TheJohn wrote:
lol, AS cho doesnt make much difference in teamfights. AP-Tank is better, get RoA, Mercs, Randuins, FoN
While i found that AP tank Cho is better in most ways because of his scaling on his skills but AD/AS Cho'gath sounds like so much fun while you're playing a casual normal or something
TheJohn wrote:
We had this debate in another thread lol.
Full tank + AS Cho > AP Tank in every way
And FoN isn't a bad item -.-
And back on topic:
Here are some descriptions of each one you just listed.

W gives a LOT of resistances, allowing you to get offense / CDR early instead of tanky items

Haven't played but seems like a CC tank.

This guy goes anywhere *-* Has the highest combo base damage with no items.
Protects guys dives in real boss.

Counters mid AP's
Ult long Cd, but is gamechanging.
Niks wrote:
While i found that AP tank Cho is better in most ways because of his scaling on his skills but AD/AS Cho'gath sounds like so much fun while you're playing a casual normal or something
Though AD/ AS is viable (POINTS TO DUFF), we're referring to on hit (wits end)
And the highest magicresist in one item in the game, while you can't afford more item slots for it.
The regen also helps people to rejoin a fight.(Think about that like
Dr. Mundo)
And the MS from it is one of the most godlike stats for a defender in the game. Most tanks get often kited, this stops it.
The regen also helps people to rejoin a fight.(Think about that like

And the MS from it is one of the most godlike stats for a defender in the game. Most tanks get often kited, this stops it.

So get a Negatron Cloak early game and upgrade it lategame when you're running out of item slots and things to spend gold on.
You honestly don't even need MR that much anyway. Only one person on the other team will usually be dealing magic damage, so you can pretty much just rely on Wit's End and a Negatron all game. You can usually even get by without the Negatron if you choose Merc Treads as your boots.
You honestly don't even need MR that much anyway. Only one person on the other team will usually be dealing magic damage, so you can pretty much just rely on Wit's End and a Negatron all game. You can usually even get by without the Negatron if you choose Merc Treads as your boots.
Wintermond wrote:
Malphite is da best.
El Psy Congroo.

|You can't spell slaughter without laughter.|
Luther3000 wrote:
^ No it's not and FoN is a terrible item. :D
Do this: create a thread and then you can say if FoN is good or not, if AS Cho is better than tank AP or not

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If you want MR you are much better off buying two Negatron Cloaks than buying one FoN.
It's a common misconception that FoN is a good item and I used to believe it was myself, but look at the stats for the gold cost. It is completely gold inefficient and gives too much useless regen.