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League of Legends (LoL) Question: The rewards for events

Posted in General 1,460

  • sashadidntwalk

    The rewards for events

    Hi I just wanted to ask a question about claiming the rewards but didn't know the proper way to ask so decided to do it here :)
    This question is with no hate but I was just curious on how to claim and get your reward if you win the giveaway and how long does it usually take.
    In the email I got it did state that it will take longer than usually and that is perfectly fine! I was just curious to know how long because I am planning to use it as a birthday gift for someone.
    Also, I am worried it might be sent to my other account on EUW because I used to have it on my MobaFire profile but now I switched.
    To anyone who can answer some of my questions thank you so much!
  • Answers (1)

    Hades4u (561) | January 11, 2021 4:24am
    Hello @ sashadidntwalk! Please send me a private message to ask anything related to prizes and community events.
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