And I just experienced how it feels to be DDOS'ed. Me and my sister were both starting to feel lag a few minutes in, and every attempt of ours to reconnect ends with the client crashing. Our internet was fine, and every other website and online game was working fine. It was just League. Wow... Do people really want to stoop so low just to win a friggin' video game?
Im really ****ing angry cant believe how you lose a won game 3 inhibs to 0 and neither our bot/top tower were taken down and we lost only one mid tower while they had nothing. This Taric trolled us all game long, he had sightstone but would never set a ward all game long then builds bs and rushes to enemy team trolling us so we derp and get enrolled in a teamfight, get aced and we lose a won game...
Cant believe the amount of kids who got breasted by their fathers, no wonder why theire so ****
Cant believe the amount of kids who got breasted by their fathers, no wonder why theire so ****
Gave you a good laugh or helped? rep+ so i can know ;)
Thanks to TinyStar, Jhoi, Xiaowi, Virus, Bard and Arcana(eww)...for my signatures!
Elohell is like Irelia's stun: if your real level is equal or lower than the level you are in, you're STUNNED there forever. If your actual level is higher than the level you are in, you're just SLOWED in your way up.
Heres my Shyvana guide! I will dance in their ashes
I'm sick of tired of feeders or **** players. Last night I was playing Twisted Treeline with a buddy, I was 121xp away from level 30 (that's right! I'm still a virgin, be gentle), if we won the game I probably would have received enough because, I wasn't doing half bad, despite going top against Singed. Unfortunately Vi (not my buddy but a random) started feeding. And at one point, he was getting raped by Quinn, Mordekaiser, and Singed were all over Vi, and I left him, my friend, and Vi were QQ asking 'why didn't you help?!'... the **** was I supposed to do as Olaf, go in there, smack heads around for 6 sec then die in 1? It was our game besides the Vi.
thats a lot of murdering for a 35 minute game...
also i wanted to do dragon because our kat ganked bot and got a triple kill but kat walked right past dragon and graves stayed in lane so i died to the dragon and soraka just laughed at me when i died BUT AT LEAST SORAKA HELPED AND WE SO COULD HAVE GOT THE DRAGON
also i wanted to do dragon because our kat ganked bot and got a triple kill but kat walked right past dragon and graves stayed in lane so i died to the dragon and soraka just laughed at me when i died BUT AT LEAST SORAKA HELPED AND WE SO COULD HAVE GOT THE DRAGON
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
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<Inhouse Regular>