21 buffs to Q, Jaws of the Beast, and W, Blood Hunt, make it so you can viably max Q first which leads to better early skirmishing in terms of damage and survivability.

One minor tip I picked up was that if you are getting ready to go into a dragon fight/team fight and you have a point to spend to put that point in Primal Howl as the additional 5% damage reduction is most likely going to outweigh any additional damage you would get from leveling another ability.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2019 5:42pm | Report

If the enemy team wasn't awful we probably lose this game due to my team throwing two fights hardcore when I told them to GTFO. As it was I figured I could carry since I was fed and their core champions AA a lot. Fortunately I didn't have to do all the lifting myself since Malphite and Yasuo have a lovely little setup going.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2019 6:34pm | Report

I played the early game too aggressively given Lux's limited mobility. Veigar was always first to roam any time I tried to do something in Mid. Fortunately Lux would roam to Bot so that helped somewhat fixed the fact that while my Bot lane got some early kills they also coughed up a bunch of kills to Twitch and he bought a Quicksilver Sash so I couldn't target him with my ult. But we managed to collect all but 1 drake including two infernal drakes. We got Baron, cleaned up a final drake then I had Teemo go top while the rest of your team went Mid and we were able to win the game from there.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2019 7:13pm | Report

This was the Ryze show. Couldn't get near him or really do anything to him. Sad puppers.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2019 7:18pm | Report

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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 18, 2019 7:54pm | Report

And had the client flake out on me and give me a not responding mession. Has done this from time time and trying to reconnect does not work so I have to restart the whole client.

Anyway. Mordekaiser popped off, so I guess my team didn't lose too much heart and I ended up doing work based on the current game state so I'll take it despite the added stress.

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