lol MissMaw, you shouldn't play coops xD
People that aren't doing well in normals (a.k.a. are new to the game and getting owned by smurfs) are the ones that queue for coops, they are generally just really bad.
A good way to compare the two, btw, would be to do the same on EUNE, not to compare it to level 30 normals there.. :P
Anyway, EUW is pretty chill in my experience, there are some flamers, some people that refuse to speak English etc, but for the most part the players are pretty ok :)
People that aren't doing well in normals (a.k.a. are new to the game and getting owned by smurfs) are the ones that queue for coops, they are generally just really bad.
A good way to compare the two, btw, would be to do the same on EUNE, not to compare it to level 30 normals there.. :P
Anyway, EUW is pretty chill in my experience, there are some flamers, some people that refuse to speak English etc, but for the most part the players are pretty ok :)
Wayne3100 wrote:
People that aren't doing well in normals (a.k.a. are new to the game and getting owned by smurfs) are the ones that queue for coops, they are generally just really bad.
meh, good point, i usually go into co-op just for the first one of the day, if i was to busy for a normal or it was too late (i mean like.. 1-2 am) for one.

by jhoijhoi
Yes you are right Vaan99. I'm from Slovenia. Our country was put in EUNE because of language similarities with other East countries, since many of East languages including mine go in "Slovak" language group. Geographically we should be on EUW, judging on split they made.
About reputation and LoL skills. Sure you need some kind of knowledge to collect data and make a good build. But mobafire is much more than that. You don't stand in the corner just because you can't play godlike. Its a nice community that offers much more than LoL skills. Many users get +rep from signatures. And I don't have a problem with it. Rep shouldn't be judged from your LoL skills, it should present how much you helped the community of Mobafire.
About reputation and LoL skills. Sure you need some kind of knowledge to collect data and make a good build. But mobafire is much more than that. You don't stand in the corner just because you can't play godlike. Its a nice community that offers much more than LoL skills. Many users get +rep from signatures. And I don't have a problem with it. Rep shouldn't be judged from your LoL skills, it should present how much you helped the community of Mobafire.

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Sigs made by: LaCorpse, jhoijhoi, Katoki, JEFFY40HANDS, The_Nameless_Bard and Sk1llbug
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Not really. I don't know you. How can I judge how you play if I haven't seen you play? I said rep shouldn't be about skills but about helping the community. If you feel like I said you play bad, sure, think that but I never said that and never meant it like that.

Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.
Sigs made by: LaCorpse, jhoijhoi, Katoki, JEFFY40HANDS, The_Nameless_Bard and Sk1llbug
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Thanks to Arcana3!