how to beat darius
Asked by mjskid on March 30, 2016
how do you best
Darius as
Jax in top lane?? everytime i go vs a darius i always get beat really hard and i don't know what to do. i play safe i give up cs and i just really don't know how to beat him as
If he tries to trade with you, you have to try to avoid his
Darius matchups are often tough for melees because picking a bad time to fight him can result in you getting pulled back in and taking a ton of damage. Keep in mind that sometimes playing safe can win you the lane if Darius pushes and gets ganked by your jungler.
You might want to max your Q to use it as an escape more often but I'm not 100% sure if maxing W and going for the mid-game outdueling is better. Also starting with a defensive HP+Armor item might be the way to go if you can't push an advantage in lane.