League of Legends (LoL) Question: Rakan and Zeke's.
Posted in Items | Tags: Rakan Zeke's Convergence 6,837
Rakan and Zeke's.
Alright so I've gotten pretty into playing rakan lately, I've gone through a whole bunch of random rune pages to find the best possible one that suits my playstyle, and now I'm looking for a better item set.
I look at numbers during\just before game ends on items like Zeke's and Guardian\Aery Demolish if i took that, and so on, to see what gets the most value. Zeke's seems to only do around 800~ damage.. My question is, is it truly worth it? I get Ardent 2nd which I totally love, all the stats it gives is perfect for rakan. But I play him as more of a slippery tank engage, I enjoy being in the middle of everything so I go more on the tanky side, I love chasing people and I absolutely love standing between the enemy and my team just watching them cower in fear because they know once they move, I'm going to jump on them with my ult and cc lol.
Kinda got off topic.. TL:DR is zeke's worth the gold if you're only getting an average 800 extra damage value out of it. Should I just go with Ardent first, then whatever I need 2nd? And just skip zekes entirely?
I look at numbers during\just before game ends on items like Zeke's and Guardian\Aery Demolish if i took that, and so on, to see what gets the most value. Zeke's seems to only do around 800~ damage.. My question is, is it truly worth it? I get Ardent 2nd which I totally love, all the stats it gives is perfect for rakan. But I play him as more of a slippery tank engage, I enjoy being in the middle of everything so I go more on the tanky side, I love chasing people and I absolutely love standing between the enemy and my team just watching them cower in fear because they know once they move, I'm going to jump on them with my ult and cc lol.
Kinda got off topic.. TL:DR is zeke's worth the gold if you're only getting an average 800 extra damage value out of it. Should I just go with Ardent first, then whatever I need 2nd? And just skip zekes entirely?
That said, it sounds like you might enjoy Shurelya's Battlesong. Try it out as a rush item instead and see if it works better for you.
However, if your adc knows how Zeke's works and is playing a champion that auto-attacks often, it should be doing more than 800 damage. It's very frustrating to have a Lucian who ults as Zeke's goes off.
A Twitch, on the other hand, will completely shred the enemy team with it.