Well, in the next patch, Spirit Visage costs 2600 gold and then this will be questionable again. But the item itself will also be a lot stronger. You also loose Banshee's Veil as it no longer as mana, so there aren't many choises.
Well yeah obviously CDR is really powerful on him since his passive makes his damage scale exponentially with CDR... Also because of his Q passive the CDR you get makes you reach 40% instantly and for those who didn't know, going from 20% to 40% CDR gives you significantly more damage than going from 0% to 20% CDR.
So yeah CDR rly gewd but I honestly would pick up Glacial Shroud or maybe even a full Frozen Heart instead of Spirit Visage. Idk FH just feels like a much more powerful item, especially late game. I'm no pro Ryze tho. And koreanz aren't exactly bad too. lol
EDIT: Oh god my eyes. 20% CDR does not equal +20% damage. Please guys...
So yeah CDR rly gewd but I honestly would pick up Glacial Shroud or maybe even a full Frozen Heart instead of Spirit Visage. Idk FH just feels like a much more powerful item, especially late game. I'm no pro Ryze tho. And koreanz aren't exactly bad too. lol
EDIT: Oh god my eyes. 20% CDR does not equal +20% damage. Please guys...
My AP Xin Zhao guide is on the way!
well its more like 25% assuming you can keep casting and you never run outta mana
and if you assume you have 20% cdr without before buying another 20% then its actually around 33% for the second batch of cdr (thats because it stacks additively up to the cap)
and if you assume you have 20% cdr without before buying another 20% then its actually around 33% for the second batch of cdr (thats because it stacks additively up to the cap)
The link's a little old, but since the author posted it after the ryze mana ratio nerf, the math should still hold.
Apparently, 40% CDR on ryze yields a 100% increase in AP damage/second.
I would imagine getting the 20% CDR from Spirit Visage & 10% CDR from Overload would yield a damage/second increase of perhaps even more than 25%. It could even be upwards of 40-60%
I'm too lazy to do the math myself though haha
Apparently, 40% CDR on ryze yields a 100% increase in AP damage/second.
I would imagine getting the 20% CDR from Spirit Visage & 10% CDR from Overload would yield a damage/second increase of perhaps even more than 25%. It could even be upwards of 40-60%
I'm too lazy to do the math myself though haha
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
no 40% cdr equals a 66.66...% increase in dps.
suppose you deal 100 dmg in 100 s
then after 40% cdr you deal 100 dmg in 60s
equated up to 100s thats 166.6666 dmg
-> 2/3 or 66.66% increase in dps xD
from 0 to 20%
100d 100s -> 100d 80s -> 125d 100s -> 25%
20 to 40
100d 80s -> 100d 60s -> 133.333d 80s -> 33.3% increase in dps
so yah its crazy stronk xD
suppose you deal 100 dmg in 100 s
then after 40% cdr you deal 100 dmg in 60s
equated up to 100s thats 166.6666 dmg
-> 2/3 or 66.66% increase in dps xD
from 0 to 20%
100d 100s -> 100d 80s -> 125d 100s -> 25%
20 to 40
100d 80s -> 100d 60s -> 133.333d 80s -> 33.3% increase in dps
so yah its crazy stronk xD
But but but Arcane Mastery?
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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ppl love getting an early void on him; if ahead even before spirit visage.
No more fh on ryze if you get sv. instead get GA as a def item. Or zhon ;)
so tear roa sv arch void and ga is the build ive seen ppl use alot.
It merges banshees and frozen heart into one fairly cheap item thus leaving a slot for voidstaff ;)
greez sam