DillButt64 wrote:
crimson you know you can sell all of your items and then just buy boots at the end of the game for fun right?
That might be a possibility, yes. The thing is our Karthus was playing around all lanes because Veigar wasn't paying attention to mid since the start and just kept sitting at his tower while bot and top where being trashed (hence Karthus left to have the fun Veigar wasn't delivering him). Nobody asked us to report Veigar, so, you might be right and all that was a premade trolling team and/or bought the boots for the laughs (I was on one with a Jenna playing as ADC and feeding top along with a level 16 Yi that wasn't aware of why Jenna rushed against 2 people with half her health and Yi gave up to save her after the third death count, it was a very sad loss).
horrible Quinn.
I was basically 1v2 bot all game, because she'd dive into the enemy bot lane and die despite me healing her and silencing the enemy Quinn for 1/4 of her health due to her lack of MR and my magic pen marks.
so mad.
I was basically 1v2 bot all game, because she'd dive into the enemy bot lane and die despite me healing her and silencing the enemy Quinn for 1/4 of her health due to her lack of MR and my magic pen marks.
so mad.
I somehow managed to farm mid as kata, my opponents were ryze and his best friend jungle jax ._.
Tho i wasn't doing half bad for being camped, we had an ez that rushed lw, a taric with a tear, chalice and sorc boots and ofc the darius.Darius was a
all game, ez was bad, trundle knew **** about initiating and taric was.. well..
he used his stun from time to time !..
Ez decided it would be a good idea to save his ult.. and not use it much..
And darius was faaaaaaaaaaaaarming all day and whining
Hurr, i was all of our damage and obviously it wasn't enough x)
I could've done better i guess, maybe even built tank kata to initiate myself e.e
I just wish i pressed the surrender button earlier, i wouldn't have had to witness that horrible attempt at playing this game :X
Tho i wasn't doing half bad for being camped, we had an ez that rushed lw, a taric with a tear, chalice and sorc boots and ofc the darius.Darius was a
he used his stun from time to time !..
Ez decided it would be a good idea to save his ult.. and not use it much..
And darius was faaaaaaaaaaaaarming all day and whining
Hurr, i was all of our damage and obviously it wasn't enough x)
I could've done better i guess, maybe even built tank kata to initiate myself e.e
I just wish i pressed the surrender button earlier, i wouldn't have had to witness that horrible attempt at playing this game :X
so I just went 23/9/9 as twitch.
why am I so angry? because my support and I had NO idea what we were doing, I got mad at him and he got mad at me, because we never knew what eachother were doing.
I fed vayne hard, the only reason we won is because we had ammumu/skarner/xerath/taric/twitch, don't ask why ammumu wasn't in the jungle, I don't even know, but basically ammumu would go in, skarner would grab vayne, I'd pop ult and hit everyone, taric would do whatever while xerath spammed ****.
I almost got a penta like 4 times, didn't because either teams got a kill I wouldn't have got, or because someone got away, but basically we only won because of CC and my damage from expunge and my Ult.
I'm still angry as hell about the game though, Cho'gath was legendary most of the game, skarner was upset because we weren't going after the right person or something, ammumu was mad because I was trying to tell him when to ult (he learned that I was right though, and stopped.), my support had no synergy with me (even though he wasn't a bad support.), and our mid... well actually our mid won his lane, but he never followed brand when brand left. We ended up having a rough mid game but eventually after a good play we got a bit ahead, and then I stealthed in on vayne 3 shotted her and we got baron and an ace.
the anger I have for this game is strange because we won.
even better? this is my usual premade.
why am I so angry? because my support and I had NO idea what we were doing, I got mad at him and he got mad at me, because we never knew what eachother were doing.
I fed vayne hard, the only reason we won is because we had ammumu/skarner/xerath/taric/twitch, don't ask why ammumu wasn't in the jungle, I don't even know, but basically ammumu would go in, skarner would grab vayne, I'd pop ult and hit everyone, taric would do whatever while xerath spammed ****.
I almost got a penta like 4 times, didn't because either teams got a kill I wouldn't have got, or because someone got away, but basically we only won because of CC and my damage from expunge and my Ult.
I'm still angry as hell about the game though, Cho'gath was legendary most of the game, skarner was upset because we weren't going after the right person or something, ammumu was mad because I was trying to tell him when to ult (he learned that I was right though, and stopped.), my support had no synergy with me (even though he wasn't a bad support.), and our mid... well actually our mid won his lane, but he never followed brand when brand left. We ended up having a rough mid game but eventually after a good play we got a bit ahead, and then I stealthed in on vayne 3 shotted her and we got baron and an ace.
the anger I have for this game is strange because we won.
even better? this is my usual premade.
Ban out GoodPlays GG
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