Luther3000 wrote:
Full tanks are basically extinct these days unfortunately.
Only one I can think of is Amumu.
Besides which, that was actually my point. You need damage of your own so that you can rush the AD carry and try to kill them fast before they kill you. You also need to build pretty tanky in order to survive running through their team long enough to kill the AD or at least force them to run.
Full tanks can't do anything to the enemy AD, they just initiate, blow their CC and then stand there and die or get ignored.
The whole game basically revolves around AD carries. Get your AD carry fed early game and keep them alive late game and you have won the game.
Besides which, that was actually my point. You need damage of your own so that you can rush the AD carry and try to kill them fast before they kill you. You also need to build pretty tanky in order to survive running through their team long enough to kill the AD or at least force them to run.
Full tanks can't do anything to the enemy AD, they just initiate, blow their CC and then stand there and die or get ignored.
The whole game basically revolves around AD carries. Get your AD carry fed early game and keep them alive late game and you have won the game.
Niks wrote:
Other than that, Cho'Gath is a pretty fun/solid pick imo. He can go top,jungle or (like galio) go mid. He has really good sustain with his passive and can dish out incredible damage with only a ROA,in terms of 'saving your teammates' he does very well,he has alot of cc with his knockup and long silence.
EDIT : And he has a Gentleman skin. Do it.
Never build RoA on Cho... Build Mercury's, FH, FoN, Wit's, Atma's and Warmog's. AS Cho > All other.
Leona imo is the most viable tank atm. She plays a very aggressive lane bot with your AD carry and can indeed stand up to tons of punishment, nearly as much as Rammus can.
Late game she's a complete stun bot, and she takes some time to learn, but she can be super good and just have auto stun up with items like Frozen Heart.
Late game she's a complete stun bot, and she takes some time to learn, but she can be super good and just have auto stun up with items like Frozen Heart.
NicknameMy wrote:
Never build RoA on Cho... Build Mercury's, FH, FoN, Wit's, Atma's and Warmog's. AS Cho > All other.
lol, AS cho doesnt make much difference in teamfights. AP-Tank is better, get RoA, Mercs, Randuins, FoN
I have Taric, Cho, Jarvan, Morde and Alistar. I'm looking for a full tank actually.
Lets do like this:
These are the ones I got interested
Luther3000 wrote:
^ No it's not and FoN is a terrible item. :D
FoN is certainly not a terrible item, the regen it grants is insane, nice MR and movement speed so you can zone their AD carries harder.
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